Get to know College staff!
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Get to know College staff!
I’m a huge believer in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Simply put, it states that if basic requirements like food, housing, health, safety and belonging are not satisfied, that will impede an individual’s ability to attain self-actualization — things like education, passions, interests, identity. Essentially, when I think of an individual’s wellness, it often results in a question: “Is school the most important and immediate concern this student has right now?” And then, if not, “What does this student need to achieve a semblance of stability, and how can Columbia’s resources be helpful?”
There is no typical day! I could work intensely with one student and their family for a few days. I often collaborate with colleagues in advising or student conduct to provide additional, specialized support to a student. At times I’m responding to immediate crises. I support students returning from medical leaves of absence. And I’m always welcoming to students who, at the advice of Counseling and Psychological Services or the Center for Career Education, have reached out to me. The work is dynamic, but fulfilling every day.
Helping students, especially those who have had a setback. It’s not lost on me that completing a Columbia degree can have a significant impact on students’ lives and the lives of their families. It’s my goal to use every resource to help every student I meet complete their education, and in the process dispel the notion that it has to be done with no difficulty and that one’s record has to look perfect.
The past year (and counting) has been challenging for everyone and in so many ways. The pandemic has also had an incredible impact on higher education, particularly on students. We have been forced to make immediate decisions about how to continue academic operations while centering on the health and safety of students. All of us — students, families, faculty and staff — are banking on a collective understanding that we are doing the best we can. We have focused on providing a safe living community for students who need it most, while increasing access to Columbia resources around the globe. I encourage students to give themselves as much grace as possible. I encourage all students to find moments of rest and self-care.
I was a competitive track and field athlete at Cornell. Many of the lessons I learned in sports I’ve used in my personal life and in my work. They have taught me how to “fail” at something, how to work harder, how to be persistent, how to celebrate a competitor and how to feel satisfied with my performance even if I did not win.
Published three times a year by Columbia College for alumni, students, faculty, parents and friends.
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622 W. 113th St., MC 4530, 6th Fl.
New York, NY 10025
Columbia Alumni Center
622 W. 113th St., MC 4530, 4th Fl.
New York, NY 10025