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Columbia College Today July 2004
Cover Story


 Reunion 2004
 John Reeves Casts
 Flouting Convention,
    Part I: Wayne Root
    Gambles His Way
    to Success
 Flouting Convention,
    Part II: Annie Duke
    Finds Her Place at
    the Poker Table



Alumni Profiles





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Career Network Provides Resources

One of the best ways to learn about career options is through networking. By having conversations with people who have been successful in various industries and learning from their experiences, career seekers can gather valuable information. “How can I get in touch with alumni working in (fill in the field)?” is a question heard frequently at the Center for Career Education.

To help answer this question, and address other alumni job concerns, CCE and the Columbia E-Community have launched the Career Connections Network. This new online venture within the E-Community, Columbia’s free online service for alumni of the College and SEAS, gives alumni the opportunity to be a resource to other alumni as well as tap into CCE resources.

The CCN allows alumni to network with other alumni, volunteer as panelists at career events and serve as contacts and advocates for students. The CCN connects alumni to Career Center activities and involves alumni in students’ lives. The CCN, which launched during spring semester, has nearly 200 members and is one of the fastest growing groups within the E-Community.

How does it work? Simply log in to the E-Community and join the CCN using the “Communities” link. Once you’ve joined, you’ll receive regular updates on CCN opportunities and events, such as the panels on which several alumni participated during Spring Career Week. You’ll also find job listings posted by the Career Center as well as information about career events that are suitable for alumni.

To make the most of the CCN, please complete all portions of your E-Community profile, especially the “Career Path” and “About Me” screens. The more information you provide, the easier it is for the right alumni to network. And remember, networking is about developing and building relationships, not about identifying jobs. The stronger your network, the more you’ll get out of the system.

If you have questions about the CCN, please contact Deborah Rothstein, director of the Alumni Career Development Program ( or Laura Hoffman, director of employer and alumni relations (




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