Young Alums Meet at Columbia

Approximately 95 alumni,
many from the Class of 2000, gathered at the Columbia Club on
January 11 for the first Columbia College Young Alumni meeting of
than 95 alumni gathered at the Columbia Club of New York on
Thursday, January 11, for the first Columbia College Young Alumni
general meeting - and first party - of 2001. Although the evening
was primarily an opportunity to catch up with classmates, the
participants (including a sizable contingent from the Class of
2000) heard Rita Pietropinto '93, CCYA president, and
members of the CCYA executive committee discuss plans for the
spring semester, which include not only more of CCYA's popular
networking nights but also a Young Alumni Award ceremony scheduled
for Friday, May 11th, and a dance party for all young alums to be
held in the Hammerstein Ballroom in midtown on Friday, June
Hamilton Associates
President Abby Black-Elbaum '92 also reported on her group's
efforts to increase young alumni participation in the Columbia
College Fund.
CCYA, an organization of
alumni who have graduated in the last 10 years, sponsors social
events, networking nights and other programs that encourage
connections among young alumni and between young alumni and the
College. For more information on upcoming CCYA events, or for
information on becoming involved in one of the CCYA committees,
please visit the CCYA website (www.college.columbia.edu/alumni/groups/ccya),
e-mail ccya@columbia.edu or
call Adlar García '95 in the Alumni Office at (212)