Ted Tayler: The Good Man, the Good Poem and the Great
A former student recalls how Professor of English Ted Tayler
made sure that his students came to their own conclusions
about great literature.
By David Lehman ’70 [More]
250 Years: An Inner Life of Sufficient Richness |
look at the evolution of Literature Humanities and the distinguished
professors who created the syllabi that still features some
of the same books it did more than 70 years ago.
By Timothy P. Cross '98 GSAS [More]
New Yorker Sings Country

Cantrell ’89 is part of the changing face of country
music, even if she’s not in Nashville anymore.
By Dina Cheney '99 [More]
Looking for a Classmate? |
how the E-Community, Columbia’s online community of
College and Engineering School alumni, can help you reconnect
with a lost friend or classmate.
2004 John Jay Awards |

Photos by Eileen Barroso [More]
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