Janice Min ’90
Congratulations to Sarah Lorge Butler ’95 for her nuanced
profile of Janice Min ’90. I was a purple-eyeshadow-wearing,
bad-hair-day Glamour-don’t in the late 1980s, and
what I remember most from my brief encounters with the incomparable
Min was not just her singular style — that’s a given,
you could practically spot that from the other end of College Walk
— but her lack of cynicism, genuine enthusiasm and, dare I
say it? ... she was just darned friendly.
Sally S. Graham ’90
Of all the pursuits of all the graduates of all the years of Columbia
College, you devote the cover story of the March issue to what has
come to be known in the circles I move in as “twaddle.”
No offense to Ms. [Janice] Min [’90], who I am sure has worked
hard and done well, but is this what we have come to — “a
focus on fashion and pop culture”? Benefits of the Core Curriculum,
no doubt.
There are graduates who are doctors, lawyers, architects, teachers,
professors, politicians, business leaders, archeologists, philanthropists
and any other occupation you wish to name who go about living their
never-mentioned-in-your-magazine lives who do more to promote something
of real value along with the ideals supposedly taught at Columbia
than Us Weekly, which does little but fan the flames of
cultural illiteracy and devotion to the shallowness of what Western
culture has become.
You must be kidding.
Louis P. DeLaura ’80
Afton, Va.
[Editor’s note: Columbians have achieved success in
a wide range of endeavors, which we try to acknowledge. After the
story’s publication, Janice Min ’90 was named Editor
of the Year for 2005 by Mediaweek.]
Driving Force?
While I admire Janice Min ’90 for her creativity, her managerial
skills and her stamina, I cannot admire her carnivorous approach
to other people’s privacy. Sadly, people like her were the
driving force behind the paparazzi that contributed to the demise
and deaths of Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe and other victims of
her trade.
Gary Newman ’63
Mevaseret Zion, Israel
Welcoming Words
Reading Dan Wakefield ’55’s wonderful tribute to his
Columbia teachers, “My Columbia: Van Doren, Trilling and Mills”
(January 2005) touched a responsive chord. Wakefield describes the
moving experience of visiting Professor Van Doren in his office
for the first time. As a fellow Midwesterner who had just transferred
to Columbia, Wakefield was made to feel not only “welcomed
and acknowledged but somehow made safe in that alien place, intimidating
city and sophisticated college.”
Almost 20 years later, I enjoyed a similar experience in meeting
Dean Henry Coleman ’46 in Hamilton Hall. Like Wakefield, I
was a Midwesterner who was feeling intimidated and awed by the College
and the city. I stopped in the Dean’s Office during my first
semester and encountered Dean Coleman. When he learned that I hailed
from Minneapolis, he immediately engaged me in a warm conversation
about his connections with Minnesota through his wife, a native
Minneapolitan. That encounter meant the world to me. I left Dean
Coleman’s office with a smile on the outside and an even bigger
grin on the inside. The kindness and sincerity of this Minnesotan-by-marriage
had instantly braced me for anything the city might confront me
with during the next four years.
Barry Kelner ’73
Bloomington, Minn.
Reviving the Roar
I wish to thank and congratulate Josie Swindler ’07 (Spectator
staff writer) for pointing out the truth in the February 10, 2005,
issue of Spectator, under the title, “Reviving the
Roar” (March 2005, page 3). She is absolutely right! I believe
that Columbia student happiness can be translated into school spirit.
Furthermore, she is absolutely right when she says: “The recent
focus on early decision admissions might also play a part. As Columbia
accepts more and more early decision applicants — 44 percent
of the College and 43 percent of the SEAS incoming classes of 2009
have been filled by early admission applicants — the University
increases the number of students who would actually choose Columbia
over Princeton or Harvard, essentially picking the students most
prone to Lion pride.”
The true lesson is: We do not want those who come to Columbia
suffering the mental scourge of the infamous ‘H-Y-P’
Depression and Anger. They moan and groan and have a generally negative
attitude, which can be damaging to themselves and to others. I believe
that Columbia should pick its incoming class with more than 51 percent
early decisions. We want to admit those who want us first and foremost.
More power to early decision!
Additionally, I agree and support President Lee C. Bollinger’s
public statement that Columbia has the most diversified student
body in any Ivy League university. This reality will deflate all
Marxist-Leninist arguments of “race or class warfare”
and “race or class exclusion.”
There is no chance of Columbia being grandfathered as a WASPish
institution under the policy of early decision. What else can the
politically correct types argue about? So, let the parade of children
of alums, as well as all true Lion-aspirants with no legacy, enter
Columbia as early decisions. May their Lion’s pride long endure!
Robert Tang ’71
Our Columbia
In regards to Bob Berne ’60’s letter, “Our Columbia”
(March 2005), I feel that he neither adequately addressed the issues
involved in Columbia Unbecoming nor accurately characterized
Columbia’s response.
I do not feel the issue is one of “academic freedom,”
but rather one of professionalism and civility. Whether the students
in question were intimidated will never be resolved, but the professors
in question have made their feelings towards Israelis and Zionists
known. No one questions their writings on the Internet and their
characterizations in public settings of Israelis being “Nazis”
and Israel being an illegitimate racist state.
People, for example, Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern, have “freedom.”
They can call others, such as feminists or religious conservatives,
names such as “racist” or “Nazis.” University
professors cannot. They cannot teach Middle East studies if they
cannot present both sides of the issue fairly and with respect.
Israelis and Zionists are entitled to civility and freedom from
name calling. Language that former U.N. Ambassador Patrick Moynihan
called “reprehensible” and “unacceptable”
on behalf of our government in 1974 is now common rhetoric from
Columbia professors. No one would accept this language regarding
women or minorities.
The situation exposed by Columbia Unbecoming was the
result of years of University neglect of issues of fairness regarding
Israel. Now, Columbia claims to have arranged a committee to handle
the problem. If the committee does not address the complaints raised
by the movie, then for whose purpose is the committee formed? May
I suggest it is to pacify alumni and donors who are concerned by
this revelation? Until Columbia makes an effort to honestly deal
with the issue, it will not go away.
Jonathan D. Reich ’85, ’86E M.D.