Our Priorities
We changed students' lives, built a better Columbia, and with it, a better world.
See our Campaign Priorities.
The Core at 100
We ensured the Core’s continued relevance in our ever changing world by focusing on faculty engagement, enriched programming, and impact beyond Columbia into society at large.
Access and Support
We increased access to a transformative Columbia College education and freed our students from financial worry so they can pursue their passions and make the world a better place.
Wellness and Community
We cultivated a thriving community culture where students are both challenged and supported to develop life skills, personal well being, and resilience for their journey at Columbia and then into the world.
Beyond the Classroom
We prepared students for a rapidly changing world, through hands-on experiences that expand their skills, their worldviews, and their capacities to lead.
Teaching and Mentoring
We attracted the best faculty, involving them deeply in the lives of our students, while supporting their research and scholarly pursuits, which expand wisdom for all.
How did financial aid touch your life? What was it like to say Yes to Columbia?
Your story can inspire others.