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March/April 2008




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ALUMNI OFFICE: Jennifer Shaw joined the Alumni Office on December 20 as associate director, alumni affairs, with primary responsibility for the office’s two black-tie fundraising dinners. She also will handle other special events and work with the department on major events, such as Alumni Reunion Weekend.

Shaw has extensive experience in event management gained in her almost 20 years at the University of Chicago, where she moved from being a public relations professional in the Office of Special Events to the director of that office. For the past four years, she was the administrative coordinator for Chicago’s Study Abroad in the College Program. Shaw completed her bachelor’s degree at Roosevelt University while working full-time.

FURDA: Eric J. Furda ’94 TC, v.p. for alumni relations and former executive director of admissions for the College and SEAS, will become dean of admissions at Penn, his alma mater, on July 1.

A 1987 Penn alumnus, Furda began his career in university admissions there, as regional director from 1987–91. He then joined Columbia’s Admissions Office and was executive director of undergraduate admissions from 1995–2004. Furda is credited with guiding a historic rise in undergraduate admissions at Columbia, leading and managing the merger of the admission processes of the College and SEAS. During his tenure, College applications increased more than 70 percent and SEAS more than 67 percent, while yield increased more than 20 percent.

As v.p. for alumni relations, Furda worked to create a new alumni association, increase annual alumni engagement and implement online resources to connect alumni with Columbia and with one another.





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