Around the Quads
Reunite With Friends, Enjoy New York At Reunion Weekend 2003

Good friends, fine food
and a festive campus make Reunion Weekend a don't-miss event
Reunion Weekend 2003,
for classes that end in 3 or 8, is set for Thursday, May 29-Sunday,
June 1. The weekend is a great opportunity to rekindle friendships,
make new friends and enjoy New York's culture and nightlife. It's
also a chance to visit the campus and see its many changes and improvements.
The weekend kicks off on Thursday night, when alumni can purchase
discount tickets (first come, first served) to a selection of Broadway
shows. After the show, there will be a “Post-Theater Champagne
Party" at the New 42nd Street Studios. Some classes also will host
cocktail parties, receptions and gatherings that evening.
Friday morning and afternoon feature walking tours of campus, Central
Park, Harlem, the Cloisters and the Lower East Side Tenement Museum.
Also available is a bus trip (tickets required, adults only) to
the Rockefeller family's Kykuit Estate near Tarrytown, N.Y. Children
ages 3-12 have their own event: The "Fun in the Sun Kids Program"
ensures that children enjoy supervised activities from 11 a.m.-4
p.m. on Friday and (10 a.m.-10 p.m. on Saturday.
On Friday afternoon, alumni can attend a discussion, "The College
Admissions Process," in Lerner Hall. James Minter '73, a member
of the Admissions staff, will answer questions. Those who feel the
urge to get back in the school mode may participate in "An Intellectual
Sampling of Columbia College." Or, alumni and their guests can simply
relax on Low Plaza and enjoy live music and lunch at Café Columbia.
Evening events on Friday include cocktails, receptions and dinners
for the Classes of '43, '48, '53, '58 and '63. The Class of 1988
is invited to a Welcome Back Party at Metrazur, at Grand Central
Terminal, and Dean Austin Quigley will host a reception at The America's
Society on Park Avenue. At 9 p.m., a light Sabbath Dinner is offered
at the Kraft Family Center for Jewish Student Life, on West 115th

Gamble with Columbia
Cash and mingle with friends at Casino Royale on Friday night
at the Hammerstein Ballroom.
After dinner, alumni won't want to miss one of the weekend's most
popular events: Casino Royale, held at the Hammerstein Ballroom
in the Manhattan Center on West 34th Street. Winners can redeem
"Columbia Cash" can be redeemed for Columbia merchandise. The tables
will remain in play after 10 p.m., when College, Barnard and SEAS
alumni from the Classes of 1988-2003 gather in the ballroom for
the third annual alumni dance party, hosted by the Columbia College
Alumni Association.
Saturday begins with Morning(side) Yoga and Exercise, followed
by the Dean's Brunch and Convocation, when Dean Quigley will address
alumni and present dean's pins. The day's activities include "Film
and Discussion With Ric Burns '78," a chance to join a discussion
with this distinguished filmmaker and historian. Also on the afternoon's
roster are barbeques on Low Plaza and South Lawn, class luncheons
and discussions on the Core and the admissions process.
On Saturday evening, alumni are invited to "Wine Tasting: Great
Wines for Under $20," in the South Field tent, followed by class
receptions, dinners and photos, with all invited to attend the Starlight
Reception on Low Plaza beginning at 10 p.m.
Sunday morning wraps things up in Lerner Hall with more yoga, followed
by bagels, cream cheese, lox and The New York Times.
Alumni from reunion classes should have received reunion information
and a registration packet in the mail in March. Online registration,
a complete program of events (including class-specific activities),
information on housing, child care, parking and other frequently
asked questions may be found on the College's reunion website: www.college.columbia.edu/alumni/reunion.
For answers to any other questions, please contact Sharen Medrano
in the Alumni Office at (212) 870-2288 (toll-free: 866-CCALUMNI)
or so290@columbia.edu.
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