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May/June 2007




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Californians Enjoy College Days

By Rose Kernochan ’82 Barnard

Photo by Heather Hunte

Dean Austin Quigley presents a gift to an incoming student.

On the sunny weekend of March 10–11, alumni, faculty, parents and some members of the Class of 2011 gathered for two well-attended Columbia College Days in California. A traveling academic road show, College Day brings the popular Dean’s Day program to far-flung Columbia alumni and friends, showcasing the University’s professors and services. After the lectures, attendees made new acquaintances and caught up with classmates at lunch or the closing reception.

Incoming students mingle at the closing reception at College Day in Los Angeles on March 11.

Incoming students mingle at the closing reception at College Day in Los Angeles on March 11.


The event kicked off on March 10 in San Francisco, where more than 100 attendees assembled for the day’s sessions. Farah Jasmine Griffin, professor of English and comparative literature, lectured about black women artists in 1940s New York; Kavita Sharma, dean of the Center for Career Education, and Malla Haridat ’97, CCE director of employer and alumni relations, counseled the audience on making career transitions; Mark von Hagen, the Boris Bakhmeteff Professor of Russian and East European Studies and history department chair, spoke about “War and Occupation Regimes in World War I” while Kathryn Wittner, associate dean of student affairs, discussed the Core Curriculum in a special session designed for the newest Columbians: the Class of 2011. Class of 2011 parents were included in the activities, too, with a workshop for families of early admission students. As usual, Dean Austin Quigley’s keynote luncheon was a highlight.

Added to the lineup the next day, in Los Angeles, were luncheon remarks by Dede Gardner ’90, president of Plan B Entertainment, Brad Pitt’s Paramount-based production company. Gardner spoke to a receptive audience about the twists and turns of her career in the entertainment industry.

Special happy hours for young alumni were held in both locales.





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