Columbia College Alumni Association

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Alumni Reunion Weekend 2016

2016 Reunion

Thursday, June 2, 2016 to Sunday, June 5, 2016
Thursday, June 2, 2016 to Sunday, June 5, 2016
Columbia University New York, NY 10027
This event has passed. See the Events Calendar for upcoming events.

Join Us for Reunion Weekend 2016

If your class year ends in 1 or 6 or you're in the Class of 2015, register for Reunion Weekend 2016, a chance to see classmates and friends on campus and throughout New York City. You'll have

  • opportunities to socialize with classmates;
  • a chance to attend Mini-Core Classes and lectures that will reconnect you to Columbia's intellectual experience; and
  • time to mingle with students and alumni of all class years during Saturday's All-Class Reunion celebration

See who's coming to Morningside Heights in June!

Weekend Schedule

Class Gift

Your reunion Class Gift plays a vital role in directly supporting College students through financial aid, student wellness, support of the Core Curriculum and more. Join your classmates by making a gift today.

Planned Giving

When considering your reunion gift, we encourage you to consider how Columbia College fits into your estate planning goals. For more information about how planned gifts such as bequests, retirement beneficiary designations, and life income gifts can help your reunion efforts, or if you already have included Columbia in your estate plans, please contact Jackie Morton, Director for Gift Planning at 212.851.7873 or