Dean James J. Valentini announced a fundraising challenge for the Columbia College Class of 2012 at the Senior Fund Kickoff event, “Raise Your Class,” on January 18. The Dean challenged seniors to “the 3-2-1 Challenge”: to give back to the College for at least three years and tell two friends to do the same. If students give at least $20.12 each year, their gifts will be matched one-to-one by a donor.
“Since you’re very special to me, I have something very special to ask you,” the Dean said to the Class of 2012, his first graduating class as Dean of the College. “Tonight I’m asking you to make a commitment… that you meet Deantini’s 3-2-1 Challenge.”
The Senior Fund is the Class of 2012’s first opportunity to come together as a class to give back to the College. As a special indicator of class pride, the Senior Fund committee is encouraging students to make gifts of $20.12.