By Shira J.
Boss, '93
Stories |
University has come a long way from the Columbia
Encyclopedia. That venerable desk reference, first published in
1935, was emblematic of how Columbia wove its name through the
outside world - and, not incidentally, made some money from its
brain trust. With new technology, namely the Internet, the
University is venturing into a whole new frontier for outreach, and
possibilities for profit.
reported in the last issue of CCT, technology is
transforming teaching and learning on campus, from high-tech
classrooms to a center to teach faculty how to utilize the
newfangled digital media. Columbia is also a front-runner in terms
of outreach and profit, with cutting-edge projects and thoughtful
University is taking academic publishing online, creating unique
electronic journals complete with breaking news and video archives.
The Electronic Publishing Initiative at Columbia "is an alternative
to books and goes beyond books," says Provost Jonathan Cole '64. In
addition the school has put millions into starting a for-profit Web
site, Fathom, which seeks to
put the intellectual environment of a University on the Web,
complete with e-commerce.
sell technology developed here, a second division of the patents
and licensing office has been opened to deal exclusively with new
media projects. The office is already overseeing the development of
e-courses available over the Internet from the Business School and
General Studies, and the University expects to expand "Columbia
horizons revealed by new media have also led the University to
adopt an intellectual property policy that seeks to clarify when
faculty own their ideas and when the University does, and how each
is to profit from them if they are sold.
new media objective is to project our core values on our terms,"
says Executive Vice Provost Michael Crow. "The idea is getting our
content out to the broadest audience possible, and if there's
About the Author: Shira J. Boss '93 is a
freelance writer in New York and a frequent contributor to
Columbia College Today.