Homecoming 2000




Classes of:
| 15-40 | 41-45 | 46-50 | 51-55 | 56-60 |
61-65 | 66-70 | 71-75 | 76-80 | 81-85 |
| 86-90 | 91-95 | 96-00 |


Classes of 1976

Clyde A. Moneyhun
English Department
University of Delaware
Newark, Del. 19711

Charles Martin reports that he moved from Hong Kong to Seattle two years ago, where he continues doing freelance writing. His short story Lau the Tailor was short-listed for the most recent O. Henry Awards.

Nels Mitchell recently joined Mannatt, Phelps and Phillips as a partner in the litigation department.

Dave Merzel, our estimable class correspondent for many years, is now medical director of the pediatric intensive care unit at Valley Children's Hospital in Madera, Calif. Hey, Dave, how does it feel to be reporting your own news rather than gathering everybody else's?

I'll remind '76ers that we do have a "Classnotes" website of our own (www.english.udel.edu/moneyhun/college76.htm), and that I'll post any items you send (for example, in addition to archived "Classnotes" columns, I can post your personal URLs and photos from Columbia days or today). As our 25th reunion celebration approaches, I'll also establish a bulletin board where you can post messages to others who may be attending.

Classes of 1977

David Gorman
111 Regal Dr.
DeKalb, Ill. 60115

Classes of 1978

Matthew Nemerson
35 Huntington Street
New Haven, Conn. 06511

My thanks to those who are e-mailing your information to me; it reduces the typing I have to do, eliminates fraud, and lets me know that we have not left all command of new technologies to younger classes. It is, however, striking that even this great time-saving tool has not appreciably increased the number who correspond. I guess the good news is that it proves that machines cannot change basic human nature.

Fellow home-state-of-Joe-Lieberman buddy (we Connecticut citizens are kvelling over the first-ever native born to run for the national ticket) David Atkins is a partner at the law firm of Zeldes, Needle & Cooper and has now been named to the editorial board of the Connecticut Law Tribune.

New York attorney Scott Jacobs has recently joined Clifford, Chance, Rogers and Wells in the area of estate planning.

Joseph Schachner writes, "I now have the title 'project leader' at LeCroy Corporation, manufacturer of digital oscilloscopes and other instrumentation. I've been there since 1985. For the past year I've also been the president of the religious institution I belong to. It's only a two-year term, and I can certainly see why; I hope I survive! This position takes up a tremendous percentage of my non-work time. I got married within months of getting my BSEE, and we are still happily married. I have two daughters, ages 16 and 12, both of whom are somehow turning out to be fine people and excellent students. It was recently my privilege to attend the first event at the Kraft Center for Jewish Student Life, which included speeches on activism by Rabbi Avi Weiss and by another Rabbi whose name I just can't remember now. For me, one of the highlights of the evening was saying hello to Rabbi Charles Sheer, who has been Columbia's Jewish Chaplain for more than 30 years - I actually remember him. On that day (in April) the final touches on the building remained to be completed, but the Kraft Center was already beautiful."

And star athlete and all-around great guy Mike Wilhite sent in this note: "Things in California are going well. I opened up The Athlete's Foot store in Oakland January 2000. I left the corporate world to join the ranks of business owners. Things have been hectic. The business has been steady. We are looking to open other locations in the near future. A story was written about the store and included in a book published by HUD called What Works. Occasionally I will run into some Columbia classmates/alumni (Gene Bentz, Stu Kricun, Alton Byrd '79, Robert Kidd '70, Bill Campbell '62, Bob Watson '76). It's always nice to meet other people from Columbia."

David Andrusia is vp, marketing at nadapc.com, an Internet appliance and ISP provider in Santa Monica, Calif. While the dot-com world has its plusses, he wouldn't recommend it for anyone who has a love-hate relationship with Xerox machines. "When my poor copying skills were recently derided by a 22-year-old, I thought about calling it quits. Why isn't duplication technology taught at the College?" he asks. Help mend his wounded pride by buying his book, Brand Yourself, just out from Random House.

Finally, my new adventure in being part of the Internet world continues. We have changed the name of our company to Netkey and I am now the COO. This means I get to spend all the millions of dollars that others convince our venture capitalists to give us. In six months it means I will have to successfully explain where all the money went, or I will have to turn to one of you for my next job. Isn't the new economy grand! The family is great; my wife, Marian Chertow Barnard '77, has her Ph.D. from Yale and is on the faculty of the Forestry School, and my girls are in the first and fifth grades in public school here in New Haven. Stop by if you are in the area. We celebrated the recent decline in technology stocks by putting a new deck on our house (I think we used to call this Keynesian economics), so there is plenty of room to entertain if you're ever in New Haven.

Classes of 1979

Lyle Steele
511 East 73rd Street
Suite 7
New York, N.Y. 10021

Lloyd Carroll is a CPA and chairman of the accounting department at Borough of Manhattan Community College. He also writes a weekly column, "Sportsbeat," for The Queens Chronicle, Queens' largest newspaper with a circulation of 160,000. Gilber DeLaat is manager of government affairs for Subaru of America in Cherry Hill, N.J. Brewer Shettles, founder of Liquid Fusion records, is now a member of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. You can check out his Web site at www.liquidfusion.com.

Classes of 1980

Craig Lesser
160 West End Ave., #18F
New York, N.Y. 10023

Your class correspondent has recently joined the ranks of executive recruiters. I'm working at a firm called Analytic Recruiting on 41st Street. We handle all sorts of quantitative positions in finance and marketing, so if you're looking for a job or looking to fill a job, give me a call at (212) 545-8511 or e-mail me at Craig@analyticrecruiting.com.

Mike Brown was recently elected president of the Varsity "C" Club. This organization publishes Lines on Lions, sponsors networking and career counseling workshops, establishes Alumni Advisory committees for each sport, and hosts the Varsity "C" Awards Event in May. Please log on to gocolumbialions.com to see how you can help us support our student-athletes.

Mike recently had lunch with Stan Lazusky in N.Y.C. Stan is the principal and managing director of Excellence in Search, an executive recruiting firm in Camp Hill, Pa. Stan is married, with one daughter.

Joe Ciulla, a financial planner with Partners Financial in Belmont, Mass., made his annual pilgrimage to Chicago where he played golf with Scott Ahern and Dan McAvoy. Scott is working with Lucent Technologies while Dan is in pharmaceutical sales. Mike attended the opening night football game and ran into Shawn Fitzgerald. Shawn is living on the North Shore of Long Island with his wife, Jolene, and two boys, both of whom are future members of the PGA tour.

Classes of:
| 15-40 | 41-45 | 46-50 | 51-55 | 56-60 |
61-65 | 66-70 | 71-75 | 76-80 | 81-85 |
| 86-90 | 91-95 | 96-00 |


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