OBITUARIES Compiled by
Lisa Palladino
Stories |
Abner W. Feinberg, attorney, Scottsdale, Ariz., on
November 8, 2001. Feinberg graduated from NYU Law School in 1928
and spent 70 of his 96 years ardently involved with the legal
profession — 50 in active practice and 20 as a special
student at Arizona State University College of Law, which he
attended after retiring to Arizona at 77. While at ASU, he also
took classes in philosophy, religion and Native American studies.
Feinberg specialized in corporate, banking and life insurance law
in Jersey City, N.J., while living in South Orange, prior to his
move west. He was active in local affairs, including Temple Israel
and Jewish community groups, New Jersey Bar Association committees
and numerous charitable organizations. Feinberg had two happy
relationships: his wife, Jeanette, who died in 1984; and later,
Ruth Einhorn. According to his daughter-in-law, Judith Feinberg,
who is married to his son, Jack, “[Abner]… was a
student all of his life, and was very appreciative to Columbia
College for giving him an excellent start on his lifelong quest for
knowledge.” Feinberg also is survived by his daughter,
William Y. Pryor, retired attorney, Essex, N.J., on June
14, 2002. Pryor was born on October 24, 1908, in Newark, N.J. He
earned a degree from the Law School in 1932 and then earned a J.D.
from NYU in 1934. He was admitted to the New Jersey Bar in 1935 and
was later admitted to practice before the Supreme Court. He was a
member of the Verona, N.J., Board of Education from 1939–41.
Pryor served as a sergeant in the Army from 1941–45 and was a
special agent for the Counter Intelligence Corps in San Francisco.
After the war, he received the Royal Yugoslav War Medal for Allied
Service, which was bestowed upon him by the late deposed King Peter
II, whom he knew personally. Pryor also was decorated with the
Grand Croix of the Order of the Temple. He practiced law in Newark
from 1935–59 and then practiced in Montclair until his
retirement in 1972. He served on myriad committees and was a member
of numerous civic groups and organizations, including the Society
of Colonial Wars in New Jersey, where he served as governor. He
later joined the New York Society, where he was a council member,
and was a 32nd degree mason with the Scottish and York rites. Pryor
enjoyed hiking, mountain climbing, archeology, swimming and
skating, and was a genealogy buff. He married Marianna Love Brand
in 1944 and is survived by their two children, Ann Love and William
Brand, as well as two grandchildren. 1933
David A. Kosh, Bethesda, Md., on December 27, 2001. Kosh
entered the College with the Class of 1933, but received his civil
engineering degree from the Engineering School in 1934. While at
Columbia, he was elected to Sigma Xi. Kosh worked for the Tennesee
Valley Authority as a designer on Norris Dam, and upon his return
to New York, studied economics at the New School for Social
Research and earned an M.B.A. in 1941 from NYU while teaching at
Boys High School in Brooklyn. In 1942, he began work for the Office
of Price Control and then became assistant to the administrator of
the General Services Administration, where he designed the first
inter-agency telephone system for the government. In 1952, Kosh
left government to open his own consulting practice in public
utility regulation. The vast majority of his clients were the
regulatory commissions, representing the consumer interest. Kosh
was considered one of the country’s leading experts on cost
of capital and fair rate of return, and he lectured extensively on
these topics. He was a member of the Cosmos Club in Washington,
D.C., and a variety of professional engineering and economic
associations. In his retirement, he turned to travel and the arts;
he was an accomplished silversmith and painter. His wife of 63
years, Zelda Horner Kosh, predeceased him by seven weeks. He is
survived by his daughters, Jennifer Stern and Diane Rogell; five
grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter.
Robert S. Ames, retired, Providence, R.I., on May 12,
2002. Ames was born on January 23, 1919, in New York City. He
received a second bachelor’s degree from the Engineering
School, in mechanical engineering, in 1941, and a master’s in
1942, also from the Engineering School. Later, Ames earned a second
master’s, in industrial management, as an early Sloan Fellow
at MIT’s Business School in 1954. He went to work for
Goodyear Aerospace in Akron, Ohio, where he stayed for 18 years,
working on the development of plastics and acrylics for airplane
canopies and radar covers critical to World War II fighter
aircraft. Ames became known as a leader in the technology of
aircraft plastics and served from 1952–56 on a subcommittee
of NACA (now NASA) and on an advisory board of the National Academy
of Science. After leaving Goodyear, he worked for RCA in Camden,
N.J., and Bell Aerospace in Buffalo. Bell, a Textron subsidiary,
was a prime supplier of helicopters for the Vietnam War and was
also involved in space technology. In 1969, Ames was transferred to
Textron’s headquarters in Providence as a group officer,
later becoming senior vice president and then executive vice
president in charge of divisions totaling more than $1 billion in
annual sales. He was an associate fellow of the American Institute
of Astronautics and Aeronautics, chairman of the National Security
Industrial Association in 1982, and chairman of the board of the
Aerospace Industries Association in 1983. Ames was executive vice
president for aerospace at Textron Inc. when he retired in 1984.
Always patriotic, Ames was an inveterate traveler, a bibliophile, a
classic-car collector, a passionate believer in the value of
education, a baseball and football fan from the sandlots to the
pros. During his business travels, he became a denizen of
secondhand and antique bookstores and put together noteworthy
collections of books on aeronautics and the early narratives of
travel in the American West. He donated the aeronautic collection
to the New England Air Museum in Windsor Locks, Conn., and he and
his wife gave the Western collection to the Special Collections of
the John Hay Library at Brown. Ames was vice chairman of the
Friends of the Library at Brown for 20 years, and shortly before
his death was named to receive the William Williams Award for his
support of the university library. He also was a former chairman of
the building committee at the Athenaeum in Providence, a former
member of the Hope Club, Turks Head Club and Brown Faculty Club in
Providence, and a member of the MIT Faculty Club in Cambridge,
Mass. In addition to the Western collection, his “signal
contribution” to Brown, according to Samuel Streit, associate
university librarian for special collections, was that “he
was instrumental in the negotiations that led to the gift of the
Gorham Silver Co. archives to Brown.” Gorham was a Textron
subsidiary. Those archives are now heavily used by scholars and
collectors. Ames is survived by his wife, Margaret (Grossman) Ames,
to whom he had been married for 58 years; daughters, Linda Cassady
and Elizabeth Ames; son, David; and a granddaughter.
William E. Drenner, retired banker, Forth Worth, on
April 15, 2002. Drenner was born on April 30, 1923, in the Mound
Valley Community of Labette County, Kan., and grew up in Kansas and
Tennessee. While at the College, he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
He served in the Navy during World War II and married Johnnie
Overfelt in 1947. After graduation, Drenner worked in the livestock
and meatpacking industry, buying cattle in Argentina, Alabama and
Tennessee. Later, he embarked on a three-decade–long career
in banking, working in Tennessee, Kansas, Arkansas and Texas.
Drenner’s passion was his family’s genealogy, however,
and his collection of family documents spanning eight generations
is housed in the Spencer Library at the University of Kansas.
Drenner is survived by his wife; sons Ray, and his wife, Pam and
Stephen, and his wife, Lauren; four grandchildren; sister, Phyllis
Pope, and her husband, Ben; and several sisters-in-law, nieces and
Edward H. Kerner, emeritus professor, Newark, Del., on
February 11, 2002. Kerner was born in New York City on April 22,
1924, and earned a Ph.D. in physics from Cornell in 1950. He was
interested in theoretical physics and studied and contributed
significant research results in biophysics, relativity, gravity and
the foundations of quantum mechanics. Kerner recently had published
an article and was working on others in the area of uniform field
theory (how particles and waves interact at a subatomic level).
Kerner taught at the University of Delaware for 37 years in the
Department of Physics and Astronomy. He retired in 1999, and is
survived by his wife, Barbara; brother, George; son, Benjamin; and
daughter, Winifred. Another son, Jeffrey, predeceased him.
Wylie F.L. Tuttle, real estate developer, Rock Hall, Md.,
on April 5, 2002. A native New Yorker, Tuttle was a Navy pilot in
the Pacific Theater during World War II. After the war, he joined
the New York real estate firm then known as Brown, Wheelock, Harris
& Stevens. Tuttle was a founder and the first president of the
Young Men’s Real Estate Association. He and Arthur Collins
formed Collins Tuttle & Company in 1954. Tuttle was president
of the firm from 1958 until his death. Along with a Collins Tuttle
associate, Herbert Papock, Tuttle played a major role in the
construction of what was in 1972 the tallest office building in
Europe, the Tour Montparnasse in Paris. Tuttle enlisted French
co-promoters and a syndicate of 17 insurance companies and seven
banks in the $140-million multiple-building project. As the
construction of the buildings progressed, Tuttle and Papock sold
office space to future occupants. After the complex was finished,
they managed it until all its space was sold and then turned it
over to French real estate people. When the Montparnasse tower was
topped off in early 1972, it was 680 feet tall. Tuttle and Papock
also were involved in the construction of major buildings in
Chicago, St. Louis and elsewhere, and developed shopping centers
and office buildings around the United States. Tuttle is survived
by his wife, the former Janet Alexandra Scott; and a daughter,
Joel A. Yancey, Santa Fe, N.M., on August 29, 2001.
Yancey majored in chemistry at the College, then earned a Ph.D. in
physical chemistry at MIT. His first job was with Godfrey L. Cabot,
Inc., almost next door to MIT, and later in Billerica, Mass., at
Cabot Corp. After the first few years, Yancey worked in
chromatography, then a new field of analytical chemistry. He went
on to Ciba-Geigy, Analabs, and finally Sohio, which was acquired by
British Petroleum, now BP Amoco. According to a letter sent to CCT
by his wife, Marianne, Yancey valued his liberal arts courses at
Columbia, especially combined Humanities and German. She noted that
he spoke very good German after only 11–2 years of study (and
many weekly meetings of the German Club at a nearby beer cellar).
She also commented that he reminisced fondly about his stage crew
days with The Varsity Show. Yancey suffered from progressive
supranuclear palsy for at least 10 years before his death, and
probably much longer due to a lack of a diagnosis, according to his
wife. He lost his ability to speak or make any sound, then his
balance, his mobility, normal eyesight and swallowing reflexes.
Even after complete loss of speech, Yancey used the computer to
write a paper on mineralogy, his last hobby. When he could no
longer manipulate the keys, he used a handheld word processor to
write messages to his wife, store clerks and friends. Yancey,
remarkably, did not lose his awareness, his comprehension or his
memory until the last two months of his life. He and his wife
retired to Santa Fe, N.M., in 1996, putting them much closer than
their previous home, Cleveland, to their daughter in Truchas, N.M.,
as well as their son and grandson in Dallas and daughter and two
granddaughters in Colorado.
Kenneth A. Bruce M.D., physician, Syracuse, N.Y., on
January 8, 2002. Born in Yonkers, N.Y., Bruce graduated from Albany
Medical College. He practiced psychiatry in the Syracuse area and
was a member of the Onondaga County Medical Society, the American
Psychiatric Association and Schola Cantorum. He is survived by his
wife of 32 years, Sandra; son, Adam; daughter, Diana Lombard; and
brother, Donald.
Joseph J. Cody Jr., executive seminar leader, Glen Ridge,
N.J., on March 10, 2002. Cody was a running back while at the
College and became one of the legends of the famed Old Blue Rugby
Football Club. Hours after his death, he was inducted into the Hall
of Fame of his high school alma mater, Bergen Catholic in Oradell,
N.J. Cody was a three-year letterman on the Columbia football teams
best known for All-American quarterback Archie Roberts. The
starting fullback in 1964, Cody rushed 35 times for 133 yards and
caught seven passes for 67 yards. His average of 3.8 yards per
carry was the best on the team. After earning his degree in
English, Cody joined the faculty at the Horace Mann School in the
Bronx, where he taught history and social studies for 15 years.
Cody left Horace Mann in 1982 and entered the business world, first
in financial positions and later as an executive seminar leader for
The Executive Committee, training business leaders in management
techniques. He also served as a conference keynote speaker for
groups ranging from the newspaper business to pharmaceutical firms.
He specialized in conflict resolution. Cody ran three New York City
marathons and co-authored Road Runners Guide to New York City. He
was a mainstay of the Old Blue rugby team, and one of the
club’s highest honors, the Joe Cody Spirit of the Old Blue
Award, is named for him. The award is presented to “an Old
Blue who has demonstrated the Old Blue Spirit by putting team and
teammates ahead of self.” Cody also served as his
class’ CCT Class Notes correspondent earlier this year. He is
survived by his wife, Molly; son, Kevin; daughters, Catherine and
Sarah; brother; and sister.
Byron M. Noone, Garden City, N.Y., on June 22, 2002. Born
and raised in Montclair, N.J., Noone graduated from Montclair
Academy. He earned an M.A. from Teachers College in 1967 and
completed coursework toward an Ed.D. in applied linguistics at
CUNY’s graduate center that focused on transformational
grammar. He married Lana Solinsky, a classical musician, and the
couple moved to Hempstead, Long Island, where they resided for six
years before settling in Garden City, where they lived for the past
27 years. Noone taught in various colleges across the years, the
last of which was Business Informatics College in Valley Stream,
N.Y. He also was a published poet — his works were included
in a national anthology — and he edited portions of the
soon-to-be-published Voices From Vietnam, by Charlene Edwards. He
was working on an autobiography at the time of his death. Noone ran
in the Long Island Marathon and other local races. At St.
Joseph’s Church in Garden City, he served as a lector, sang
in the choir and participated in the Men’s Prayer Group. He
is survived by Lana, his wife of 33 years; daughter, Jennifer
’99 Social Work; son, Jason; and sister, Pat Rom. Another
daughter, Heather Constance, predeceased him in 1975.
William D. Wazevich, financial v.p., Strongsville, Ohio,
on March 3, 2002. Classmates will remember Wazevich as one of
Columbia’s finest pass receivers, a favorite target of
quarterback great Marty Domres, who later played in the NFL.
Wazevich caught 45 passes for 593 yards in 1967; in his varsity
career he caught 102 passes for 1,336 yards, then an Ivy League
record. His 214 receiving yards against Princeton in 1967 still is
a Columbia record. Following graduation, Wazevich signed as a free
agent with the Cleveland Browns and played in several preseason
games before being cut. He still had a career in sports, however,
serving 31 years as a high school basketball official for
boys’ and girls’ games. He frequently worked district
and regional tournaments and was selected by area coaches to
officiate in three state tournaments. Wazevich’s
“other” career was as a v.p. of Merrill Lynch. He is
survived by his wife, Patricia; son, Mark; daughter, Erin Trem;
parents; and two brothers.
Brooke B. Heins, assistant comptroller, Queens, N.Y.,
on July 5, 2002. Heins received a B.S. in economics and
environmental science and was pursuing her M.B.A. at Baruch College
in New York City while working full-time for Modo Eyewear, a
fashion eyewear company in Soho. As an undergraduate, Heins
developed her expertise in environmental science by conducting
research at the University’s Biosphere 2 Center in Arizona.
Throughout her two semesters there, she studied the Earth’s
physical and biological processes. Working closely with her
classmates and University faculty, Heins’ research sought to
shed light on how the Earth’s ecosystems react to higher
concentrations of carbon dioxide. In addition to the academic
demands of the Biosphere 2 program, Heins enjoyed its physical
challenges, which included hiking through the Grand Canyon and
other areas of the Arizona desert landscape. Heins was a member of
the women’s tennis team under the direction of head coach Rob
Kresberg, who said of her, “As a new coach to Columbia at the
time, it was a pleasure to have such an unselfish, respectful and
truly gracious young woman on my team.” Heins is survived by
her parents, Robert and Kathleen; and eight siblings, Christian,
Jaime, Kristie, Ashley, Missy, Bobby, Mandy and Alex. A scholarship
has been established in her name that will be granted on an annual
basis to a college-bound senior scholar-athlete from Bellport High
School, where Heins graduated in 1995 as an honors scholar,
accomplished flutist and captain of the varsity tennis team.
Contributions may be made to The Brooke Heins Memorial Scholarship
Fund, 32 N. Brewster Ln, Bellport, NY 11713.