Learn how you can donate today.

Make your gift using our secure online gift form or call us toll-free at (866) GIFTSYS (1-866-443-8797).

A recurring gift is an easy way to increase your giving impact at the College. When you give more frequently, you'll see that even small donations really add up over time. You can choose to make a fixed number of gifts or leave your gift open-ended. Either way, we will charge your card automatically every month, quarter, or year without any further action on your part. Your credit card information will be stored securely by our card processing partner.
Make checks payable to Columbia University and, to ensure that they are properly credited, please include a note about your gift's purpose.
Mail to:
Columbia Alumni Center
Attention: Gift Systems
622 West 113th Street, MC 4524
New York, NY 10025
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs. Ask if your or your spouse’s company has a matching gift program so you can double the impact of your gift to Columbia.

To make a gift by wire, please contact Columbia Gift Systems: giftsys@columbia.edu or 1-866-GIFTSYS (866-443-8797)
Gifts of appreciated stocks and bonds are popular among Columbia alumni and friends. If you are considering a donation of $1,000 or more, there are many tax advantages to giving securities.

Planned gifts offer a variety of benefits for both donors and Columbia. There are several options that allow you to support Columbia while meeting other financial goals.