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Dreams of Making a Continental Contribution
At Columbia, Bienvenu Didace Irafasha CC’22 found that his interest in meeting people of diverse backgrounds dovetailed with a passion for international relations.
Jonathan Tanaka CC’23 Wants Young People to Think Like a Philosopher
Jonathan Tanaka CC’23 has been so energized by his experiences with faculty that his goal is to go into academia, to consider the intersections between mathematical logic and analytical philosophy.
Melissa Juarez CC’23 is Making an Impact Through Education
“There’s something about being here and seeing everyone do their niche things that they love — it inspires you to do what you like to do!” — Melissa Juarez CC’23
Fulfilling his Columbia Dream
“I came to understand our world and what works, what doesn’t and how to change that. It is that inherent sense of civic responsibility that I love about the Core. There’s nothing like it at any other college.” —Jaxon Williams-Bellamy CC’21
An Advocate for LGBTQ Rights — Around the World and at Columbia
Wally Suphap CC ’01, Law’04
Pursuing Humanities with the Sciences
As a neuroscience major on the pre-med track, Amanda Daly CC’22 is studying the effects of film on empathy.
Making Higher Education Access Equitable
Danielle Maged CC’89, BUS’97
Expressing Gratitude by Paying it Forward
“Generosity is exponential. One small deed turns into many deeds and has an impact on so many lives over time." — Katrina “Kate” Kerkering CC’93
What Made Columbia Possible
Ike Ogbonna CC’22 realized he couldn’t afford to pay even a single application fee, let alone his regular living expenses.
Helping More Contribute To Society
“Columbia is a great mechanism for learning,” says Tracy Maitland CC'82. “The criteria, however, for attending this great school should not be that you are wealthy, but that you have earned a place through hard work.”
Benefiting from Another’s Legacy
Kuang Wang CC’23 believes that in history, “we learn a lot about the ways that someone can be remembered ... in my mind, the best way to be remembered is as someone who loved their community and who loved giving back to it.”
Continuing the Core
John Vincenti ’90