From Students to Alumni
A dynamic class speaker, good weather and
the support of family, friends and alumni
were highlights of the Class of 2007’s Class
Day and Commencement.
By Alex Sachare ’71, photos by Eileen Barroso [more]
Hurricane Steve Moves On

After 19 years as president of The George Washington University, Stephen Joel Trachtenberg ’59 is
ready for new challenges.
By Eugene L. Meyer ’64 [more]
An American First |

Former New Jersey governor James E. McGreevey ’78, who stunned the country when he resigned in 2004, has settled into his new life.
By Dan Fastenberg ’05
Columbia Forum |

An excerpt from Dr. Jerome Groopman ’72, ’76 P&S’ bestselling book, How Doctors Think, sheds light on how doctors are trained to act with patients versus what happens in real-life situations.