The Modern Researcher
by Jacques Barzun ’27 and Henry F. Graff.
Perhaps the only book revised by the same authors half a century
after its first edition, the sixth edition of the renowned guide
to inquiry and communication by two legendary Columbia professors
offers essential lessons on research and reporting as well as discussions
on using the Internet and the library (Wadsworth/Thomson Learning,
Selected Papers of Alan Hoffman [’44] With Commentary
edited by Charles A. Micchelli. This volume of papers
by mathematician Alan Hoffman ’44 includes an autobiographical
piece that highlights formative influences as an undergraduate as
well as works on geometry, combinatorics, graph spectra and more
(World Scientific, $88).

The Rise And Fall
Of The Press Box by Leonard Koppett '44 |
The Rise and Fall of the Press Box
by Leonard Koppett ’44 with foreword by David
Stern, NBA commissioner and chair of the Board of Trustees.
This memoir by the illustrious and well-respected sports writer,
finished just days before his death in June 2003, describes the
evolution of American sports and media coverage from the viewpoint
of a career newspaperman who was honored by both the baseball and
basketball Halls of Fame (Sport Media Publishing, Inc., $23.95).
Terror War and Peace: With De-Sanctification of Jihad
by Stephen Seadler ’46. The third book of the Softpower
Trilogy is a security treatise on “softpower weapons”
in the “Age of Catastrophic Terrorism” with a focus
on the nullification of the “Islamic Jihad” (ID Center,
The Sibling Thing: How I Went From Prince to Pest in Four Short
by Saul Turteltaub ’54. The author of the bestselling
The Grandfather Thing writes a comic memoir from his 3-year-old
grandson’s perspective. Max, who becomes an older brother
with the birth of Ross, offers observations and insight into the
burgeoning sibling rivalry (Tallfellow Press, $17.95).
Arthur Miller: His Life and Work
by Martin Gottfried ’55. This biography portrays
the personal and professional life of a great American playwright
who “in his own country … has gone unappreciated to
the point of scorn.” The book offers insight into Miller’s
works and explores a personal life that included marriage to Marilyn
Monroe and struggles with the House Un-American Activities Committee
(De Capo Press, $30).
A Time to Whisper
by Jay Liveson ’59. This collection of poems by
the New York neurologist, finished shortly before his death, explores
themes from the author’s lifetime. His “medical”
poems include technical and clinical terms that combine the scientific
with the poetic, recreating the emotions he experienced as a doctor
(Fithian Press, $12).
Mr. S: My Life With Frank Sinatra

Mr. S: My Life With
Frank Sinatra by George Jacobs and William Stadiem '69 |
by George Jacobs and William Stadiem ’69.
This “deliciously gossipy” account by Sinatra’s
former valet, Jacobs, offers an intimate portrait of the legendary
singer and describes the fascinating world of stars, politicians
and mobsters (HarperCollins, $24.95).
Not Till the Fat Lady Sings: The Most Dramatic Sports Finishes
of All Time
edited by Les Krantz. A collection of entries on memorable
sports finishes, from Bobby Thompson’s “Shot Heard Around
the World” to Michael Jordan’s last basket as a Chicago
Bull, the book includes four chapters by CCT editor Alex Sachare
’71 (Triumph Books, $29.95).
Lyndon Johnson and Europe: In the Shadow of Vietnam
by Thomas Alan Schwartz ’76. This revisionist look at the
oft-criticized president provides a comprehensive study of LBJ’s
policy toward Europe and credits his leadership in building a Western
alliance amid global Cold War crises (Harvard University Press,
Meet John Trow
by Thomas Dyja ’84. In this multi-genre novel,
a disillusioned ad man joins a local group of Civil War re-enactors
and becomes obsessed with the life of Private John Trow, a character
he is assigned to portray (Penguin Books, $14).
The Anxiety Cure: An Eight-Step Program for Getting Well
by Robert L. DuPont, Elizabeth DuPont Spencer ’88
and Caroline M. DuPont. Written by a father and his daughters,
this guide, which features dramatic stories as well as progress
charts and outlines, offers step-by-step methods for dealing with
anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder
and panic disorder (Wiley, $15.95).
How to Become Famous in Two Weeks or Less
by Melissa de la Cruz ’93 and Karen Robinovitz.
Two freelance writers at Marie Claire are given two weeks
to “become famous” and to make it to the celebrity A-list.
This reality show-style book details the writers’ 14-day adventure
to fame and the outrageous steps taken to land them in the world
of gossip columns, celebrity parties and five-star restaurants (Ballatine
Books, $12.95).

Serious Girls by
Maxine Swann '94 |
Serious Girls
by Maxine Swann ’94. This award-winning short story
author’s first novel focuses on adolescent growth, as two
boarding school girls, Maya and Roe, turn their feelings of alienation
into a desire to be adults and a journey of self-discovery (Picador,
Culture and Resistance: Conversations With Edward W. Said
by David Barsamian. The late University Professor, in
a series of interviews, offers insight on topics such as the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict, terrorism and the Iraq situation (South End Press, $16).
Reclaiming the Game: College Sports and Educational Values
by William G. Bowen and Sarah A. Levin. Probing
33 academically selective colleges and universities that do not
offer athletic scholarships, including Columbia, this study on the
athletic recruitment process reveals how recruited athletes are
as much as four times more likely to gain admission than non-athletes
with the same academic qualifications (Princeton University Press,

School: Columbia University’s School of Journalism,
1903–2003 by James Boylan |
Pulitzer’s School: Columbia University’s School of
Journalism, 1903–2003
by James Boylan. In this history commissioned by the
Journalism School, the founding editor of the Columbia Journalism
Review gives a definitive history of the institution from Pulitzer’s
original $2 million grant to the recent controversy about the school’s
mission (Columbia University Press, $37.50).
Indelible Shadows: Film and the Holocaust
by Annette Insdorf, professor of film studies. This fully
revised third edition, which includes an annotated filmography of
more than 100 Holocaust titles, analyzes dozens of films on the
Holocaust and addresses theoretical issues such as the “truth
claims” of the cinematic medium (Cambridge University Press,

Morningside Heights
by Cheryl Mendelson |
Morningside Heights
by Cheryl Mendelson. This novel, from the bestselling
author of Home Comforts, chronicles the lives of two middle-class
musicians, their social interaction in the Morningside Heights community
and the family’s financial struggle that might force a move
to the suburbs (Random House, $24.95).
You Don’t Always Get What You Pay For: The Economics of
by Elliot D. Sclar, professor of urban planning. Addressing
the trend of public sector privatization and the shrinking of “legitimate
collective decision making,” this book takes a critical look
at the market economy and offers insight on effective public management
techniques (Cornell University Press, $18.95).
Columbia College Today features
books by alumni and faculty as well as books about the College
and its people. For inclusion, please send review copies to:
Laura Butchy, Bookshelf Editor
Columbia College Today
475 Riverside Drive, Ste 917
New York, NY 10115-0998 |