The builders responsible for the development of
most early twentieth-century apartment houses in New York City a nd
almost all of the apartment buildings on Morningside Heights
reflect the major changes that were occurring in the city's ethnic
composition during this period, especially the immigration of
hundreds of thousands of Italians and Eastern European Jews. The
entry of immigrant Italians and Jews and the children of these
immigrants into the worlds of real estate, building, and investment
coincided with the advent of the apartment building as the most
popular form of middle-class residence in Manhattan. Speculative
residential development had long been a field open to immigrants
since the construction, sale, and leasing of such buildings was not
tied to social connections, as was the construction of private
homes for the wealthy. In the nineteenth century, a substantial
proportion of the city's speculative rowhouses had been erected by
Irish builders, while German immigrants had erected many of the
tenements on the Lower East Side. All one needed to become involved
in speculative development was sufficient capital for the initial
investment in land and construction, and the ability to get a loan.
Many immigrants speculated in a small way, often risking money on
only one or two projects. Others became professional builders,
investing in the construction of many buildings.
The most active builders on
Morningside Heights were members of the Paterno family, which had
emigrated from Castelemezzano near Naples. Stories differ as to how
the four Paterno brothers--Joseph, Charles, Michael, and
Anthony--became involved in apartment house construction. The most
romantic tale, as told in Joseph Paterno's New York Times obituary,
has the young immigrant newsboy shivering at his post on Park Row,
watching a tall office building rise. "'Papa,' he asked, ' why do
they make the business buildings so high?' ' Because it pays,' his
father replied....'[T]his is the American way.' The bright-eyed
newsboy wrinkled his brow and frowned, while making change for a
customer. 'But, papa, if this is so why don't they make the houses
and tenements high, too, as they will bring more rent?' The father
smiled and patted his son's curly head. 'You have an eye for
business, my son. Perhaps some day you may build some high
houses.'" From that day on, the story continues, "it became
Joseph's ambition to build skyscraper apartment houses." This story
notwithstanding, it is far more likely that Joseph and his brothers
became involved in construction because their father, John Paterno,
had been a builder in Italy and eventually became a partner in the
New York building firm of McIntosh & Paterno.
In 1898, John Paterno began
construction on two of the earliest apartment houses on Morningside
Heights, a pair of modest structures at 505 and 507 West 112th
Street (demolished). At John's death in 1899, Joseph and his
brother Charles were brought in to complete the unfinished
buildings. From this beginning, the Paterno brothers went on to
contribute significantly to the construction of apartment houses in
New York City, undertaking their "most extensive construction in
the Columbia University neighborhood." In 1907, Charles Paterno
established his own business, the Paterno Construction Company,
with his brother-in-law Anthony Campagna. Working independently and
in joint ventures, the members of the Paterno family built 37
apartment buildings on Morningside Heights, ranging from modest
six-story structures to the impressive Luxor, Regnor, and Rexor on
Broadway at 115th and 116th Streets and the Colosseum and Paterno
on Riverside Drive and 116th Street. The Paternos were active on
Morningside Heights during the entire span of apartment house
development in the area, beginning with John Paterno's modest
apartment buildings on 112th Street in 1898 and ending with Joseph
Paterno's enormous 1924 building at 425 Riverside Drive. The
Paternos were so proud of their buildings that the facades of some
of their grandest works are emblazoned with initials referring to
the family--"P" for Paterno, " JP" for Joseph Paterno, or "PB" for
Paterno Brothers. These initials often baffle modern viewers, but
were probably recognized by many people at the time the buildings
were erected, perhaps assuring potential renters that these were
quality apartment houses.
The Paterno family built 37
buildings on Morningside Heights.
The vast majority of other
builders active in the Morningside Heights neighborhood were
Jewish. Many were small-scale builders involved with only a few
buildings, but others established major careers as apartment-house
developers. Some built under their own names or as corporations
that bore their names, but the most active Jewish builders
incorporated as real estate firms with names stripped of Jewish
ethnic identity. For example, Edgar A. Levy, Jacob Stein, and Leo
S. Bing were partners in the Carlyle Realty Company, Jacob Axelrod
was president of the West Side Construction Company, and Charles
Newmark headed the Carnegie Construction Company. Like the
builders, many, but by no means all of the architects commissioned
by the speculative developers to design apartment buildings were
also from Italian and Jewish backgrounds, including Gaetan Ajello,
Simon Schwartz, Arthur Gross, George and Edward Blum, and William
Rouse. However, the builders did not necessarily hire architects of
their own ethnic background. While Paterno Brothers commissioned
three buildings from Italian architect Gaetan Ajello, the firm was
most loyal to the Jewish architects Schwartz & Gross. The
Jewish building company, B. Crystal & Son (incorporated by
Bernard and Hyman Crystal), hired the Jewish architectural firm of
George & Edward Blum for two buildings, but used Ajello for
four additional structures, while the Jewish building firm West
Side Construction almost always hired the non-Jewish architect
George Pelham.
The architects who
specialized in apartment-house design rarely trained at the leading
architectural schools or apprenticed in prestigious offices.
Rather, most were practitioners who, if they had any formal
architectural training at all, had been educated in less
prestigious offices or in technical schools. Since these architects
were not welcome in the higher echelons of the architectural
profession because of their ethnic background and "inferior"
training, they entered the field at the least prestigious end,
designing speculative apartment houses. In fact, in the first
decades of the twentieth century, few apartment house architects
were members of the American Institute of Architects or the
Architectural League of New York, bastions of the professional
As a neighborhood that was
part of the first wave of middle-class apartment-house construction
in New York City, Morningside Heights contains an early
concentration of speculative apartment buildings designed by these
architects. Three firms, George Pelham, Neville & Bagge, and
Schwartz & Gross, were responsible for more than half of the
apartment houses on Morningside Heights and, indeed, for thousands
of other apartment buildings located throughout Manhattan. Thus,
they were among the most prolific designers ever to work in New
York City. Although generally unheralded, it was Schwartz &
Gross, George Pelham, Neville & Bagge, and other speculator
architects who, by the sheer volume of their work, created the
architectural character and texture of many of New York's
neighborhoods, while more prestigious architects like McKim, Mead
& White, Carrere & Hastings, and Delano & Aldrich
designed only a small number of great monuments that are set amidst
the city's more typical speculative buildings.
From Morningside
Heights: A History of Its Architecture & Development by Andrew
S. Dolkart. Copyright © 1998 Columbia University Press. Used
by arrangement with Columbia University Press.