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Just Married!
CCT welcomes wedding photos where at least one member of the couple is a College alum. Please submit your high-resolution photo and caption information on our photo webform. Congratulations!
Francis Grunow ’96 (second from left) married Carolyn Geck on October 6, 2018, at what Grunow called Detroit’s “forever Tiger Stadium.” Joining the couple were, from far left, David Gratt ’90 (sporting 1990s-era Travis Fryman), Phyllis Fletcher ’94 and Adam Schweber ’96.
Nicole Muster
Gabriella Ripoll ’10 and Filipe Fernandes were married on February 29, 2020, at Florida’s Lighthouse Point Yacht Club. Celebrating were (left to right) Noah Scribner, Aimee Birnbaum, Tyler Naill, Aurelie N’Songo, the groom, the bride, Gary Denardo, Monica Watson, Alvaro Salkeld, Ilana Broad and Miriam Manber BC’10.
Rosina DiBello
Matthew Haicken and Julie Raskin ’08 were married in their Brooklyn apartment on April 20, 2020, by NY1 anchor Pat Kiernan on the live morning show.
Eric Schneider
Jerry Edelson and Maiya Chard-Yaron ’06 were married in the South Congress Hotel in Austin, Texas, on December 19.
Tracy Devine Guzman and Adam Fels ’93 were married on November 27 on Sanibel Island, Fla.
Asya Gottesman and Lawrence Geyman ’12 were married aboard the Atlantis yacht in Brooklyn on August 25, 2019. Celebrating were (left to right) Ann Wang, Chao “Carl” Wang SEAS’13; the bride; the groom; Ella Geyman (née Brodsky) ’89, mother of the groom; Matthew Geyman ’21, brother of the groom; Brandi Ripp ’12; and Daniel Rockower LAW’15. Not pictured: Leo Brodsky GSAS’88, SIPA’88, uncle of the groom.
GreyLine Photography
Shane Olds and Tara Barrett-Olds ’10 were married at the Hotel Zamora, St. Pete Beach, Fla., on March 7.
Buffy Feldman, Lifelong Photography Studio
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Published three times a year by Columbia College for alumni, students, faculty, parents and friends.
Columbia Alumni Center
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New York, NY 10025
Columbia Alumni Center
622 W. 113th St., MC 4530, 4th Fl.
New York, NY 10025