John Reeves Casts Off
By Jonathan Kelly '04
On an unseasonably warm February evening three years ago, a
lanky forward, Joe Case '02, cocked his arms behind his head and
launched a soft three-point shot — high and arched as if it
flowed from a water fountain — that rained through the net
and gave the Lions an insurmountable lead against Pennsylvania.
As they had the night before, after the team’s victory over
Princeton, students poured out of Levien Gymnasium at the game’s
final buzzer and clambered across the dimly lit campus, regrouping
upon the Low Library Steps. In the middle of this mass of incoherently
chanting, light blue t-shirt-clad students stood Director of Athletics
John Reeves.
Reeves had cut short the standard post-game pleasantries for the
second consecutive night in order to bask in the celebration. It
had been 15 years since the men’s basketball team had swept
Penn and Princeton at Levien, and the time had made the wins more
gratifying. Standing like Sisyphus on top of his mountain, Reeves
thought about how much fun Columbia students were having, and how
happy he was to share the moment.
“I really felt their energy and excitement that night,”
said Reeves, crossing his long legs in his office three years later.
“The people I’ve always worked for were the undergraduate
Coming to Columbia when its athletics program was at a nadir, Reeves
demanded — even though he didn’t always get —
better facilities, as well as equity for women’s sports, and
brought the program to a new level. Columbia athletics no longer
is instantly associated with the football team’s notorious
44-game losing streak, or an ill-conceived and ill-fated gymnasium
construction plan that helped bring the University to a standstill
in 1968. While not all goals were achieved, Reeves, who retired
on June 30 after 13 years at Columbia, leaves Columbia athletics
in better shape than when he arrived, with solid prospects for continued
“I think conditions are ripe for another step forward,”
says former provost Jonathan Cole ’64, who oversaw the athletics
department during Reeves’ first 12 years. “There’s
a different set of values in the program today. There is an expectation
that we are going to compete for championships on a regular basis.”
Forty-two years ago, on the day after he married his wife, Janice,
Reeves — who received his Ed.D. in physical education administration
from Teachers College in 1983 — began his career in intercollegiate
athletics as the men’s head soccer coach at Bloomfield (N.J.)
College. His career would include stints at five institutions, with
34 years as an athletics director.
Reeves came to Morningside Heights in August 1991 as Columbia athletics
was crawling its way out of the doldrums. It was an institution
still linked to a demoralizing losing streak in football, an institution
drifting steadily from the legacies of Sid Luckman ’39, Lou
Gehrig ’25 and Jim McMillian ’70. The search for an
athletics director to replace the retiring Al Paul encountered the
sort of hindrances that seemed to plague the athletics department
with unsurprising regularity. None of the candidates who applied
were up to snuff, and Reeves, an adept athletics director at SUNY
Stony Brook, had withdrawn his name from the search, to the dismay
of some committee members. Having garnered attention by elevating
two sports to Division I status and opening a new indoor athletics
facility, Reeves was happy at Stony Brook and reluctant to leave
behind a tenured professorship.

Reeves joins President
Lee C. Bollinger in congratulating Columbia’s All-Ivy
student-athletes during halftime at the 2003 Homecoming football
The sanctuary of tenure, however, eventually paled next to the
excitement of a new professional challenge. When the committee asked
Reeves if he would reconsider, he agreed to apply, but on the condition
that the director of athletics answer to the provost (who answers
directly to the president), and no longer to the director of student
“I’ve always been a guy who liked a challenge,”
Reeves says, reflecting on his decision. “I wanted Columbia
to be my last stop.”
When Reeves arrived at Columbia, the school was under economic strains
and attempting to re-establish itself in a cleaner, safer Manhattan.
The athletics department was cash-strapped: It had few revenue-generating
sources, and many fountains of alumni support had dried up. The
Dodge Fitness Center — now a lively campus hub — was
but vacant space with six Schwinn mechanical exercise bikes.
This presented a challenge for Reeves, not a problem. Devoutly
positive, “problem” does not reside in his lexicon.
“‘Challenge’ is a good word for Columbia,”
says Reeves. “We’re land-locked, and we don’t
quite have the endowment that Harvard and Princeton have, so we
have challenges, and we never should deny that.”
Reeves’ initial goal was to balance the budget and create
innovative ways to generate revenue. The opening of the Dodge Fitness
Center in 1996 provided much of the answer. By charging admission
for the expanded facility, Reeves was able to bring in millions
of dollars annually to enhance the physical education and athletics
budget. Additionally, Reeves initiated a series of children’s
instructional sports camps to supplement the department’s
discretionary income fund. These camps have mushroomed, and now
are attended annually by more than 250 children. In 1997, Reeves
finally erased the athletics department’s $450,000 budget
Under his direction and persistence, new funds made possible a
number of new facilities. The Dick Savitt Tennis Center at Baker
Field, completed in 2002, replaced an antiquated clay surface with
cushioned hard courts under a modern dome. The stately 1929 Boathouse
on the Harlem River, a new softball facility, the 6,000 square foot
Aldo T. “Buff” Donelli Strength Room, the refurbished
football and basketball locker rooms, a new Wien Stadium turf and
a turfed practice football field are among the physical achievements
that have taken place under Reeves’ watch.
“John was a fighter for necessary resources,” says
Cole, who played varsity baseball as an undergrad. “The facilities
were in horrible condition. He had to overcome a legacy, and he
carried out his plan with deftness and aplomb.”
However, attaining financial stability was less important to Reeves
than elevating the credibility of Columbia athletics and expanding
its offerings. In no way was this desire better manifested than
in Reeves’ commitment to women’s sports. Of Columbia’s
29 varsity programs, 15 are women’s teams, and Reeves has
been responsible for the creation of the last four: women’s
lacrosse, field hockey, softball and golf. The women’s golf
team began playing tournaments in 2003–04 and will attain
full varsity status this fall.
This commitment to women’s athletics at a school that only
went coed in 1983 has transcended the creation of programs. After
the graduation of Olympic swimmer Cristina Teuscher ’00, Columbia
created a women’s sports endowment in her name. In February,
Columbia hosted a successful black-tie gala commemorating the 20th
year of the Columbia-Barnard Consortium and its continuing commitment
to women’s athletics.
One conspicuous blemish on Reeves’ legacy is Columbia’s
failure during his tenure to win an Ivy League championship in either
of the marquee sports, football and men’s basketball.
In the past 13 years, the Lions have won or tied for 22 Ivy League
championships and two national championships (both in men’s
fencing). It’s the smallest number of Ivy titles among the
league’s eight schools, and the majority of those championships
have come in traditionally strong yet less popular sports such as
men’s and women’s fencing, men’s tennis and, recently,
women’s cross country. During Reeves’ tenure, the football
and men’s basketball teams — programs that produce the
most widespread alumni interest and following among students —
recorded just two winning seasons each. In 2002–03, Columbia
failed to win a single Ivy League game in either sport, a league
“[Part of Reeves’] goal was to try to make sure that
football and basketball received attention,” said Bill Campbell
’62, who played on the football team’s last championship
squad in 1961, coached the Lions from 1974–79 and now is a
successful businessman as well as a University trustee.

Reeves proudly stands
behind a crew shell, named in his honor, outside the Baker
Field boathouse, which was rebuilt and expanded during his
During the mid- to late-1990s, Reeves seemed to be succeeding.
In 1996, the football team posted an 8–2 record, the team’s
second winning season in three years. However, the Lions soon receded
into the nether regions of the Ivy League under then-coach Ray Tellier,
who had achieved noteworthy success as the head football coach during
Reeves’ tenure at the University of Rochester. The football
team never again reached .500, and the squandering of a three-touchdown
lead to Lafayette on a dreary Saturday in October 2002 convinced
some fans and alumni that Reeves had valued professional loyalty
over success, charges that Reeves rejects.
“In a sense, it’s a shame because Ray was the same
coach he had been for years,” Reeves says of Tellier, who
resigned after a 1–9 season in 2002 but continues to work
in the athletics department. “Unfortunately, he lost six games
in the last 10 minutes in his last year.”
Criticism of Reeves’ loyalty to his coaching staff came to
a head, however, in the wake of men’s basketball’s disappointing
2001–02 campaign. One winter removed from the upsets of Princeton
and Penn, a talented and senior-laden team finished the season with
a disappointing 4–10 Ivy League record. The letdown prompted
letters from alumni — some printed in CCT —
criticizing Reeves for not replacing then-head coach Armond Hill.
Reeves defended Hill, his record and his performance. Although Reeves
maintains that part of the 2001–02 team’s collapse was
due to the nagging injuries of sixth man Mike O’Brien ’02,
he admits that his adamant response was a mistake, and that it cost
him some credibility. However, Reeves does not regret standing up
for his coach.
“Until you make a decision that you are going to make a change,
you defend the people around you,” says Reeves. “You
know what they’re going through, you know what their challenges
are, and they don’t need a leader who doesn’t support
them. I wrote a letter about where our coach was coming from and
where he was going. I would do it again because I believed in the
coach. The alumni just understand wins and losses.”
Gerald Sherwin ’55, former president of the Alumni Association
and chairman of the men’s basketball alumni advisory committee,
understands as well as any alumnus the constraints under which Reeves
worked and recognizes that success is not measured solely in wins
and losses. However, he also unapologetically observes, “As
long as you keep score, you might as well win.”
As the head of physical education and intercollegiate athletics,
Reeves ran a varied program. For 13 years, he likened his job to
a pyramid starting with physical education instruction at the base
and ascending to intramurals, club sports and, at the summit, intercollegiate
athletics. When he arrived, a large part of his job was building
this pyramid out of sand when, Cole says, “There were people
at the University who disdained athletics.”
Now the cries to win may be a harbinger of things to come. “Winning
has been elevated in importance, and that is a good thing because
unless you have that desire among alumni, students and administrators,
it’s hard to hire and retain coaches and give them the resources
to win,” says Reeves. “What has come is a raising of
the bar in areas where we were given the green light to spend more
on recruiting and coaching resources.”

Columbia students and
fans swarm the court following the Lions' 88-79 double overtime
win over Yale on March 6. After going winless in Ivy play
in 2002-03, the Lions won six league games last season under
new coach Joe Jones.
“A lot of alumni are interested in wins and losses, especially
in the major sports,” says Sherwin, who believes that the
tide may be turning. “Unfortunately, we haven’t had
too much of that recently, but maybe we will with [men’s basketball
coach] Joe Jones and [football coach] Bob Shoop.”
Jones and Shoop were among Reeves’ final hires, and will
play a critical role in determining the tenor of his legacy. While
neither posted winning inaugural seasons, both manifested remarkable
promise. Shoop’s team upset Harvard and Princeton for the
first time since 1978 and finished at 4–6, including 3–4
in the Ivy League. Jones’ team climbed from 2 to 10 victories,
capped by a double-overtime win over a Yale team coached by Jones’
brother, James, that resulted in Columbia students storming the
court en masse. Wandering the crowd that night was Reeves, struck
with a case of déjà vu, recalling his happiest moment
at Columbia: the 2001 sweep of the so-called “Killer Ps.”
The ascendancy of both programs will hinge greatly on the ability
of Shoop and Jones to recruit successfully. In order to bring in
the best athletes, however, Columbia may need to reconsider its
recent prioritization of athletics. In the 1980s, five acres of
Baker Field were sold to make room for a hospital. In 1993, plans
for a high-rise athletic facility atop the Dodge Fitness Center
were abandoned, and, most recently, a plan for an aquatics center
at 122nd Street and Amsterdam Avenue was rejected and the site instead
was used for the Law School and the School of Social Work. Another
site long coveted by Athletics, the undeveloped southeast corner
of Broadway and 120th Street, is expected to be devoted to a new
science tower.

"Each time you go someplace else, you can achieve more
for a certain period of time. For Columbia, it is the perfect
time for someone else to come in." |
Reeves repeatedly petitioned the administration to build on behalf
of athletics, and believes that job must be continued by his successor.
“I think a fresh voice will have more success,” says
Reeves. “Each time you go someplace else, you can achieve
more for a certain period of time. For Columbia, it is the perfect
time for someone else to come in.”
For those familiar with the daily operation of the athletics department,
Reeves’ legacy is clear. “He has taken all our programs
and moved them forward,” says Associate Athletic Director
Jacqueline Blackett, who served on the search committee that hired
Reeves. “Our students and athletes have been able to know
their athletics director, which is unique at a Division I school.
Working with John has been like working with family.”
In the last year alone, Reeves has proven that Columbia can compete
for the top coaches and athletes. President Lee C. Bollinger, who
did not find losing palatable at the University of Michigan, has
changed the reporting structure so that athletics now reports directly
to his office.
“John Reeves has set the direction for the program,”
says Josie Harper, director of athletics at Dartmouth. “I
know now that President Bollinger will make it happen.”
“I think it’s a new era, where athletics has been given
a high priority,” Reeves said wistfully in April, shortly
after it was announced that the field hockey team, which has had
little success in recent years, was going to be coached by USA National
Field Hockey team captain Katherine Beach. She was Reeves’
final hire, his final imprint on the department.
“I wanted to continue to carry a banner that says ‘We’ll
go as high as we can to find the best coach,’ ” says
Reeves. “If I did it for men’s sports, I am certainly
going to do it for women’s.”
In his office, Reeves moves to his computer to point out the screen’s
wallpaper: two empty chairs staring off the dock of his waterfront
property in the Poconos. The author of six books and numerous articles,
Reeves has plans to pen a book on the new directions of intercollegiate
athletics, but he admits there will be distractions. “I want
to read, write, travel and fish,” he says, “but skip
the first three if the fish are biting.”
Jonathan Kelly ’04 graduated with a
B.A. in history. He is pursuing a career in journalism and is a
fact-checker and researcher at Vanity Fair.
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