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Columbia College Today July 2005
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What They Said

Shirley Tilghman, president of Princeton University, spoke on “Changing the Demographics: Recruiting, Retaining and Advancing Women Scientists in Academia” in Casa Italiana on March 24 as part of the Earth Institute’s inaugural lecture in the ADVANCE program series. “We will have to attract into science and engineering more than our fair share of the best and brightest young minds from all over the world. To restrict the pool, either intentionally or unintentionally, by discouraging women — or underrepresented minorities — from pursuing careers in science is to guarantee that the outcome, and thus the future prosperity of the United States, will be less than it could be.”

“When the President says Social Security is going broke, the problem isn’t Social Security, the problem is President Bush,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a talk at Low Library that was sponsored by the Columbia University College Democrats. Pelosi described Bush’s bid to revamp Social Security as “a betrayal of trust to the American worker” and warned, “That debt will be meeting you down the road.”

“We have forgotten the power of our example, and for all our might, we are … more alone and more isolated than at any time in our history,” Senator Joseph Biden (D-Del.), ranking minority member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said on April 4 at SIPA’s Kellogg Center in a lecture co-sponsored by the Institute for the Study of Europe and SIPA. Reflecting on the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, he observed, “We are good at projecting force, but not so good at the staying power to finish the job.” He concluded his talk, “There are hundreds of millions of hearts and minds open to American ideals, and we must reach them to make the world truly safer and open to the growth of liberal democracies.”




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