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Columbia College Today July 2003
Cover Story
Class of 2003
    Steps Out
The Right
    Person at the
    Right Time
First Person:

Alumni Profiles


Ed Weinstein ’57

Emanuel Ax ’70

    Solomon ’00





This Issue




Around the Quads

Step Up to E-Community V.2.1

Nearly 4,000 College alumni already have become members of the Columbia College E-Community, using it to connect with classmates, read and post news, and stay in touch with Columbia. Now, the College is pleased to announce the launch of E-Community v.2.1, the latest enhancement of this online service for alumni.

With the Columbia College E-Community, your classmates are as close as the nearest computer and as accessible as the Internet. And Version 2.1 also includes SEAS alumni in the alumni directory, so you’ll be able to get in touch with more of your classmates.

The E-Community is an easy-to-use, versatile way for alumni to stay connected with each other and the College. This free service lets alumni search for classmates, post news and Class Notes, upload photos and participate in online discussions.

Version 2.1 features an improved user interface that makes it easier to use and navigate the site as well as an expanded list of communities, helping you connect with the people you were closest to at College, whether it’s a class, a student club or an alumni group. And you can still enjoy the other features that have made the E-Community so popular: discussion boards, photo albums and facebooks, and a calendar of alumni events.

If you’re already a member, now’s a great time to return to the E-Community. If you’re not a member, why wait? It’s simple to join. Registration takes only a few minutes.

You can log in or sign up at the E-Community welcome page.




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