Wm. Theodore de Bary CC’41, GSAS’53, the John Mitchell Mason Professor Emeritus and Provost Emeritus, has been named by President Barack Obama CC’83 as one of 10 recipients of the 2013 National Humanities Medal for his pioneering work in East Asian studies.
Attorney Jonathan D. Schiller CC ’69, LAW ’73 has become chair of the board of the Columbia University Trustees, succeeding William V. Campbell CC ’62, TC ’64, with whom he served as co-chair for the past six months. Schiller is a managing partner and co-founder of the law firm Boies, Schiller & Flexner, and one of the country’s most well-known and respected lawyers.
Nine recently graduated seniors and alumni/ae have been awarded 2014-15 Fulbright U.S. Student grants.
On May 20, the Class of 2014 celebrated Class Day with a ceremony held on South Lawn. The keynote speaker was screenwriter and actor Dan Futterman CC ’89. University Commencement was celebrated on May 21.
On May 6, 2014, eight Columbia College students were honored at an induction ceremony in honor of their nominations for membership in Gamma Kappa Alpha, the National Italian Honor Society.
Gene Finn has been appointed Vice President of Development, Arts and Sciences, and Associate Dean for Development and Alumni Relations for Columbia College.
The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP) has awarded 15 College affiliates 2014 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships.
Oladayo (Dayo) Osuntokun CC ’15 and Mario Rosser CC ’14 have been selected as the winners of the 2014 William Curtis Prizes in Informative Oration and Persuasive Oration respectively.
Columbia College has announced the names of 93 seniors who will be initiated into Phi Beta Kappa, the national honor society, on May 20. The students were chosen by a faculty selection committee of Phi Beta Kappa members based on the breadth, depth and rigor of their academic programs, as well as recommendations from faculty members who have worked closely them.
Nilay Kumar CC ’15, a mathematics and physics major from Potomac, Maryland, has received a prestigious Josephine De Karman Fellowship, which recognizes and assist students whose scholastic achievements reflect those of the late Dr. Theodore Von Karman, a world renowned aeronautics expert and teacher and the first director of the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology.