George M. Jaffin, attorney and philanthropist,
Scarsdale, N.Y., on December 23, 1999. The son of Lithuanian
immigrants who ran a women’s clothing store, Jaffin grew up
in Harlem. He began his career as a real estate investor while
still a law student, by working with his father as a developer in
the Bronx, and he set up his own law firm, now called Jaffin,
Conrad & Pinkelstein, a year after he graduated from the Law
School in 1927. Jaffin once summarized his approach to life as
“do good, make some friends, and make some money, in that
order,” and even though he spent virtually his entire adult
life as a lawyer and real estate investor, he became best known for
his philanthropic work. For his many contributions — as well
as the gifts that he solicited from others — Jaffin is
remembered as the financial founder of the Hospital for Joint
Diseases and the HJD Research and Development Foundation, and he
was honorary chairman of the Board of Trustees for both
institutions. (When a wealthy friend asked Jaffin, who served for
many years as chairman of the HJD Development Committee, what he
wanted for his birthday, Jaffin suggested a $1 million gift to the
hospital, which was promptly made.) Disillusioned with the emphasis
of many young lawyers on pursuing high-paying careers, in the early
1980s he contributed $1.5 million to the Law School for the
establishment of a loan repayment program for any lawyer who
remained in a public-interest position for 10 years. The George M.
Jaffin Program in Law and Social Responsibility was one of the
first such programs in the nation. Jaffin later endowed a chair at
the Law School dedicated to public interest law. He also raised
money for the University’s Meyer Schapiro Chair in Art
History. Jaffin developed close friendships with several prominent
artists, some of whom he represented, and often donated art to
institutions he supported, including sculptures by Israeli artist
Yaacov Agam which Jaffin donated to Hebrew Union College, MoMA and
the Juilliard School. Jaffin was a member of the Society of
Founders of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, a member of
the Board of Governors of the Hebrew Union College, honorary
chairman of the board of the American-Israeli Cultural Foundation,
and a board member of the UJA-Federation of New York. His many
services to Columbia included membership on the board of the Jewish
Campus Life Fund and life membership in the John Jay
Lawrence W. Schwartz, rabbi, White Plains, N.Y., in
Wesley C. Baylis, communications engineer, Pasadena,
Md., in March 1997. After a brief stint for the New York Telephone
Co., Baylis worked for many years at the Niagara Mohawk Power Corp.
in Albany, N.Y. In the 1970s, he became managing director and then
president of the Microwave Council in Washington, D.C. At the time
of his death, he was president of Micro Com Industries in
George A. Henke, retired attorney, Centralia, Ill., on
March 11, 1997. A Brooklyn native, Henke graduated from the Law
School in 1928. He practiced law at Duer, Taylor, Wright &
Woods (1929-35), Shepard Citations (1935-1948), and American
Insurance Associations (1948-69). Henke moved to Centralia after
his retirement in 1975.
Rolston Coles, Vero Beach,
Fla., on February 14, 2000.
Victor Perlo, Marxist economist, Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y.,
on December 1, 1999. A native of East Elmhurst, N.Y., Perlo earned
an M.A. in statistics from Columbia in 1932. Except for a stint
with the Brookings Institution (1937-39), Perlo spent the years
from 1932 to 1947 working in government agencies charged with
implementing Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal. At the
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), he became one of
the economists known as Director Harry Hopkins’s
“bright young men.” During World War II, he served as a
department head of the War Production Board and in the Office of
Price Administration. Perlo was a long-time member of the Communist
Party, and he became a target of anti-Communist backlash in the
U.S. after the war, never gaining permanent academic employment.
From 1947 until his death, he worked as an economic consultant and
writer. In the 1960s he became chief economist for the Communist
Party USA, as well as a member of the party’s national
committee and chair of its Economics Commission. As an economist,
Perlo contributed the concept of the “profits of
control” to Marxist economic theory and developed Marxist
analyses of the political economy of United States capitalism,
comparative economic systems, and the economics of racism. A
prodigious author, he wrote 13 books — including American
Imperialism (1951), Empire of High Finance (1957),
Economics of Racism (1973), Superprofits and Crises
(1988), and Economics of Racism II: The Roots of Inequality
(1996) — as well as many articles and countless pamphlets.
Perlo received the Myers Center Award for the Study of Human Rights
in North America “for the outstanding work on intolerance in
North America” for the Roots of Inequality II. He
contributed a weekly column, “People Before Profits,”
to the Communist Party’s People’s Weekly World
newspaper, dictating his last column to his wife and frequent
collaborator, Ellen, just days before his death.
Herbert N. Plage, retired salesman, Delray Beach, Fla.,
on February 12, 2000. Plage, who left the College before
graduation, worked at the New York Stock Exchange and W.S. Tyler
& Co. in New York before joining the McGraw-Edison Co. as an
account executive. He retired in 1972 and moved from Flushing,
N.Y., to Delray Beach.
Emil G. Punzak, retired, Pittsburgh, in 1998.
Julian L. Wishik, retired physician, Montgomery, Ala.,
on February 19, 2000.
Julian S. Bush, retired attorney, Charleston, S.C., on
May 16, 2000. A member of Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Epsilon Phi, Bush
became James Kent Scholar at the Law School, where he also edited
the Columbia Law Review (1935-36). He graduated in 1936,
practiced law in New York, and served in the U.S. Army during World
War II. Bush became a partner in the firm of Leventritt, Bush,
Lewittes & Bender and later at the firm of Shea and Gould, both
in New York. He served as research counsel for the New York State
Commission on Estates, an adjunct professor of estate planning at
the Columbia Law School, and professor of law in taxation at the
NYU Institute on Federal Taxation. He authored numerous articles
and books, including Best of Trusts and Estates: Estate
Planning (1965). After moving to South Carolina, Bush became a
member of the Charleston Tax Council and the Estate Planning
Council, and a founder and director of the Estate Planning
Institute of the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). He
was a director of the Charleston Symphony Orchestra, a member of
the President’s Advisory Council on Planned Giving of the
MUSC, and a member of the Society of American Magicians.
William V. Fritz, retired commodities broker, Oak Brook,
Ill., on December 15, 1999. Fritz worked for many years at the
Chicago Board of Trade. 1936 Arthur H. Dubin, retired teacher,
Delray Beach, Fla., in September 1996.
Hewlett F. Ladd, retired, Sudbury, Mass., on May 12,
Richard C. Rowland, retired professor, Portland, Ore.,
on March 14, 2000. Rowland, who was a Kellett fellow from the
College, received a second bachelor’s degree from Oxford in
1940 and a D.Phil. in 1957. He taught at the College from 1946 to
1953, then at Rollins College in Winter Park, Fla., from 1955-57.
He joined Sweet Briar College in Virginia in 1957, where he
established the Asian Studies program, served as chair of the
English department, and eventually became Charles A. Dana Professor
of English. His many honors included a Ford Fellowship in Asian
Studies, a Fulbright lectureship in Taiwan, and election as an
honorary member of Phi Beta Kappa, the only honorary membership in
the Sweet Briar chapter’s 50-year history. He retired to
Portland in 1998.
Burtis F. Vaughan, Jr., retired educator, West Palm
Beach, Fla., in September 1998. Vaughan, who was the son of Burtis
F. Vaughan ’08, received a master’s from Columbia in
1940. He had taught in several New Hampshire high schools and had
been chairman of the foreign languages department at Winnacunnet
High School in Hampton, N.H., before his retirement.
Lawrence Eugene Goodman, engineer,
College Station, Texas, on April 17, 2000. The son of Joseph
Goodman, a 1898 School of Mines graduate who became N.Y.C. Mayor
Fiorello LaGuardia’s Commissioner of Water, Gas and
Electricity, Lawrence Goodman entered the College at 14 after
graduating from Townsend Harris High School. At the College, he was
president of the Jewish Students Society. Goodman completed a B.S.
at the Engineering School in 1940, and one of his first engineering
projects was a pedestrian footbridge (still in use) connecting
Ward’s Island with Manhattan. He earned a master’s in
engineering from the University of Illinois in 1942. After the
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 Goodman returned to
Columbia, where he worked with Professor Ray Mindlin to develop the
radio proximity anti-aircraft fuse and its radar-controlled
director. As a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, Goodman helped install
these devices — which provided the first nighttime defense
against kamikaze attacks — on the battleship Missouri,
and supervised their use during the battles of Iwo Jima and
Okinawa. (The devices were also used successfully in the European
theatre.) Goodman completed a doctorate in applied mechanics at
Columbia in 1948. He taught at the University of Illinois and then
at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, where he became the
James Record Professor of Civil Engineering and chair of the Civil
and Mineral Engineering Department (1965-72). With William Warner,
Goodman published two books on Newtonian mechanics. In 1990, the
American Society of Civil Engineers awarded him the Newmark Gold
Medal for “outstanding contributions in structural
engineering and applied mechanics” and for “his special
dedication both in teaching theoretical advances and in instilling
professional responsibility in his students.” Goodman, who
had retired from the University of Minnesota, was active as a
consulting engineer for the Xerxes Corporation at the time of his
death. A loyal alumnus, Goodman had attended his 60th reunion at
Arden House in October 1999.
Howard L. Powell, retired executive, Orlando, on January
5, 2000. Powell, who had an MBA from the Baruch Graduate School of
Business, was retired as director of procurement for CARE, Inc., of
Kermit Irving Lansner, retired editor, New York, on May
20, 2000. Lansner was one of the trio of editors who revitalized
Newsweek magazine in the early 1960s, helping shape the
direction of American weekly newsmagazines in the following
decades. Lansner, who did postgraduate work at Columbia and
Harvard, was an assistant professor of philosophy at Kenyon College
in Ohio from 1948 to 1950; he then spent a year at the Sorbonne in
Paris as a Fulbright Scholar. He became managing editor of Art
News in 1953 and joined the Newsweek staff in 1954. When
Osborn Elliot was chosen to edit Newsweek in 1961, he
selected Lansner and Gordon Manning as executive editors, and the
three became so successful in balancing multiple duties as they
reshaped the magazine that they became known as the “Flying
Wallendas,” after the famed circus high-wire act. (The
nickname is still used for senior editors at the magazine.) Under
their guidance, Newsweek moved away from the model of
Time magazine, increased cultural reporting, and introduced
bylines for stories. From 1961 to 1969, the magazine’s
circulation grew from 1.4 million to 2.4 million. During his
tenure, Lanser never became a typical news editor; with his wife,
Fay, he socialized with Abstract Expressionist painters on Long
Island rather than confining himself to journalist colleagues, and
when he was appointed editor of Newsweek in 1969, the
magazine’s cultural coverage increased even further. The
magazine’s circulation also increased, rising to 2.6 million
by 1972, the year Lanser stepped down. He continued at
Newsweek as a contributing editor and columnist, and as
director of the (now defunct) Newsweek Books, until 1974. Later he
became a columnist for The New Republic, and in the 1980s he
became editor-in-chief of Financial World magazine, for
which he wrote a column until 1996. Lansner’s service to his
alma mater included participation in the John Jay Associates as a
Harold Davidson, consultant, New
York, on October 15, 1998. Davidson, who also had a degree from the
Engineering School, had been an application specialist and then a
senior analyst for IBM in White Plains, N.Y., before becoming an
independent consultant.
Douglas F. Hirsh, retired physician, Boynton Beach,
Fla., on February 11, 1999. 1948 William D. Ryan, retired sales
executive, Medford, N.J., on May 6, 1999.
Eric Bogedal, retired advertising executive,
Stanardsville, Va., on February 28, 2000. The son of Danish
immigrants, Bogedal attended public school in Queens, then
Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan. After military service, he
joined Mutual Benefit Life Insurance in New York as editor of
in-house publications; he later served as public relations manager
at Corning Glass and American Brake Shoe. He entered the
advertising field in 1962, when he joined BBDO, Inc. as an account
manager. In 1978, he joined James Jordan, Inc. (now called, rising to become a senior vice president. Upon his
retirement in 1989, Bogedal moved to Virginia, from where he
continued to work as a consultant. He was a member of Mensa, the
Madison Avenue Motorcycle Club and the Long Island Sports Car
Stanley Hanfling, physician, Hillsborough, Calif., on
May 9, 1996. Hanfling, who received his medical degree from Cornell
in 1955, maintained a practice in San Mateo, Calif., until shortly
before his death, was a staff physician at four California
hospitals, and taught health education at the College of San Mateo.
He also hosted “Medical Update,” an award-winning
medical information program on a local television station. Hanfling
was a board member of the California Music Center at the College of
Notre Dame in Belmont, Calif.
Edison Rawle Borah Hosten, retired executive, White
Plains, N.Y., on September 20, 1994. Hosten was retired from the
Office of Employee Benefits at IBM’s world headquarters in
Armonk, N.Y.
William M. Hagemeyer, innkeeper and retired sales
executive, Seattle, on March 6, 2000. Hagemeyer had been director
of international sales and marketing for Steffen, Steffen &
Associates in Westport, Conn. After retirement in the 1980s, he
moved to Seattle where he became owner and innkeeper of the
Chambered Nautilus Bed & Breakfast.
Milo Vesel, investment banker, Divonne, France, on March
22, 2000.
Puneet Bhandari,
student, North Brunswick, N.J., on April 20, 2000. Bhandari, who
had transferred from Rutgers University in 1997, was a pre-med
student with a minor in Middle East and Asian Languages and
Cultures. He had been vice president of Club Zamana (the South
Asian culture society), worked as an adviser at orientation, and
served as a peer tutor. A memorial service was held on campus on
April 24.