So you made it through Contemporary Civilization and can still quote from The Odyssey. But how much do you know about the Core Curriculum as an institution?
Columbia College | Columbia University in the City of New York
So you made it through Contemporary Civilization and can still quote from The Odyssey. But how much do you know about the Core Curriculum as an institution?
So you made it through Contemporary Civilization and can still quote from The Odyssey. But how much do you know about the Core Curriculum as an institution?
1.When was the Core Curriculum created?
2. When was Humanities A, or Literature Humanities as it is now called, added?
3. When did Art Humanities and Music Humanities become required, rather than optional?
4. What books have been on the Lit Hum syllabus from its inception to the present, without interruption?
5. This book had been on the Lit Hum syllabus since the course’s inception but was dropped this year.
6. Was Contemporary Civilization ever a two-year requirement?
7. Who was the first female author to be included as required reading on the Lit Hum syllabus?
8. Which two longtime faculty members were co-recipients, in 1993, of the first award for Distinguished Service to the Core Curriculum?
9. When was the Core expanded to require courses in cultures not covered by Contemporary Civilization and Lit Hum?
10. Not counting the Bible, which has had 16 books on the Lit Hum syllabus, name the two authors who head the list with 12 of their works being required at one time or another.
Sources: Core Curriculum website (college. and An Oasis of Order: The Core Curriculum at Columbia College by Timothy P. Cross GSAS’98.
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New York, NY 10025