Penn Med MD/PhD - Info Session (PAC 2025)

2024-02-22 21:30:00 2024-02-22 22:30:00 UTC Penn Med MD/PhD - Info Session (PAC 2025) <p>This will be a panel featuring current Perelman MD/PhD candidates and Skip Brass, Director of Perelman&#39;s MD/PhD Program Program.</p> <p><em>&quot;Since it was founded in 1958, the mission of Penn&#39;s MSTP program is to prepare our students for careers as physician-investigators engaged in basic, disease-oriented and translational biomedical research designed to discover new knowledge and apply it for the betterment of humanity. We&#39;ve accomplished that goal through the development of a well-integrated training program that combines the best medical training with outstanding graduate training leading to PhDs in traditional areas of biomedical laboratory research as well as in biomedical engineering, health care economics, anthropology, and history of science. Rather than producing confused graduates with two degrees and conflicting career options, our goal is to help our students fuse the different parts of their training together in ways that will bring a physician&#39;s perspective to the choices that they make as investigators. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>&quot;</em></p> <p>Only open to Columbia College and SEAS undergraduate students and the alums applying to medical school for Fall 2025&nbsp;admission that have submitted a PAC application. Registration is required. For more information, please&nbsp;contact&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> Online Zoom Preprofessional Advising Add to Calendar
Feb 22

Event Info

Event Date: 
Thursday, February 22, 2024 - 4:30pm to 5:30pm
Online Zoom

Event Contact

Preprofessional Advising

This will be a panel featuring current Perelman MD/PhD candidates and Skip Brass, Director of Perelman's MD/PhD Program Program.

"Since it was founded in 1958, the mission of Penn's MSTP program is to prepare our students for careers as physician-investigators engaged in basic, disease-oriented and translational biomedical research designed to discover new knowledge and apply it for the betterment of humanity. We've accomplished that goal through the development of a well-integrated training program that combines the best medical training with outstanding graduate training leading to PhDs in traditional areas of biomedical laboratory research as well as in biomedical engineering, health care economics, anthropology, and history of science. Rather than producing confused graduates with two degrees and conflicting career options, our goal is to help our students fuse the different parts of their training together in ways that will bring a physician's perspective to the choices that they make as investigators."

Only open to Columbia College and SEAS undergraduate students and the alums applying to medical school for Fall 2025 admission that have submitted a PAC application. Registration is required. For more information, please contact