Columbia College | Columbia University in the City of New York
Thank You to Our FY18 CCT donors
Columbia College Today is grateful to and thanks the following alumni, parents, friends and organizations/foundations who generously gave a total of $48,233 during our Fiscal Year 2017–18 voluntary donor drive. This list reflects gifts to CCT received July 1, 2017–June 30, 2018. Gifts received after June 30, 2018, will be credited toward FY19 and acknowledged in the Fall 2019 issue. To support CCT in FY19, please visit the giving site and enter the keywords “Columbia College Today” (without the quote marks). We thank each of you for your support!
Wallace L. Masur **
Edward Alexander
Paul E. Hauck
Melvin Hershkowitz
Reinhard G. Pauly
Bernard E. Small
Giulio D’Angio **
John K. Spitznagel
Arthur W. Knapp Jr.
Arnold B. Ritterband
Henry R. Shinefield
Ralph C. Disch
Arthur Lazarus Jr.
Irwin Nydick
Albert Burstein
Lawrence N. Friedland
Frank E. Iaquinta
Martin Klein
William I. Rosenzweig
Karl E. Wallach
Egon E. Weck
Peter A. Arturi
Paul R. Homer
Richard R. Hyman
Joseph A. Montimurro **
James G. Nugent
Seth Rubenstein **
Charles L. Schultz *
Arthur A. Feder *
William J. Lubic
Byron A. Nilsson
Eugene T. Rossides
Alfred L. Scherzer
Robert W. Goldsby
Joseph L. Kassel II
John H. McCutcheon
Duane E. Barnes
William A. Billingham
Willard Block *
Thomas S. Colahan
Richard J. Drachman
Ronald G. Granger
W. Fred Kinsey III
Conrad H. Massa
Leonard A. Stoehr
Ernest H. von Nardroff
William K. White
Albert M. Wojnilower
Richard H. Broun
N. David Charkes
Glenn N. Danziger
Joseph A. Di Palma
Mark F. Hughes Jr.
Jerry Kahn
Jerome S. Kaye
Alden Mesrop
Henry R. Schmoll
Sava I. Tchok
Julius C. Ullerich Jr.
Charles M. Bredehoft
Arthur H. Elkind
Bernard L. Epstein
Lee J. Guittar
Seymour L. Hendel
Allan E. Jackman
John H. Marchesi Jr.
Stephen G. Reich
Benjamin P. Roosa Jr.
George Yourke
Anthony Anton
Walter A. Bossert Jr.
Kamel S. Bahary
Thomas J. Bowen
Edward Cowan
Clifford R. Franklin Jr.
Alfred I. Grayzel
James F. Hays
Norman Kahn
Frederick Lippman
Robert E. Schaefer
Walter J. Slipe
Ronald H. Sugarman
Saul Turteltaub
Robert P. Viarengo
J. Stuart Warner
Albert Weinfeld
Richard S. Werksman
James H. Berick
Robert Bernot
Jeffrey H. Broido
Herbert J. Cohen
John P. Crocker
Martin S. Dubner
Jack B. Freeman
Elliot M. Gross
Aaron S. Hamburger
Millard F. Ingraham
Gordon I. Kaye *
Arthur L. Liberman
Lewis J. Mendelson
Albert E. Sacknoff
Alan Broadwin
Robert Cabat
Allan B. Deering
Stephen K. Easton
Max D. Eliason
Ralph C. Longsworth
Ronald S. Paul
Robert Rywick
Lee J. Seidler
Philip O. Shapiro
Robert R. Siroty
Joseph J. Sofhauser
Michael D. Spett
Lewis B. Sternfels
Arne J. Aadland
A. Gary Angleberger
Francisco J. Blanco *
Richard A. Drever Jr.
Albert Friedes
Robert D. Ensor
Robert L. Gnaizda
James V. Harwood
Herman D. Levy
Carlos Muñoz
Paul D. Newcomer
Samuel N. Rosenberg
Milton D. Seewald
Stanley F. Taback
Allen Appel
Henry F. Barbour
Jerold D. Cummins
O. Townsend Dann
John C. Diaz
Barry Dickman **
Charles R. Feuer
Frederick D. Hess
Maurice J. Katz
Melvin N. Lechner
Edwin M. Lipton
Thomas J. McAndrews
Stanley Meyers
Irving R. Michlin
Albert J. Sabatini Jr.
George L. Stern
Theodore H. Story
Robert S. Waldbaum
Richard J. Waldman
Thomas P. Bilbao
Stephen L. Buchman
Raymond N. Cohen
Stanley Feld
Lewis D. Fineman
Lowell A. Goldsmith
Theodore W. Graske Jr.
Sidney H. Gruber
Gerald W. Grumet
Ben Janowski
Alan R. Kahn *
Allen D. Klein *
Richard T. Lacoss
Bayard T. Ludlum
Laurence S. Marks
Walter Reichel
Joel M. Rein
Kenneth P. Scheffel *
Joel B. Solomon
Michael J. Tannenbaum
Samuel J. Tindall Jr.
Edward J. Young
Robert Berne
Imre G. Horvath
William R. Host
Thomas M. Job
Frederick C. Johnson
Alfred I. Kaplan
Stephen Z. Kaufman
Ivan R. Koota
F. Douglas McKnight
John B. Pegram
Rene Plessner
Barton Reichert
Edward J. Rigney
Peter W. Schweitzer
Irwin D. Sollinger
Robert A.M. Stern
Rolf E. Weingardt
Irwin H. Young
Anthony W. Adler
Allen B. Breslow
Philip S. Cottone
William H. Eckert
Tom E. Johnson
Robert E. Juceam
George Kalbouss
Peter G. McCabe
J. Anthony Mountain
George Reithoffer
Robert R. Salman
Joseph J. Sheveck
Bruce D. Shoulson
Leonard M. Silverman
G. Phillip Smith *
Ira Weinryb
Arnold H. Bank
Victor R. Beauchamp
Alan M. Bernstein
B. Barton Blanchard **
David M. Brothers
Edward Chin
John P. Chinkel
Richard A. Hansen
Roman G. Kernitsky
Richard E. Kobrin
Ralph D. Kopperman
Ronald C. Meyer
Barton Nisonson
Joseph B. Nozzolio
Richard J. Roth
Stuart H. Silverman
Andrew Smith II
Robert E. Sobel
Horace M. Spaulding Jr.
Stephen Stein
Yen T. Tan
Robert S. Umans
John C. von Leesen
Herbert B. Weinblatt
David M. Alpern
Lawrence Apple
Stephen E. Barcan
Peter W. Broido
Stephen R. Clineburg
Gerald P. Dwyer
Stephen A. Feig
Michael Fishbein
Victor R. Krause
Huai Han Kung
Stephen B. Langfelder
Michael S. Lubell
Aaron F. Malakoff
Jerry L. McIntyre
Chester W. Osborn
Kenneth R. Ostberg
Elliott B. Pollack
Phillip M. Satow *
Harvey A. Schneier
Albert M. Shapiro
Howard N. Spodek *
Daniel E. Subotnik
Benjamin Tua
Robert K. Whelan
Jorge L. Batista
Stephen H. Case
Avi Y. Decter
Bennett R. Freiberger
Charles R. Goshen
Ira Jaffe
Robert S. Jutkowitz
Leo S. Levy
Arthur Lew
Peter D. Lowitt
Kenneth W. Matasar
James McGroarty
Robert P. Nash
Joe Kuniaki Ozaki
Scott R. Parker
Jay Michael Portnow
Mark E. Ritchey
Peter R. Robrish
Jeffrey G. Rosenstock
Daniel P. Schechter
Barry E. Shapiro
Jorge A. Uribe
Jack S. Ventura
Steven H. Wasserman
Jonathan M. Weiss
Ivan M. Weissman
Paul N. Zeitlin
Edward N. Carrol
Elliot N. Dorff
Charles M. Garbowsky
Edward V. Geist
Michael Martin Griffin
Robert L. Henn
Robert E. Mattingly
Patrick J. McElhinney
Michael E. Newell
Thomas E. O’Brien
Leonard B. Pack
James R. Riley *
Richard L. Rudich
Peter G. Sack
Frederick H. Shuart Jr.
Neil E. Silver
Leo R. Wollemborg
Edwin L. Doernberger Jr.
Eben I. Feinstein
Daniel J. Friedenson
Gary N. Foulks
Carl H. Hanzelik
Thomas J. Harrold Jr.
Reed A. Hutner
Harvey Kurzweil
Robert E. Meyerson
Maurice Rick Reder
William H. Roach Jr.
Alexander D. Ross
Bruce D. Sargent
Richard H. Senter Jr.
Thomas L. Sheldon
Thomas L. Strausbaugh
Alexander D. Trifunac *
Harris A. Turkel
Jonathan F. Weil
Steven F. Weinstein
Roy J. Bernstein
Curt P. Bramblett
Travis Brown *
Raymond F. Burghardt Jr.
Carlton Carl
Robert F. Coviello
Leigh C. Dolin
David L. Dorenfeld
Anthony F. Greco
Kenneth L. Haydock
Harold I. Jawetz
Kenneth B. Kramer
Jonathan E. Kranz
Joshua F. Leinsdorf
Richard S. Mason
George E. McCabe
Kenneth J. Morgan
Martin W. Oster
Paul C. Raso
Stephen G. Rice
Stephen M. Sachs
Daniel G. Schwartzberg
Edward C. Yasuna
Edward P. Brennan
Edward J. Britt
Jeffrey L. Kestler
Jeffrey A. Kurnit
Jonathan B. Kotch
James E. McClellan III
Stephen S. Mills
Richard D. Mirel
Michael E. Newmark
Frederick T. Pugarelli
Howard S. Scher
Elliott J. Spanier
Richard E. Stiefler
Edward G. Stroh Jr.
Nathaniel H. Taylor
Peter Buscemi
Thomas M. Divine
Antonio D. Favetta
Miles D. Freedman
Jeffrey L. Glassroth
Howard B. Goldman
Stephen T. Hazam
William E. Kelly
Lawrence W. Koblenz
Howard L. Lemberg
James S. Marker
Joseph A. Materna
Michael S. Oberman
Jay L. Pearlberg
John E. Peterson III
Jeffrey M. Pines
Robert A. Rabinoff
David L. Reitman
David E. Rosedahl
David J. Rosen
Gary B. Rosenberg
J. Michael Schell
Charles B. Temkin
Ronald H. Wender *
Eric D. Witkin
Eli Cohen
Daniel L. Feldman
Peter H. Gordon
Lynwood W. Hammers
Eugene D. Hill
Oscar A. Jaeger
Robert M. Kile
Anthony L. Kiorpes
Charles Linzner
Kurt J. Meyers
Bruce H. Nagle
Stephen G. Peterson
Stephen Ross
Philip A. Russotti
Lashon B. Booker
Terence L. Chorba
Alan M. Cooper
Daniel K. Grimm
Peter N. Hiebert
Paul J. Kulkosky
Robert N. Mayer
Julio H. Montero
David S. Muntz
Ronald K. Nudelman
James E. Reed
Neal J. Rendleman
Vincent J. Rigdon
Julio Rivera Jr.
Alex P. Sachare
Raphael B. Stricker
Richard W. Vals
Edward C. Wallace Jr.
Paul S. Appelbaum
Thomas P. Bonczar
John H. Dawson
Arthur F. Ensroth
Robert J. Grey
William C. Hudgins
Jeffrey L. Jackson
George I. Karp
Edward M. Lane
Craig A. McPherson
Oliver D. Neith Jr.
Rafael P. Pastor
Edward G. Rogoff
David L. Ryan
Michael J. Shereff
Gary A. Szakmary
Richard H. Valliere
Michael Amdurer
Herbert W. Baker Jr.
Alfred F. Cain
Eugene A. Charon
Francis J. Dermody
James G. Fiederlein
Steven J. Glaser
Paul J. Kaliades
Nicholas R. Lubar
Thomas C. Melo Jr.
Steven F. Messner
John M. Russo
William H. Schmidt
Allan H. Solomon
Ross E. Staffeldt
Mark A. Turco
Jerome R. Weiner
Stephen K. Woods
William A. Berk
Charles D. Cole Jr.
Victor M. Fortuno
Anthony C. Herrling
Garrett McK. Johnson
Charles A. Leiwant
Stewart L. Levy
Abbe Lowell
John A. Malmberg
Alan P. Parnes
Frank Russo
William R. Stein
Michael J. Boylan
Michael S. Dulberg
Guy Golembiewski
Marc J. Gottridge
Lloyd N. Friedman
Frank Lancellotti
Robert Lopez
Thomas J. Losonczy
Ira B. Malin
Ferdinand J. Milano
Randolph C. Nichols
Thomas J. Plotz
Robert C. Schneider
James M. Steven
Hasan Bazari
Michael J. DeBusk
Lawrence M. Katz
Roland Koestner
Wilfred Lee
Laurence P. Lubka
Sanford R. Malz
Briane N. Mitchell
Richard E. Rohr
Gregory J. Rumore
Arthur I. Willner
Peter J. Beller
Eric M. Bjork
James C. Camparo
Bart K. Holland
Michael Katzman
Kevin L. Kehoe
Jon M. Lukomnik
Frank C. Mockler
Gregory F. Pauxtis
Brent M. Rosenthal
Dudley N. Williams Jr.
Eugene Chollick
Mario Daniele *
Anthony J. DeAngelis
Alfred G. Feliu
Jonathan L. Freedman
Scott H. Jacobs
Vasilios Karabinis *
John R. MacArthur
Daniel C. McCorkle
William G. Buchholz
Raymond J. Dorado
Ali Gheissari
Thomas M. Kelly
Chester P. Lee
Jack J. Lipari
Robert L. Montgomery
Stephen T. Murphy
Patrick J. O’Gara
Mindaugas A. Senulis
Gerald B. Stoughton
Edmund F. Vanston III
Alexander Wells
Gregory F. Breen
Eric F. Dubow
Charles F. Emery
David M. Fleischner
Kunihiko P. Ishikawa
David M. Leahy
Kenneth S.K. Lum
Thomas W. McNamara
James R. Schachter
Garry B. Spector
Marshall S. St. Clair
Michael A. Bass
William B. Grogan Jr.
Don W. Joe *
Edward H. Klees
Brian C. Krisberg
Alan H. Lessoff
Maurice Morales
John B. Price III
Charles J. O’Byrne
Mark J. Rosen
Elliott M. Rosenstein
Howard J. Tucker
Geoffrey C. Bayliss
Louis M. Orfanella
Leslie K. Oshiro
Paul J. Riordan
Daniel J. Tobin
Chandrasekar Venugopal *
Stephen Cambor
Kevin Chapman
Michael S. Gelber
Theodore B. Kesler
Nicholas H. Mayer
Elliot Quint
David H. Godfried
Peter B. Lunenfeld
Ronald C. Petrunoff
Frank Jack Piccininni
Stephen E. Pratten
Richard A. Robinson II
Charles J. Butler
John J.Keller
Frank P. Nocco
Daniel C. Poliak
Seth D. Radwell
Daniel Wolf Savin
Mark P. Scherzer
David A. Zapolsky
Dorina Amoroso
Meghan F. Cronin
Bernard Eydt
Michael I. Gottdenker *
Theodore A. Kenney
David B. Barry
Kyra Tirana Barry
Daniele Baliani
Eric M. Genden
Jordan S. Kushner
Bruce Philipson
Nairi Checkosky Balian
Nicholas P. Leone
Diane M. Ridley-White
Michael S. Satow *
Andrew N. Brody
Lisa L. Carnoy
John P. Connor
Sonya Cvercko-Lefever
Roger Rubin
Jennifer Fudge Ryan
Caroline E. Andersen
Labrini C. Liakonis
Charlene A. Ridgeway
Ted E. Tsekerides
Abigail Black Elbaum
Tami Luhby *
Megan A. Moran
Sarah-Jane Wilde
William Basso
Srilakshmi K. Gnanasekaran
David McCarthy
Christopher William
Sarah Lorge Butler
Robert Jawetz
Robert P.S. Kim
Kai-Yu Sun
Michele L. Lokitz
Tammy Park-De Boer
Ann Obringer Zipkin
Joyce F. Chapnick
Benjamin D. Lederer
Matthew Wang
Jacie Loren Jacobowitz
Elizabeth Mariani Riordan
Megan K. Van Linda *
Yevgeniy Sokolovskiy
Sally Sue-Ling Woo
Grace Eunhae Fazio
Kraig H. Odabashian
Daniel J. Fazio
Nathan Gardner-Andrews
Israel M. Gordan
Ksenija Alexandrovna Boutov
Raffaele Cardone
Marina Severinovsky
Andrea E. Channing Kung Starrett
Christian X. Capasso
Kristel L. Carrington
Anna Love Sproul
Nicole Ekstein
Charles S. McMillan
Joseph Cassara
Keegan Valbuena
Donald E. Sharp
Christine T. Berick
Kathryn N. Withycombe
Janet Cabat
Gail Barry
Joseph Barry
Leonard Fine
Robyn Shoulson
Lisa Spett
Steffi M. Berne
Carol Bernot
Margaret Ayres Case
Judith W. Matasar
Francine Silverman
Miriam Weinfeld
Beryl Rosenstock
Rose R. Subotnik
Barbara Tannenbaum
Judith Lane
Gemma Matarazzo
Leopold R. Matarazzo
Jacques Dole
Micheline Dole
Rachel Ross
Linda Stein
Esther L.M. Ho-Kung
Deborah M. Roach
Katharina M. Szakmary
John Bryant
Julia Cotter
Susan Rosenthal Karp
Midori Nagata Stanton
Robert B. Stanton
Wendy L. Bazari
Allan M. Cytryn
Carol Cytryn
Cathy Klion
Carol D. Leiwant
Carolyn W. Newmark
Girish Gada
Kusum Gada
Tamar Frank
Maureen D. Heinbockel
Richard J. Heinbockel
Dianne Foley
Janis Holody
Keith Leland
Audrey B. Strahl
Janet M. Cox
John E. Cox
Arlene Garbett Feldmeier
Harvey Feldmeier
Jim DeWille
Normanella DeWille
Janet B. Serle
Pamela S. Falk
John R. Bleeke
Marian Catherine Bleeke
Raymond C. Castellano
Erwin Curry
Wendy Curry
George F. Heinrich
Mary Ellen Stanisci-Castellano
William Ryoon Seock Choi
Hye Jung Hahn
Maryam M. Gheissari
Marita Rohr Inglehart
Ronald F. Inglehart
Hope K. Valbuena
Dean N. Vanech
Denise E. Vanech
Bonnie Baldwin
Robert T. Baldwin
Jeffrey H. Bowman
Bonnie J. Brownell
Andrew M. Kessel
Victoria E. Kessel
Gregory S. Balian
Barbara L. Freedy
Debra S. Heinrich
Douglas E. Lemley
Osilama Osime
Jonathan Corren
Martha Galvan
Christine Giraudo
John P. Giraudo
Walter E. Judge Jr.
Mark S. Kegel
Patricia B. Kegel
Nora E. Mavrommatis
Peter I. Mavrommatis
Jean C. O’Neill
Ellen M. Tobin
Sharon L. Gerstman Chapman
Elizabeth Everett Krisberg
Martha M. Peralta
Phillip D. Rivera
Ishani S. Ali
Omar Ali
Min Chang
Hye-Youn Cho
Patricia C. Gesuale
Peter M. Gesuale
Barteld Gout
Monica Gout
Paul M. Hand
Yunhua Jiang
Grace Leone
Edward J. Sanderson Jr.
Susan C. Sanderson
Jack E. Thompson
Tianxiang Wang
Ana Ayala
Jose F. Ayala
James L. Bromley
Kristina Bromley
Miriam R. Harden
Robert J. Harden
Loretta Mackenzie
Peter N. Mackenzie
Jin-Mei Moudou
Martial Moudou
Jean Asbill Chow
Jim Chungshan Chow
Ana Garcia
Miyoung E. Lee
Denise U. Levy
Joaquim Levy
Denise M. Pihlkar
Robert C. Pihlkar
Grace M. Rubertone
Robert J. Rubertone
Jennifer Rupcich
Patrick M. Ryan
Neil P. Simpkins
Donna Olson Adler
Barbara S. Amdurer
Judy A. Angleberger
Marillyn J. Arturi
Bettye Grossman Barcan
Cecelia M. Barnett
Catherine C. Bayliss
Russell E. Berg
Noreen H. Bernstein
Jane Ross Brennan
Lorinda Begam Camparo
Elaine I. Chan
Valerie Charmian Chan
Toni Coffee
Marion E. Cohen
Julian M. D’Ambrosi
Carol H. Dickman
Leslie Dolin
Charles M. Ekstein
Arlene Elkind
Sheria Enahora
Aimee Felton Freedman
Jeanette O. Friedenson
Angle Gallers
David M. Gallers
Carol A. Goldsmith
Alicia E. Gordon
Susan A. Grey
Elaine Ann Hammers
Su Young Han
Betty B. Hauck
Patricia T. Hendel
Jeanne S. Huber
Janet Huseby
Julia Hyman
Dale Kahn
Barbara Kapelman
Janine Kietrys
Slava Kozlov
Claude Lestelle
Roberta W. Longsworth
Ruth Watson Lubic
William Lutter
Phillip A. McCoog
Christina W. McIntyre
Sally A. Meyer
Won Misung
Kassie Muñoz
Karen Janowski
Sheryl Andrea Jawetz
Nancy W. Kaye
Cecilia M. Kehoe
Florence Klein
Abby S. Kurnit
Ruth Langfelder
Matthew Latimer
Judy Lippman
Jeannine D. Lubar
Troy Lokitz
Nicole L. Lynch
Barrie D. Mandel
Jaqueline McClellan
Carol McCoog
Sara C. Meyers
Suzanne Meyerson
Judith A. Miller
Carole S. Murowitz
James R. Nitzkorski
Sydney A. Nitzkorski
Lois C. Padawer
Ronnie A. Parnes
Marina Pastor
Shivani Patel
Ann W. Paul
Patricia N. Pegram
Ellen Coxe Price
Irene Preiser
Edward J. Purce *
Susan S. Riley *
Susan McLaughlin Rosen
Albert E. Sackanoff
Joyce Sacknoff
Eric J. Senderowicz
Rebecca Zausmer Senderowicz
Judith J. Sheldon
Jacqueline Shinefield
Cynthia S. Story
Shirley Turteltaub
Ellen D. von Nardroff
Margery L. Wasko
Aetna Foundation
Archer-Daniels-Midland Foundation
The Boeing Co.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Capital One Services
Chicago Bridge & Iron Co.
CIGNA Foundation
Corning Incorporated Foundation
Deloitte Foundation
ExxonMobil Foundation
GE Foundation
The Hartford Insurance Group
Hewlett-Packard Company Foundation
IBM International Foundation
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.
McGraw-Hill Education
MeadWestvaco Foundation
Monsanto Fund
Northrop Grumman Foundation
Northwestern Mutual Life Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
Procter & Gamble Fund
Prudential Foundation
The Scholarship Foundation-Lockheed
Schroder Investments Management
Thomson Tax & Accounting
TimeWarner Foundation
Trans Union
UnumProvident Corp.
Vale Canada Limited
Wells Fargo Foundation
* Gift was given through trust, foundation, corporation or organization
** Deceased
Issue Contents
Published three times a year by Columbia College for alumni, students, faculty, parents and friends.
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622 W. 113th St., MC 4530, 6th Fl.
New York, NY 10025
Columbia Alumni Center
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New York, NY 10025