Class of 2015 celebrates Class Day and Commencement

Thursday, May 21, 2015



Columbia College Class Day. Photo: Eileen Barroso

Class Day on May 19 brought smiles from the 1,162 members of the Class of 2015. Gathered under tents on South Field, the graduating seniors laughed as the keynote speaker, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti , delivered a light-hearted speech listing the top 15 commencement address clichés before offering his own counterpoint to each. Garcetti did pause during the jokes to encourage students to fight for equality and social justice, and to commend them for their activism.

Class Day speaker Eric Garcetti CC’92, SIPA’93. Photo: Eileen BarrosoClass Day speaker Eric Garcetti CC’92, SIPA’93. Photo: Eileen Barroso

Senior Fund Chair Grace Kim CC’15 presented the Class Gift to Dean James J. Valentini, noting that more than 500 members of the Class of 2015 donated. All told, the class raised more than $13,000 and, because it met its participation goal, secured a $100,000 gift from Charles Santoro CC’82.

Dean James J. Valentini at Class Day. Photo: Eileen BarrosoDean James J. Valentini at Class Day. Photo: Eileen Barroso

Class Day also gave alumni a chance to reconnect with the College, as 161 former students, representing 57 classes, marched in the 12th Alumni Parade of Classes, an annual event in which alumni carry their class banners follow the student and academic processionals.

The next day, nearly 15,000 graduates from Columbia’s 18 schools and affiliates participated in Commencement, with an address by University President Lee C. Bollinger. William V. “Bill” Campbell CC’62, TC’64, former chair of the Board of Trustees and one of 10 Alumni Medalists, also was presented an honorary Doctor of Laws degree.


Columbia College Class Day 2015Columbia College Class Day 2015

Columbia College Class Day 2015Columbia College Class Day 2015Columbia University CommencementColumbia University Commencement
Columbia University CommencementColumbia University Commencement


Photos by Eileen Barroso and Prestige Portraits. For more photos from the 2015 Columbia College Class Day and the 2015 Columbia University Commencement, visit