The Columbia College curriculum and its academic policies are determined by the following faculty committees:
Committee on Instruction
The undergraduate curriculum for Columbia College, and all attendant policies, are governed by the Committee on Instruction (COI), a joint committee of Columbia College and the School of General Studies. The COI reviews and approves all new courses which CC and GS students can take for degree credit; reviews and approves all new programs of study (majors, minors, and special programs) as well as all changes to existing programs of study; and determines academic policies that structure the undergraduate academic experience. The COI is co-chaired by the Deans of Columbia College and The School of General Studies and is composed of twelve faculty members (four from each of the three academic divisions), as well as school faculty representatives from Barnard, Engineering, and the School of the Arts. The COI also has four student representatives from CC and GS each year, and is supported by the academic deans and certain administrators from CC and GS. Questions for the COI can be sent to
Committee on Instruction Members: 2024-2025
- Josef Sorett, dean of Columbia College, Co-Chair of the Committee on Instruction
- Lisa Rosen-Metsch, dean of School of General Studies, Co-Chair of the Committee on Instruction
- Rachel Adams, Department of English and Comparative Literature
- Matthew Engelke, Department of Religion
- Stuart Firestein, Department of Biological Sciences
- Sunil Gulati, Department of Economics
- Sarah Hansen, Department of Chemistry
- Dorothea Lasky, School of the Arts
- Jeffrey Lax, Department of Political Science
- Barclay Morrison, Department of Biomedical Engineering; vice dean of Undergraduate Programs, School of Engineering and Applied Science
- Meredith Nettles, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Caterina Pizzigoni, Department of History
- Valerie Purdie-Greenaway, Department of Psychology
- Laurie Postlewate, Barnard College
- Teresa Sharpe, Department of Sociology
Student Representatives:
- Ronil Awalegaonkar CC'25
- Sarah Bryden CC'26
- Durga Chaloli GS'25
- Christopher Sizemore GS'25
- Lisa Hollibaugh, dean of Academic Affairs, Columbia College
- Caroline Marvin, dean of Academic Affairs, School of General Studies
- Andrew Plaa, dean of Advising, Columbia College and Columbia Engineering
- Marlyn Delva, dean of Students, School of General Studies
- Amy Kohn, senior associate director, Academic Affairs, Columbia College
- Mandeep Singh, assistant director, Academic Affairs, School of General Studies
Newly Approved Courses
The following new courses have been approved for Spring 2025 and Fall 2024. As new courses are added to the list frequently, please visit this site for updates. Additional courses and major/concentration requirements may be found in the Columbia College Bulletin.
Spring 2025 Last updated November 20, 2024.
African American African Diaspora Studies | AFAS UN3002 | Image Matters: Writing With Photographs from the African Diaspora | |
African American African Diaspora Studies | AFAS GU4001 | Revolution and Decolonization in the African Diaspora | |
African American African Diaspora Studies | AFAS GU4002 | Writing in the Presence of Ancestors | |
American Studies | AMST UN3939 | THE 1980S: A CULTURAL HISTORY | |
American Studies | AMST UN3940 | Versions of the American Dream | |
Anthropology | ANTH UN2972 | Unsettling Science: An Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society | |
Anthropology | ANTH UN3066 | African American Anthropology | |
Anthropology | ANTH UN3851 | Theatricality & the Political | |
Anthropology | ANTH GU4747 | Religion in Empire | |
Art History and Archaeology | AHIS UN2129 | Before Rome: The Art and Architecture of Italy’s Peoples in the First Millennium BCE | |
Art History and Archaeology | AHIS UN3105 | Sacred Spaces & Divine Images Transformed | |
Art History and Archaeology | AHIS UN3402 | Introduction to Design History | |
Art History and Archaeology | AHIS UN3429 | American Architecture: Skyscrapers & Urbanism | |
Art History and Archaeology | AHIS GU4518 | Greek Sanctuaries | |
Art History and Archaeology | AHIS GU4946 | Historicism & Restoration in European Arch. | |
Classics | GREK UN3016 | Readings from the Greek New Testament | |
Classics | CLCV UN3069 | Society and Power in the Hellenistic Age | |
Classics | CLCV UN3090 | Isiac cults in contexts; Egyptian cults in the Graeco-Roman world | |
Cognitive Science | COGS UN3951 | Computational Models of Decision-Making | |
Cognitive Science | COGS UN3952 | Philosophy of Computing | |
Comparative Literature and Society | CPLS UN3931 | Life at the End of Life: Palliative Care and Service | |
Comparative Literature and Society | CPLS GU4375 | The Poetics of Social Forms: The Legacy of Fredric Jameson | |
Comparative Literature and Society | CPLS GU4545 | Wittgenstein in the Machine | |
Comparative Literature and Society | CPLS GU4825 | Technology and Justice | |
Comparative Literature and Society | CPLS GU4565 | Motherhood and Technology: From Conception to Birth | |
Comparative Literature and Society | CLPS GU4876 | 1001 Nights, Then and Now | |
Earth and Environmental Sciences | EESC UN1006 | WHAT'S NEW IN EARTH, ENVIRONMENTAL, ANDCLIMATE SCIENCE? | |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | EAAS UN3720 | Women in Vietnamese society, history and literature | |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | EAAS GU4134 | Sex, Power, Performance: Gender in Chinese Literature | |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | EAAS GU4150 | Childhoods in Modern Japanese Literature | |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | EAAS GU4345 | Border Thinking in Modern China | |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | EAAS GU4750 | Exploring "The Tale of Genji": Themes, Contexts, and Aesthetics | |
Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology | EEEB GU4450 | Ethology and the Evolution of Behavior | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN1075 | Children’s Literature | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN2792 | Early Horror | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN3437 | John Keats | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN3438 | Archives and Afterlives in Postcolonial Texts | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN3439 | Afro-Asian Literary Imaginaries | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN3432 | Places for Poetry | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN3444 | Race, Religion, and Early Modernity | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN3576 | U.S. Poetry in the Expanded Field Since 1960 | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN3781 | Lab Lit, Weird Science, and Speculative Fiction | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN3884 | Climate Fictions | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL GU4614 | Ralph Ellison | |
English and Comparative Literature | CLEN GU4578 | Reading the Haitian Revolution | |
English and Comparative Literature | CLEN GU4598 | Erasmian Humanism | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL GU4885 | Writers on Writing: Fictions, Theories, Risks, and Rituals | |
Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race | CSER UN3875 | Performances of Race & Disaster | |
Film | FILM GU4112 | Auteur Study: Jane Campion | |
Film | FILM GU4311 | Radical Film and Media | |
Film | FILM GU4350 | Women's Documentary Across the Globe | |
Film | FILM GU4925 | Documentary Modes | |
French and Romance Philology | FREN UN3412 | Contemporary French and Francophone Literature: US Goncourt Prize Selection | |
French and Romance Philology | FREN UN3721 | Female Friendship in Francophone Novels and Cinema | |
French and Romance Philology | CLFR GU4612 | BD Reportage: The Origin and Aesthetics of Graphic Journalism | |
French and Romance Philology | CLFR GU4722 | Annie Ernaux: Writing as a Knife | |
French and Romance Philology | FREN GU4842 | Radical Enlightenment Women | |
Germanic Languages | CLYD UN3500 | READINGS IN JEWISH LITERATURE (The Book of Genesis) | |
Germanic Languages | GERM UN3991 | Advanced Topics in German Literature (Verteufelthuman“: Menschlichkeit und Humanität in Philosophieund Literatur) | |
Germanic Languages | CLDT GU4000 | Learned Women from the Low Countries (and beyond) | |
Germanic Languages | CLGR GU4821 | Rumor and Media: Technologies, Circulations, and Credence | |
History | HIST UN2717 | The Ottoman Empire and the West in the 19th Century | |
History | HIST UN3049 | Provinces of the Roman Empire | |
History | HIST UN3321 | Solidarity in the Age of Decolonization | |
History | HIST UN3363 | Feminist Histories of Gender and Sexuality in ModernBritain | |
History | HIST UN3507 | A Trans History of the United States | |
History | HIST UN3591 | One Person, One Vote? | |
History | HIST UN3608 | Women and Gender in Latin America and the Caribbean | |
History | HIST UN3786 | History of African Muslims: Timbuktu and Beyond | |
History | HIST GU4082 | Medieval Religion: definitions and concepts | |
History | HIST GU4255 | A Global History of East Central Europe Before the Modern Times | |
History | HIST GU4279 | A Cultural History of the Soviet Century | |
History | FRHS GU4354 | RACIAL HISTORIES OF EUROPE (15th- 21st Centuries) | |
History | HIST GU4379 | Ever Closer Union?: Histories of European Integration since 1945 | |
History | HIST GU4385 | Rousseau and the Modern Self | |
History | HIST GU4405 | The Bible in Early America | |
History | HIST GU4439 | Harm Reduction and/as Historical Analysis | |
History | HIST GU4528 | Power, Place, Politics, and Health: Historical Perspectives | |
History | HIST GU4695 | Urban Waters: ecologies, inequalities, and environmental justice in Latin American cities | |
History | HIST GU4716 | Imag(in)ing the Ottoman Empire: A visual history, 18th-20th centuries | |
History | HIST GU4872 | North Korean History, Culture and Politics | |
Human Rights | HRTS GU4850 | Beyond Human Rights Critique | |
Jewish Studies | JWST GU4155 | Auteur Study: Steven Spielberg | |
Jewish Studies | JWST GU4158 | Zionist Thought: Center and Periphery | |
Jewish Studies | JWST GU4601 | The History of Mizrahi Jews | |
Latin American and Iberian Cultures | SPAN UN3894 | Law, Literature, and Gender in the Hispanic World | |
Linguistics | LING GU4023 | Semantics | |
Nepali | NEPA UN1102 | Elementary Nepali II | |
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies | MDES UN1630 | Introduction to South Asia | |
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies | MDES UN2046 | Slavery, Race, Racism: Global South Experiences and Debates | |
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies | MDES UN3030 | Spider-Man and the End of History | |
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies | MDES GU4220 | The Arabic Linguistic Tradition | |
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies | MDES GU4952 | Ottoman Americans: Immigration History in Comparative Perspective | |
Music | MPP UN1601 | Performance Seminar MasterClass | |
Music | MUSI UN3105 | Prescribing the Piano: Music, Medicine & The Body | |
Music | MUSI UN3216 | Piano Literature & Performance: 1900 - Present | |
Music | MUSI GU4204 | Composing for Dance | |
Music | MUSI GU4215 | Modular Sound Synthesis | |
Music | MUSI GU4438 | Music and Global Africa | |
Philosophy | PHIL UN3716 | Topics in Ethics | |
Philosophy | PHIL UN3872 | Personal Identity in Parallel Universes | |
Philosophy | PHIL GU4090 | Early Greek Philosophy | |
Philosophy | PHIL GU4717 | Topics in Moral Psychology (Freud and Philosophy) | |
Physics | PHYS UN1151 | Origins and Meaning: Independent Study | |
Political Science | POLS UN3622 | Ethnic Conflict | |
Political Science | POLS UN3911 | SEMINAR IN POLITCAL THEORY (Liberalism, Community, Culture) | |
Political Science | POLS UN3961 | INTERNATIONAL POLITICS SEMINAR (Trade, Migration, and Climate Politics) | |
Political Science | POLS UN3961 | INTERNATIONAL POLITICS SEMINAR (Deterrence and Bargaining) | |
Political Science | POLS GU4242 | Political Economy of the Public Sector | |
Political Science- Applied Mathematics | PSAM UN3707 | Persuasion at Scale | |
Psychology | PSYC UN1950 | Neuroscience Methods: Cells and Circuits | |
Psychology | PSYC UN3434 | Prenatal Programming | |
Psychology | PSYC GU4274 | Psychology of Procrastination | |
Religion | RELI UN2101 | Religion and the Climate Crisis | |
Religion | RELI UN3107 | Psychoanalysis and the ‘Eew’ Factor | |
Sinhala | SINH UN3102 | Literary Sinhala II | |
Slavic Languages | RUSS UN3107 | Russian Through Theater | |
Slavic Languages | CLRS GU4039 | Chekhov and Others | |
Sociology | SOCI GU4049 | Workshop in Gender and Sexuality II | |
Sociology | SOCI GU4125 | Carcerality, Law, and Punishment Workshop | |
Sustainable Development | SDEV UN2100 | Introduction to Climate Justice | |
Sustainable Development | SDEV GU4325 | Plants, Animals, and Personhood | |
Sustainable Development | SDEV GU4660 | Biodiversity and the Climate Crisis | |
Sustainable Development | SDEV GU4680 | Climate and Sustainable Water Systems | |
Women's and Gender Studies | WMST UN3155 | Global Histories of the Trans Present | |
Women's and Gender Studies | WMST GU4220 | Bodies of Transformation | |
Writing | WRIT UN3231 | AT THE NEW YORKER | |
Fall 2024 Last updated September 27, 2024.
Art History and Archaeology | AHIS UN2622 | Introduction to East Asian Art: China, Japan, and Korea | |
Art History and Archaeology | AHIS UN3239 | Medieval and Renaissance Venice | |
Art History and Archaeology | AHIS UN3466 | AIDS Is Contemporary | |
Art History and Archaeology | AHIS UN3471 | The Harlem Renaissance & Black Modernism | |
Art History and Archaeology | AHCE W4149 | The Roman Art of Engineering: Traditions of Planning, Construction, and Innovation | |
Art History and Archaeology | AHIS GU4746 | Architecture, Labor, Industry, and the (long) “American Century” | |
Anthropology | ANTH UN3812 | Accusing Corpse - forensic trace | |
Astronomy | ASTR UN3986 | Astrostatistics | |
Chemistry | CHEM GU4149 | Total Synthesis of Natural Products | |
Cherokee | CHKR UN1101 | Elementary Cherokee I | |
Cherokee | CHKR UN1102 | Elementary Cherokee II | |
Classics | CLCV UN3016 | Celebrity and Politics in the Greek and Roman Worlds | |
Classics | CLST GU4515 | Connecting Histories: Roman Conquests and Coinage | |
Comparative Literature and Society | CPLS GU4227 | Blood, Guts, and Lancets: Anatomy in Nineteenth-Century Fiction | |
Comparative Literature and Society | CLPS GU4275 | TRAUMA AND PLEASURE | |
Comparative Literature and Society | CPLS GU4330 | ETHICS OF CARE IN FRENCH AND FRANCOPHONE CINEMA | |
Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology | EEEB UN3330 | Explaining Biodiversity: Niches, Complex Systems, Chaos and Neutral Theory | |
Ethnicity and Race Studies | CSER UN3523 | INTRODUCTION TO LATINX STUDIES | |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | EARL UN3310 | The Body and/in Performance: Dance & Drama in Tibet & China | |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | HSEA UN3320 | Making in Premodern Japan | |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | KORN GU4103 | Korean Language in Contemporary Pop Culture | |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | EAAS GU4534 | Medieval Travel Writing | |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | HSEA GU4815 | Faith and Empire: Art and Politics in Tibetan Buddhism | |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | HSEA GU4968 | Japan 1968: student protest movements in global historical perspective | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN2100 | Drama Before Shakespeare | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN3475 | Melville's Fiction | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN3477 | New Suns: Worlding in Black Speculative Fiction | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN3485 | Black Women Writing the City | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN3675 | Transpacific Personalities: The Personal Essay and Immigrant History in Asian American Literature | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENTA UN3708 | Reenactment and Performance in 20th & 21st Centuries | |
English and Comparative Literature | CLEN UN3725 | Literary Guides to Living and Dying Well from Plato to Montaigne | |
English and Comparative Literature | CLEN UN3790 | Caribbean Radicalisms in New York, 1890-1990 | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL UN3837 | UnLondon: Writing (and Re-Writing) Urban Space | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL GU4559 | August Wilson | |
English and Comparative Literature | ENGL GU4462 | Gender and Resistance in Early Modern Literature | |
English and Comparative Literature | CLEN GU4575 | Source Texts of Postcolonial Vision | |
English and Comparative Literature | CLEN GU4777 | Conspiracy Theory | |
English and Comparative Literature | CLEN GU4899 | Resistance Literature | |
Film | FILM UN2530 | Lab in the Video Essay | |
Film | FILM GU4111 | Auteur Study: David Lynch and The American Imaginary | |
Film | FILM GU4945 | Contemporary Russian Media | |
French | FREN UN3249 | French Through The Visual Arts | |
French | FREN UN3557 | Politics of the Psyche in Postwar France | |
French | FREN UN3725 | Asylum/ Asile: Theory and Practice of Asylum Law Through Francophone African Asylum Claims in New York | |
French | FREN GU4022 | How to Love: Medieval French and Arabic | |
French | FREN GU4028 | French Film Aesthetics | |
French | FREN GU4082 | Rebel Literature: Politics and the Novel in the Francophone World (1950-1980) | |
Germanic Languages | GERM UN2520 | Intermediate Conversation | |
Germanic Languages | GERM UN3458 | Medical Surreal: Doctor and Patient Narratives | |
Germanic Languages | CLGR UN3458 | Netflix Culture | |
Germanic Languages | CLGR GU4271 | Orientalism and Empire | |
Germanic Languages | GERM GU4251 | Kant with Arendt | |
History | HIST UN2709 | Medieval Middle East | |
History | HIST UN1071 | History of Christianity from the Origins to the Reformation | |
History | HIST UN2154 | The British Isles and the British Empire, 1485-1815 | |
History | HIST UN2851 | Making Modern Korea | |
History | HIST UN3328 | Neoliberal Britain? | |
History | HIST UN3927 | Global Histories of Plants and Empire, c. 1500-1800 | |
History | HIST GU4298 | Food in Modern East Central Europe: A Cultural and Political History | |
History | HIST GU4435 | Democracy and its Technocrats | |
History | HIST GU4527 | Topics in U.S. Foreign Relations History | |
History | HIST GU4363 | Pascal and the Modern Self | |
History | HIST GU4374 | Welfare States and Warfare States, Europe and the United States since c. 1870 | |
History | HIST GU4681 | The Nahuas Through Their Sources | |
History | HIST GU4721 | Archaeology and Heritage in the Ottoman Lands in the Long 19th Century | |
History | HIST GU4736 | Ottoman Westernization and Orientalism in the Long 19th Century | |
Human Rights | HRTS GU4011 | Indigenous Rights and Settler Colonialism in North America | |
Human Rights | HRTS GU4985 | Hum Rights, Activism & US Carceral State | |
Italian | CLIA UN3024 | Nationalism in Theory and History | |
Jewish Studies | JWST UN2155 | Music, Sound, and Antisemitism | |
Jewish Studies | JWST GU4146 | Between Philosophy and Mysticism: Jewish Thought in the Middle Ages | |
Jewish Studies | JWST GU4157 | Israeli Politics in Times of Turmoil | |
Latin American and Iberian Cultures | SPAN UN2104 | Intermediate Spanish II: Topics on Climate Discourse | |
Latin American and Iberian Cultures | SPAN UN3893 | Latin American & Latinx Speculative Fiction in Arts & Media | |
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies | MDES UN1003 | Premodern Islamic Worlds | |
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies | MDES UN2044 | Religion and Politics in South Asia | |
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies | MDES UN3634 | Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Global History of Laughter | |
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies | MDES UN3970 | MESAAS Research Capstone | |
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies | MDES GU4059 | Race and Racism in the Global South | |
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies | MDES GU4060 | Reading Marx Historically | |
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies | MDES GU4655 | India after 1947: Democracy and Majoritarianism | |
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies | MDES GU4825 | Indo-Islamic Culture in Literature | |
Music | MPP UN1414 | Guitar (Popular-Contemporary) Instruction | |
Music | MUSI UN2010 | Rock | |
Music | MUSI UN3213 | Bach Interpretation for Performers | |
Music | MUSI UN3326 | Genre in Popular Music | |
Music | MUSI GU4418 | Music and Fashion | |
Philosophy | PHIL UN3912 | SEMINAR (Angels, Demons, and Artificial Intelligence) | |
Political Science | POLS UN3124 | Gender and Political Theory | |
Political Science | POLS UN3630 | POLITCS OF INTL ECON RELATIONS | |
Political Science | POLS UN3951 | COMPARATIVE POLITICS SEMINAR (The Comparative Politics of Migration) | |
Political Science | POLS UN3961 | International Politics Seminar: War and Peace | |
Political Science | POLS UN3961 | International Politics Seminar: Security, Policy, and Democracy | |
Political Science | POLS UN3961 | International Politics Seminar: The Art and Science of Civil Resistance | |
Psychology | PSYC UN3461 | Music and Cognitive Neuroscience | |
Psychology | PSYC UN3820 | Science of Well-Being & Human Potential | |
Psychology | PSYC UN3830 | Psychology and the Internet | |
Psychology | PSYC GU4625 | Psychology of Religion | |
Religion | RELI UN3020 | Science Saves | |
Religion | RELI UN3413 | Muslims in the West | |
Religion | RELI GU4377 | Islam in the Soviet Union and Successor States | |
Religion | RELI GU4425 | Climate, Religion and Colonialism | |
Religion | RELI GU4621 | Religion and Media | |
Slavic Languages | RUSS UN3106 | Voices of (Dis)agreement: Russian Culture In and Outside Russia Today | |
Slavic Languages | CLSL GU4029 | Bible, Literature, Theory | |
Sociology | SOCI UN3986 | Race, Discrimination, and Racial Inequalities on Both Sides of the Atlantic | |
Sociology | SOCI GU4048 | Workshop on Gender & Sexuality I | |
Sustainable Development | SDEV GU4501 | History of the Climate Crisis | |
Women's and Gender Studies | WMST UN3152 | Queer/Trans Holocaust History | |
Writing | WRIT UN3037 | BODY & WORD | |
Committee on the Core
The Committee on the Core (CoC) is the main consultative body for the curriculum of the Core, for the policies that govern the Core, and for certain operations involved in the mounting of the Core. The CoC is convened by the Dean of Columbia College and is composed of the faculty Chairs of each of the “shared” Core courses — i.e., those with a shared curriculum across all sections: Art Humanities, Contemporary Civilization, Frontiers of Science, Literature Humanities, and Music Humanities – as well as the Director of University Writing, the Director of Frontiers of Science, and the Chair of the Committee on the Global Core. The CoC also has three student representatives from CC and GS each year, and is supported by the academic deans and certain administrators from CC and GS. Questions for the Committee on the Core can be sent to
Committee on the Core Members: 2024-2025
- Josef Sorett, dean of Columbia College, convener of the Committee on the Core
- Ruben Gonzalez, Department Chemistry, chair of Frontiers of Science
- Joseph Howley, Department of Classics, chair of Literature Humanities
- Ivana Nikolic Hughes, director of Frontiers of Science
- Ioannis Mylonopoulos, Department of Art History and Archaeology, chair of Art Humanities
- Carol Rovane, Department of Philosophy, chair of Contemporary Civilization
- Benjamin Steege, Department of Music, chair of Music Humanities
- Nicole Wallack, Department of English and Comparative Literature, director of the Undergraduate Writing Program
Student Representatives:
- Ishaan Barrett CC'26
- Alejandra Diaz-Pizarro CC'25
- Nathan Darmon GS'25
- Lisa Hollibaugh, dean of Academic Affairs, Columbia College
- Caroline Marvin, dean of Academic Affairs, School of General Studies
- Larry Jackson, associate dean of Academic Affairs and director of the Center for the Core Curriculum
- Christine Butcher, associate director of the Center for the Core Curriculum
- Scott Harris, assistant director of the Center for the Core Curriculum
Committee on the Global Core
The Committee on the Global Core (CoGC) is responsible for all matters relating to the Global Core requirement, including determining the list of courses approved for the requirement. The CoGC is chaired by a faculty member and is composed of 6-10 faculty members from departments and programs across the humanities, all of whom have experience in designing courses for the specific parameters and goals of the Global Core requirement. The CoGC also includes two student representatives from CC and GS each year, and is supported by the academic deans and certain administrators from CC and GS. Questions for the Committee on the Global Core can be sent to
Faculty interested in proposing new courses for the Global Core requirement can view information regarding the process.
Committee on the Global Core Members: 2024-2025
- Courtney Bender, Department of Religion, Interim Chair of the Committee on the Global Core
- Madeleine Dobie, Department of French (on leave 2024-2025)
- Kevin Fellezs, Department of Music and Department of African American and African Diaspora Studies
- Frank Guridy, Department of History and Department of African American and African Diaspora Studies
- Mana Kia, Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies
- David Lurie, Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures (on leave 2024-2025)
- Matthew McKelway, Department of Art History and Archaeology
Student Representatives:
- Ichiro Ng CC'25
- Devika Goyal GS'26
- Josef Sorett, dean of Columbia College
- Lisa Hollibaugh, dean of Academic Affairs, Columbia College
- Caroline Marvin, dean of Academic Affairs, General Studies
- Shannon Marquez, dean of Undergraduate Global Engagement
- Larry Jackson, associate dean of Academic Affairs and director of the Center for the Core Curriculum
- Mandeep Singh, assistant director of Academic Affairs, General Studies
Committee on Science Instruction
The Committee on Science Instruction (CoSI) is responsible for all matters relating to the Science requirement and for providing leadership on matters related to undergraduate science education. CoSI is chaired by a faculty member and is composed of representative faculty members from each department in the natural sciences, as well as mathematics, statistics, and computer science. CoSI also includes two student representatives from CC and GS each year, and is supported by the academic deans and certain administrators from CC and GS. Questions for CoSI can be sent to
Committee on Science Instruction Members: 2024-2025
- Ruben Gonzalez, Frontiers of Science, Chair of the Committee on Science Instruction
- James Applegate, Department of Astronomy
- Brian Borowski, Department of Computer Science
- Angelo Cacciuto, Department of Chemistry
- Maria Diuk-Wasser, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology
- Julien Dubedat, Department of Mathematics
- Bärbel Hönisch, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Patricia Lindemann, Department of Psychology
- Kerstin Perez, Department of Physics
- Carol Prives, Department of Biological Sciences
- Gabriel Young, Department of Statistics
Student Representatives:
- Kashish Kumar CC'26
- Johntae Jeffries GS'25
- Josef Sorett, dean of Columbia College
- Lisa Hollibaugh, dean of Academic Affairs, Columbia College
- Caroline Marvin, dean of Academic Affairs, General Studies
- John Foo, senior assistant director of Center for Teaching & Learning
- Ivana Nikolic Hughes, director of Frontiers of Science
- Larry Jackson, associate dean of Academic Affairs and director of the Center for the Core Curriculum
- Amy Kohn, senior associate director, Academic Affairs, Columbia College
Student representatives to the undergraduate curriculum committees
Each of the undergraduate curriculum committees includes 1-2 student representatives from Columbia College who serve on the committees for a full academic year. Student representatives are current juniors or seniors of the College who can bring to bear their experiences to date of the Core Curriculum and of their major programs of study, as well as the many conversations they have had with their peers throughout their years at Columbia. While students are not voting members of the committees, they play a crucial role in advising faculty members on the student experience of the curriculum and in presenting to faculty members the typical questions and concerns of undergraduate students.
Apply to be a student representative
Columbia College students who are interested in serving as a student representative on a curriculum committee should write to with the following information:
- What is your name, your class year, your major field(s) of study, your uni, and your email address?
- Why are you interested in serving on a curriculum committee? What are you hoping to learn more about from the committee discussions? What are you hoping to share with faculty committee members?
- Which committees committees are of particular interest to you, and why? And for those committees that deal with a particular piece of the undergraduate curriculum (the Core, the Global Core requirement, the Science requirement), what have been your chief impressions of that part of the curriculum so far?
- What initial questions do you have about the work of the undergraduate curriculum committees?
- Please note: In order to serve on a particular curriculum committee in the 2024-2025 academic year, students must be available to meet in person at the scheduled meeting times (with the understanding that it might be necessary to miss an occasional meeting if there is an academic conflict):
- Committee on Instruction: every Friday morning from 10:00 to 11:30am in Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters
- Committee on the Core: Fall 2024 meetings: September 25, 10:00-11:30am; October 30, 1:30-3:00pm; November 22, 12:00-1:30pm; December 13, 12:00-1:30pm; Spring 2025 meetings: January 29, 2:00-3:30 pm; March 14, 2:00-3:30 pm; April 25, 12:00-1:30 pm
- Committee on the Global Core: Fall 2024 meetings: November 8, 1:30-3:00 pm; December 2, 10:30-11:30 am; Spring 2025 meetings:
- Committee on Science Instruction: Fall 2024 meetings: October 24, 2:30-4:00 pm; November 26, 2:30-4:00 pm; Spring 2025 meetings: March 3, 2:30-4:00 pm; April 11, 3:00-4:30 pm
Interviews for student representatives are held early in the Fall semester, and students who are selected are expected to serve as a representative for the full academic year.