College Walk Society
College Walk Society
The College Walk Society (CWS) is a leadership giving society for alumni, parents and friends of Columbia College who make a meaningful contribution in support of financial aid at the College. Members are the College’s most generous and loyal financial aid donors who share the belief that the opportunity to pursue knowledge should not be constrained by a student’s background or ability to pay. Members ensure that the College can uphold its commitment to meeting the demonstrated financial need of all of our students.
Membership in the College Walk Society begins at $100,000, with membership for Columbia College graduates of the last 15 years starting at $50,000.
A blend of endowed and current-use giving is preferred. The College’s long-term commitment to financial aid can only be secured through a dedicated and considerable endowment. At the same time, current-use gifts through the Columbia College Fund allow us to distribute funds right away and meet our commitments to current students.
Members of the College Walk Society enjoy exclusive benefits, including special recognition, unique engagement opportunities and exclusive communications.
Opportunity to name a current-use or endowed scholarship
Annual update about the recipient of your scholarship
Invitation to the Dean’s Leadership Dinner and other exclusive events
Recognition on the College Walk Society website
Annual financial report for donors to endowed scholarships
Sameer Ahuja CC'96 and Sima Ahuja BC’96
Sergio Akselrad CC’86, BUS’90
Gabrielle Anderman and Bennett W. Cale CC’90
Francis J. Aquila CC’79
Michael Argenziano CC'88, VPS'92, P: CC'18, CC'20, VPS'23, CC'26 and Maria A. Rodino CC'88, P: CC'18, CC'20, VPS'23, CC'26
Richard S. Au CC'94
Kelley B. Badishkanian CC’98, BUS’08
Hasan Bazari CC’76, GSAS’78, GSAS’79, P: CC’06, CC’10 and Wendy L. Bazari BC’78, P: CC’06, CC’10
Sumita Bhattacharya BUS’95, P: CC’25 and Monish Kumar SIPA’95, P: CC’25
Jacques C. Bories and Diana Morales-Bories CC’93
Shirley Bow and Wilson Ko CC’78, P: CC’05, CC’10
John M. Braver CC’66
Shari R. and Gary A. Brooks P: CC’24
Lydia Callaghan CC’92
Michael Camacho CC’91, P: CC’23 and Patricia Labrada CC’91, P: CC’23
Matthew Cantieri CC’99
Marion Chan
Alex Chen and Katrina M. Kerkering CC’93
Cynthia Chen CC'04, GSAS'14
David Cho CC’20, SEAS’22
Michael and Germaine Choe CC’95
Calvin Chu CC’13
Kei W. Chua CC’95
Mary Corley Dunn CC’98
Cynthia M. and Francis W. Costello CC’68, LAW’73
Sara Dai and Michael Yao P: CC’25
Sejal P. Daswani CC’95, SIPA’96 and Mohit A. Daswani CC’95
Daniela and Richard N. de los Reyes CC’97
Alexandra S. Diamond CC’91
Marcia Dunn and Jonathan S. Sobel CC’88
Michele A. Esposito CC'96
Jodie K. and Andrew A. Fink CC’91, LAW’94, P: CC’24
Brian D. Fix CC’65, LAW’68
John Gallo
Feng Ge
Nina S. and Seth T. Goldsamt CC’91, LAW’95, P: CC’28
Jamie S. Gorelick and Richard E. Waldhorn CC’72
Suzanne Greenstein Vogel CC’99 and Daniel S. Vogel CC’00
Diana Greenwald CC’11 and Hugues X. Le Bras BUS’17
Susan A. and Robert J. Grey CC’72, P: BUS’07
Jorge Alberto Gross Jr. CC’01
David R. Halperin CC’65
Danya Han and Kenneth Hong P: CC’27
Thomas Harrold CC’66
Andrew C. Heinrich CC'13
Douglas S. Horowitz CC’97 and Elizabeth A. Cooper LAW’01
Jennifer S. Hsia CC’06 and Waqas R. Shaikh SEAS’07
Emily N. Hu CC’95, VPS’00 and John C. Tang LAW’96
Jennifer and Scott M. Huntsman CC’89, P: CC’27
Govind Iyer P: CC’24, SEAS’28
David A. Javdan CC’90
Sarkis Jebejian CC’91, LAW’94
Helen J. and Sidney P. Kadish CC’63, P: CC’96, CC’06
Jenny and John M. Kang CC’88, LAW’91
Nancy and Kobi Karp P: CC’25
Robin-Hwajin Y. Kim P: CC’23
Sungmee Kim CC’97
Sungwan Kim and Hosun Yoon P: SEAS’21, CC’25
Yiyoung Kim and Suk Joong “Sam” Yoon CC’93
George J. Ko CC'98
Omar Kodmani CC’89, P: CC’23 and Lina Khouja BC’94, P: CC’23
Margaret and Neal D. Kravitz CC’00
David Laibson and Nina Zipser CC’94
Yuk Wai Lam and Michael Yiu P: CC’23
Grace Lang CC’93 and Gregory H. Lang CC’93
Peter C. Lanni and Cornelia L. Gallo CC’88
Eliza Lau and Jesse L. Ho P: CC’24 and Lucas C. Ho CC’24
David J. Lee CC’96
Jae Myoung and David H. Lee P: CC’26
Michael Lee CC’96
Christopher J. McGowan CC’92, P: CC’24 and Sandy Wang CC’92, P: CC’24
Leesa Miao and Martin Romo P: CC’22
Mark Minton CC’67
Heather Moylan Meyerdirk CC’06
Americo C. Nardis CC’98
Andrew O’Connor CC’07
Rupal and Samir Parekh P: CC’27
Linda J. Perry and Edward Lopez CC’82, P: CC’11, CC’14
Kate and Giacomo N. Picco CC’99
Nehal Raj and Jenny Fan Raj CC’00
Rini Banerjee Ratan P: CC'26, CC'28
Julio Rivera CC’71
Debbie and Clifton Robbins
Nancy L. Robinson SW’80 in memory of Stanley D. Robinson CC’47, LAW’49
SeiSolo Foundation
Sobia A. and Nadir Shaikh P: CC’23, CC’26
Salomon Smeke Saba BUS’19
Margaret Sung and Michael J. Schmidtberger CC’82, LAW’85, P: SEAS’22, CC’24
Daniel S. Tamkin CC’81, P: CC’12 and Lucinda M. Cardinal BC’83, P: CC’12
Brian J. Thomson CC’89
Paul Tietz CC’08
Patrick O. Tsang CC'94
Angela Tu and Gregory E. Ostling CC’91, TC’92, LAW’98, P: CC’27
Chiu F. Tung P: CC’25
Amy and Anthony D. Tutrone II CC’86
Ajay V. Vashee CC’05
Cecilia C. Wang CC'09, LAW'12
Stephen H. Weinstein CC’91
Sylvia N. and Christoph H. Westphal CC’90, P: CC’23
Laura and Mark H. Willes CC’63, BUS’67
Abbey and Eric Wolf CC’97, VPS’02
Heidi H. Yang CC’93
Huoy M. Yeh and Sherman Chu CC’82, SEAS’83
Irwin H. Young CC’60, BUS’62
Mitchell C. Zhang CC’17
Anonymous (7)
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Amanda Lasker
Senior Executive Director for Development