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March/April 2006
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Pilot Summer Living and Learning Program Renewed

One problem facing students who have summer internships, especially non-paid internships, can be the high cost of living in New York City. In response to a proposal by the Columbia College Student Council, Columbia created the Summer Interns Living and Learning Program. Based on the success of last summer’s pilot program, more students will have the chance to participate this summer.

The program, which has as its goal to create a living and learning community for rising College and SEAS juniors and seniors who work in New York City-based summer internships, is the result of joint efforts from several campus departments and organizations. The Department of Housing and Dining made a significant investment in the program to discount housing costs for program participants, the Administration and Planning Department combined its efforts with Housing and Dining to help establish the program and the Center for Career Education took the lead in its organization.

Applicants need to have good academic standing, a secured internship (with preference given to non-paid interns) and an interest in a living and learning community with a desire to discuss their experiences with other students. Participants lived in one location, the Broadway dorm, from late May to mid-August at a discounted housing rate of $1,500.

Of the 81 students who applied for last summer’s pilot program, 25 were selected to participate. Applicants were chosen based on their internships and their commitment to a living and learning center, demonstrated through application essays.

Accepted students participated in a series of seven program activities, a combination of career education and social events that included workshops on topics such as “Team Building” and “Workplace Culture.” They also attended group dinners. The students’ internships covered a variety of fields, including nonprofit, government, arts, consulting and legal. Work ranged from researching at the Columbia Medical Center to problem-solving for the Food Bank of NYC.

For more information on this summer’s program, please contact Yuri Shane in the Center for Career Education: 212-854-6305 or





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