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March/April 2007




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In Lumine Tuo

BROECKER: Wallace Broecker '53, the Newberry Professor of Earth and Environmental Science and a geochemist at Columbia's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, was awarded the Crafoord Prize in Geosciences by the Royal Swed­ish Academy of Sciences on January 17. The $500,000 prize, which Broecker will receive on April 26 in Lund, Sweden, is widely regarded as the discipline's equivalent of the Nobel Prize. In its citation, the Acad­emy cited Broecker's "innovative and pioneering research on the operation of the global carbon cycle within the ocean-atmosphere- biosphere system, and its interaction with climate."

"I'm very pleased to have the opportunity to bring greater recognition to the field I love so much," said Broecker. "There has never been a more important time for people to focus their attention on climate change and to take definitive action at all levels to prevent disastrous human intervention with the Earth's natural systems."

Broecker received his Ph.D. in geology from Columbia in 1958 and joined the faculty the following year. A prolific researcher, teacher and author, he has published more than 400 scientific articles and is the author or coauthor of several textbooks. Among his many awards and citations, Broecker was elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences in 1979. He also is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a fellow of both the American and European Geophysical Unions. In 1996, he was presented with the National Medal of Science by President Bill Clinton.

For more information about the prize and Broecker's pioneering research, go to the Crafoord Prize website.





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