Joseph Brouillard ’51, Former CCAA President,
Communications Agency Founder
Joseph Brouillard ’51,
founder of a corporate communications agency bearing his name
and president of the Columbia College Alumni Association from
1986–88, died on September 24 at his home in Montpelier,
Vt. [more]
Jack Rohan ’53, CU’s Winningest Men’s Basketball
John P. “Jack” Rohan ’53,
Columbia winningest men’s basketball coach and a revered
figure in Lions athletics history, died on August 9. [more]
Alexander A. Fisher, physician, New York City,
on July 17, 2004. A 1929 graduate of P&S, Fisher was clinical
professor of dermatology for the last three decades at NYU-Postgraduate
Medical School. He was associated with The Ronald O. Perelman Department
of Dermatology and its Skin and Cancer Unit for 65 years. Fisher
founded the subspecialty of contact dermatitis and edited the definitive
eponymous textbook in the field as well as more than 300 scientific
papers. He was an admired teacher, world-renowned lecturer and acknowledged
leader in dermatology as well as a noted humorist. Fisher is survived
by his children, Stephen A. and his wife, Susan, and Adria Price
and her husband, Stephen; four grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
He was predeceased by his wife, Lillian.
Pollack, federal judge, New York City, on August 13, 2004.
A 1929 graduate of the Law School and a 1998 John Jay Award recipient,
Pollack presided over some of the biggest financial-scandal cases
of the 20th century. He grew up in Flatbush, Brooklyn, and was named
to the federal bench in the Southern District of New York in 1967
by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Throughout his judicial career,
Pollack was known as a strict and efficient arbiter who could not
be fooled by lawyers’ tricks, either because he had seen them
before or had used them in 23 years of private practice, according
to The New York Times. Pollack was best known for taking complex
financial scandals, boiling them down and compelling both sides
to accept a settlement. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, he
sorted through the Drexel Burnham Lambert bankruptcy, pulling together
hundreds of claims against the company and its executives, including
Michael R. Milken. In 1992, Pollack approved a settlement in the
case for more than $1 billion. The Times said, “The amount
was later reduced, but many experts had predicted when the case
started that it would take decades to complete. Judge Pollack ended
the case in a fraction of that time simply by telling lawyers on
all sides to sit in a jury room until they came up with points of
agreement. Several hours later, they emerged with an outline of
the settlement on a single sheet of yellow legal paper, which Judge
Pollack then framed and put on his office wall.” Last year,
Pollack issued a landmark ruling dismissing two class-action lawsuits
against analysts at Merrill Lynch. His criticism, as usual, was
scathing. He blamed the plaintiffs for expecting federal securities
laws “to underwrite, subsidize and encourage their rash speculation
in joining a freewheeling casino that lured thousands obsessed with
the fantasy of Olympian riches.” Despite his tough reputation,
Pollack’s friends and family described him as a warm and gentle
man who would often become teary-eyed during professional and family
gatherings. His first wife, Lillian Klein, to whom he was married
for 35 years, died in 1967, and his second wife, Moselle Baum Erlich,
whom he married in 1971, died in February. Pollack is survived by
his daughters, Stephanie Miller, Joan Kaplan, Judy Margolis and
Phyllis Asch; son, Daniel; 15 grandchildren; and 23 great-
Kermit G. Dwork, physician, Forest Hills, N.Y.,
on August 25, 2004. Born on March 22, 1912, in New York City, Dwork
graduated from George Washington H.S. He graduated from P&S
in 1936. Dwork interned at Hartford Municipal Hospital from 1937–39
and served in the Army from 1943–47, attaining the rank of
major. Dwork served at Schick General Hospital, Clinton, Iowa; 167th
General Hospital, France; and the Surgeon General’s Office,
Washington, D.C. His specialty was internal medicine, with a particular
interest in tropical medicine and parasitology, which he wrote about
in several professional publications. In addition to memberships
in professional societies, Dwork held an academic appointment as
assistant professor of clinical medicine at SUNY Stony Brook. He
is survived by his wife, Bonnie.
Valentine C. Bremer, retired quality control manager,
Lyndhurst, N.J., on July 16, 2004. Bremer was a Jersey City native
and lifelong New Jersey resident. After receiving his M.S. in 1937,
Bremer was employed for 10 years by the Sheffield Farms research
laboratory and then spent the rest of his career as manager of quality
control and director of technical services of the C.F. Mueller Co.,
from which he retired in 1980. Bremer was an emeritus member of
the American Chemical Society, the Institute of Food Technologists,
the American Society for Quality Control and the American Society
of Cereal Chemists. He also served on numerous advisory committees
for industry groups and North Dakota State University. He was a
member of the vestry and treasurer of St. Thomas P.E. Church, Lyndhurst.
An avid sportsman, he won numerous bowling trophies and during retirement
enjoyed salmon fishing in Alaska each summer. He is survived by
his sons, Charles V. ’63 and John W.; daughter Mary E.; five
grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Edward G. Menaker, engineer, Waynesboro, Va.,
on February 24, 2003. Born in Newark, N.J., on April 10, 1919, Menaker
graduated from Flushing H.S., where he was a member of the city
champion fencing team. He fenced for Columbia under coach Jimmy
Murray and remained a loyal Varsity “C” Club member
throughout his life. In later years, he taught fencing in Virginia,
providing clinics for the teams at James Madison and Virginia Commonwealth
universities. Menaker graduated with a major in French literature
and received an M.A. in French in 1939 from GSAS. Pursuing his doctorate,
he was awarded a Columbia traveling fellowship to Aix-en-Provence,
which was deferred by the outbreak of war in Europe. Menaker was
commissioned in the Army in 1942 and served as one of the first
radar officers in Chennault’s 14th Air Force in China, retiring
from active duty in 1945 as a major with a Bronze Star. In 1946,
he joined the General Electric Co. in Schenectady. Menaker became
licensed as a professional engineer and spent the next four decades
as an inventor and manager for G.E. in Virginia and in 1966–67
in France. Later, he was a G.E. liaison with the electronics industry
in Japan, establishing relations with engineers from the nation
against whose ships he had directed bombing raids 30 years earlier.
Menaker was a leading member of the Virginia Democratic Party and
although a war veteran, was active in opposing the Vietnam War.
He served as a McCarthy delegate at the Democratic National Convention
in 1968 and was a campaign manager for progressive candidates for
public office in the 1970s and ’80s. He also served on the
Virginia State Health Coordinating Council, was president of the
Northern Virginia regional health council, and held many other regional
and local public service positions. Menaker had lifelong friendships
with a number of classmates and vivid recollections of College courses,
particularly Mark Van Doren’s Shakespeare survey. He often
spoke of his Columbia experience as teaching the value of thinking
before acting and keeping an open mind. He was a John Jay Associate
and a longtime Virginia ARC member. Menaker is survived by his wife
of 61 years, Elizabeth (Dresbold); sons, Lawrence and Richard ’69;
and four grandchildren.
John Guise Lyons, attorney, San Francisco, on
June 22, 2004. A New York City native, Lyons and his family went
to France when he was a young boy and lived there for 10 years.
After receiving a Baccalaureat de Mathematiques at the College de
Cannes, Lyons returned to New York and graduated from the College
with a B.A. and from the Law School in 1942 with an LL.B. During
WWII, he served as a lieutenant with the Navy as an intelligence
officer, first as assistant naval attache in Haiti, where he was
given the Officer de L’Ordre de Merite decoration from Haiti’s
government, then at the British Admiralty in London during the planning
of the Normandy invasions, in which he landed at Utah Beach on D-Day,
and finally was posted at the U.S. Naval Technical Mission in Paris.
Lyons left active service as a lieutenant commander. Following the
war, he served for several years in the Naval Reserve. A distinguished
attorney in of public utility law, Lyons was a full-time partner
in Vaughan, Paul and Lyons. Following nationwide deregulation of
public utilities, Lyons devoted himself primarily to estate planning
and business law. He also was a longtime participant in community
service organizations. Lyons’ memberships included the S.F.
Alliance Francaise, S.F. Rotary Club, Mechanics Institute Library,
Columbia College and Columbia Law School Alumni Associations (he
was a longtime member of the Alumni Club of Northern California)
and the Cercle de Union (French Club). In addition to his wife of
47 years, Barbara Moller Lyons, Lyons is survived by two sons from
a prior marriage, Robert Swayne Lyons and Richard Guise Lyons; two
granddaughters; two nieces; three grandnieces; and one grandnephew.
His brother, Franklin Brown Lyons, predeceased him.
Nian Tzu “N.T.” Wang, retired United
Nations official, Larchmont, N.Y., on August 26, 2004. Wang was
born in Shanghai on July 25, 1917. Trained to be a Confucian scholar,
he received a classical education at home, where he was tutored
in Chinese poetry, painting, the classics and other literati skills.
Math, science and languages were introduced later by his father,
Pai Yuan (P.Y.) Wang, a banker, when he decided to school his four
sons in the Western ways as teenagers. In 1937, Wang went to study
at the London School of Economics and in Germany. He transferred
to the College, where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa with honors in
economics, and went on to receive an M.A. and Ph.D. in economics
from Harvard. After retiring from a 28-year career at the United
Nations as director of the Centre on Trans-national Corporations,
he returned to Columbia to teach at the Business School and SIPA.
He enjoyed teaching, organizing seminars, creating training programs
for Chinese academic and business leaders, and working tirelessly
as the director of the China-International Business Project. Wang
was an honorary professor at 10 universities, a fellow of the International
Academy of Management and a recipient of many awards, including
the New York Governor’s Award for Outstanding Asian-American.
In his autobiography, My Nine Lives, Wang wrote of his lives as
No. 1 son, traditional scholar, foreign student, public servant,
instructor, international servant, adviser, academician and immigrant.
He made many contributions to China; to the United States, his home
since 1939; and to countless countries he helped through his work
at the U.N. Economic and Social Council. In addition to his professional
achievements, his passions included dancing with his wife of 62
years, Mabel, and playing tennis. Wang composed classical Chinese
poems, which his family will compile as the 10th chapter in his
life, The Poet. He is survived by his wife; children, June, Kay
(Leighton Chen), Cynthia (Daniel Sedlis), Geraldine and Newton;
and three grandchildren. Memorial contributions may be made to Community
Funds, Inc. for the N.T. and Mabel Wang Charitable Fund (which will
continue the mission of the China-International Business Project
that Wang established at Columbia), c/o Community Funds, Inc.,
2 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016.
Stanley Wyatt, artist, New City, N.Y., on September 23,
2004. Wyatt was born in Denver on September 20, 1921. He earned
an M.A. in 1947 from GSAS and later taught art at Waynesburg College,
Columbia and Rockland Community College, among others. Wyatt’s
work was influenced by Cubism, and in 1976 he created what he told
The (Rockland County, N.Y.) Journal News was “the major work
of his career to date,” a triptych called “Homage to
the Hudson River.” The work was done for the United States’
Bicentennial and was his personal interpretation of history and
contemporary life along the river as seen from Nyack and Piermont.
“His work was iconoclastic, he didn’t pay attention
to trends,” said Ned Harris, a member of the Rockland Center
for the Arts’ board of trustees. “He went his own way
and followed his own vision, an independent man whose style was
Impressionistic.” Wyatt was remembered in September at the
Great Teacher Awards Dinner, during which he was acknowledged for
having designed the awards given to the winners. Wyatt’s wife
of 60 years, Alice, died in March. Among his survivors are sons
Roger ’68 and Greg ’71, a prominent sculptor who recently
unveiled his bronze Scholars’ Lion near Low Library.
Sacks, retired attorney, New York City, on September 1,
2004. Sacks was a leader of the College’s Board of Visitors
and in 1993 received a John Jay Award for distinguished professional
achievement. He graduated from the Law School in ’48 and was
a retired partner of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett. Sacks served
as chief administrative officer of Lehman Brothers and was president
and vice chairman of Joseph E. Seagram & Sons. He also was president
of UJA-Federation of N.Y., chairman of the board and president of
the Jewish Outreach Institute, president of Westchester Jewish Community
Services, the Board of Overseers of Hebrew Union College and on
the boards of the 92nd Street Y, the American Jewish Joint Distribution
Committee, the HealthCare Chaplaincy and the Jewish Communal Fund.
Sacks is survived by his wife, Marcella Rosen; children, Jonathan,
Deborah Chapin, Judith Bliss and Joshua; and 10 grandchildren. Memorial
contributions may be made to The Sacks-Louie Charitable Trust, c/o
Jonathan Sacks, 101 Central Park West, NY, NY 10023.
Alan G. Baker, retired advertising executive,
New Canaan, Conn., on July 12, 2004. A resident of New Canaan for
36 years, where he served as a justice of the peace until his death,
Baker was born in New York City on November 30, 1924, and grew up
in Brookhaven, Long Island. He graduated from The Hill School and
then earned his B.A. and was captain of the Columbia varsity wrestling
team. In 1954, Baker earned a master’s in English and comparative
literature from GSAS. In 1952, he married Diana Harbage and began
a career as an advertising executive specializing in insurance and
financial services, first with in Mutual of New York, then with
Eastern Life Insurance, where he was director of advertising and
sales promotion. In 1964, Baker founded Alan Baker Assoc. After
a stint as manager of advertising and sales promotion at Home Insurance
Co., he started Financial Marketing Services; he was its president
until his retirement in 1995. An avid sailor, Baker was a longtime
member of the Norwalk Yacht Club and enjoyed skiing, bridge, photography
and reciting poetry. He is survived by his wife; sons, Edward H.
’77 and Alfred H.; daughters, Jane Pasquini and Elizabeth
Sapione; brother, John Milnes Baker; and four grandchildren. His
eldest son, William E., died in 1989. Memorial contributions may
be made to the New Canaan Library, 151 Main St., New Canaan, CT
Kevin H. Prendergast, professor emeritus, Englewood,
N.J., on September 7, 2004. Prendergast earned a Ph.D. in astronomy
in 1954 and had taught at Columbia since 1966. He was a member of
the astronomy and astrophysics department, served on several College
committees and produced a number of publications. His instructor
homepage on Columbia’s website noted, “My research interests
include numerical modeling of interacting systems of stars and gas,
with applications to galactic structure and evolution. I also have
been working on mathematical methods for use in stellar dynamics
and for problems arising from the existence of large-scale structures
in the universe. One technique involves the study of singularities
of the solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations. Recently,
I have been working on the construction of numerical schemes for
hydrodynamics, based on the BKG model of the Boltzmann equation.”
Prendergast is survived by his wife Jane; and daughters, Laura ’88
and Catherine ’90.
N. Cohen, sports and entertainment executive, Purchase,
N.Y., and Boca Raton, Fla., on August 10, 2004. Cohen was born in
1931 and graduated from the Law School in 1954. After serving in
the Army, he joined Paul, Weiss, Rifkin, Wharton and Garrison in
1957 and became a partner in 1964. In 1970, Cohen joined the entertainment
company then known as Warner Communications (now Time Warner) as
executive v.p. and oversaw the company’s recorded music subsidiaries,
including Atlantic Records, Electra and Warner Brothers records.
During this time, he and several partners, including Warner CEO
Steve Ross, purchased the New York franchise of a newly-formed professional
soccer league. The team was known as the New York Cosmos, and, according
to The New York Times, “it was to be the start of Mr. Cohen’s
long and influential involvement in major sports ownership.”
In 1974, Cohen became chairman and CEO of Madison Square Garden
Corp., then a public corporation that owned the Knicks and the Rangers.
In an interview with the Times, Cohen was asked if it were more
important to win a championship or to earn profits for his shareholders.
He replied that as a public company, his first priority was to his
shareholders: “That’s the bottom line.” As a result,
he was known for a time in the sports pages as “Bottom Line
Cohen.” In 1978, Cohen and a group of invest-ors purchased
the New Jersey Nets NBA basketball franchise; he moved the team
to its current facility in the Meadowlands. In 1983, Cohen sold
his interest in the Nets and with his partners, Don Gaston and Paul
Dupee, purchased the Boston Celtics. Under their ownership, the
Celtics enjoyed a decade of great success. Led by Larry Bird, Kevin
McHale and Robert Parish, the Celtics often reached the NBA Finals,
winning the league championship in 1984 and 1986. Cohen was chairman
of the NBA Board of Governors from 1985–87, and, along with
Commissioner David Stern (who chairs the University’s Board
of Trustees), Cohen was instrumental in the NBA’s moving to
adopt a salary cap structure for its teams, pioneering its use.
At the time of his death, Cohen was chairman of ANC Sports Enterprises,
a leading provider of rotational and LED signage at sports facilities,
and was co-chairman of Sportsco International, which owns the SkyDome
in Toronto. Cohen was involved in charitable endeavors including
service as a trustee or director of Independence House, a facility
designed to rehabilitate youthful offenders; Alvin Ailey Dance Theatre;
International Center for Photography; Haifa University; American
Friends of Hebrew University; Educational Alliance; and the Graduate
School of Management of The New School, as well as the College and
the Law School, for which he served on the Boards of Visitors. Most
recently, he was chairman of the Law School Annual Fund and a director
of the American Friends of Tel Aviv University. Cohen received a
John Jay Award in 1988 and was elected to the Jewish Sports Hall
of Fame. He is survived by his wife, Carol; and their daughter,
Rebecca. He also is survived by his children from his earlier marriage
to Joan Fields Cohen (deceased), Laurie Cohen Fenster and Gordon;
and a sister, Beryl Zankel.
Leonard M. Trosten, retired attorney, Savannah,
Ga., on July 10, 2004. Born in Brooklyn on January 25, 1932, Trosten
attended public schools and earned a degree from the Law School
in 1955. He practiced law in Manhattan. Trosten married Arthea Howell
Dickson in 1954, and the couple had two children. In 1958, he and
his family moved to the Washington, D.C., area, where Trosten joined
the Office of the General Counsel of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
and was staff counsel to the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic
Energy. In 1968, he became a partner in the Washington, D.C., office
of the law firm now known as LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae.
After the death of his first wife, Trosten married Jane Tyner Harris
in 1979. They lived in Bethesda, Md., with their children until
1992, when Trosten retired and he and his wife moved to Savannah.
Following the death of his second wife, Trosten married Ali Meadows
Bufkin on June 2, 2004. He served as a lay reader, a vestryman in
three Episcopal parishes and the senior warden of two. Trosten also
was active in local Republican Party, legal aid work and the Rotary
Club. He is survived by his wife; daughters, Amanda Trosten-Bloom
and Jessica H.T. Forrest; children by marriage, Hope Harris Pampillonia,
James Edward Overstreet and Arthur F. M. Harris Jr.; and five grandchildren.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Memorial Fund at St. John’s
Episcopal Church, 1 W. Macon St., Savannah, GA 31401.
Philip Clark Wilson, business executive, East
Amherst, N.Y., on July 5, 2004. A Buffalo native, Wilson was born
on July 16, 1931. He received an M.B.A. from the Business School
in 1955. Wilson served two years in the Army and worked for Moore
Business Forms on Grand Island from 1976–93 and then with
Elegance Confections until his death. A letter to CCT from Wilson’s
friend, Carl Witkovich ’53, noted, “Phil was an expert
oarsman and rowed on the varsity heavyweight crew. While in graduate
school, he designed, created and installed the first student owned-and-operated
laundry facility on campus. I don’t know how they do it nowadays,
but 50 years ago, many dorm residents mailed home their dirty socks
and underwear for mom to launder.” Wilson’s survivors
include his wife of 50 years, the former Mary G. Stager; daughters,
Gretchen, and Catherine M. Gardner; sons, Mark P., Matthew C. and
Peter D.; brothers, Gordon J. and Bruce R.; seven grandchildren;
and a great-grandchild.
Philip G. Stein, measurement scientist, educator
and mentor, Pennington, N.J., on June 24, 2004. Stein was born August
2, 1941, in Washington D.C. His family moved to Brooklyn, and he
attended Erasmus Hall H.S. At the College, Stein majored in physics
was chief engineer at WKCR, later working for WLIB and WABC. He
earned a master’s in measurement science from The George Washington
University. For 40 years, Stein solved diverse state-of-the-art
systems problems in which measurement was the central issue. His
focus was on using information technology for implementing new quality
measurement and statistical process control techniques in manufacturing
and service industries. Stein worked for the National Bureau of
Standards for 15 years before joining RCA at the David Sarnoff Research
Laboratories in Princeton. At Sarnoff, Stein applied metrology to
the development of the first video disk players. Later, he headed
his own consulting firm and developed and taught curricula in business
and scientific measurements, quality assessments, statistics, quality
engineering and the use of computers for management, analysis and
control of processes. He was a calibration laboratory assessor and
the author of four books and numerous articles for trade and computer
magazines. He was certified as a calibration technician, quality
manager, quality auditor, quality engineer, software quality engineer,
reliability engineer, quality technician and mechanical inspector.
Stein was a longtime member of the Board of Advisors of Legacy International,
a nonprofit educational and training organization helping individuals
and groups worldwide to build cooperative and productive lives and
to develop and refine skills for dealing effectively with their
societies’ needs. Stein’s personal interests included
gourmet food, Bordeaux and Sauterne wines, fine chocolate, music,
fencing and games. He loved jokes and always was glad to share his
good humor; he loved puns. Stein is survived by his wife, Carole
Armel Stein; children, Daniel Katz-Stein, Jonah Stein, Jac, Jeff
and Paul Hagerhorst and Jeannine Trewhella; five grandchildren;
and sister, Eleanor Stein. Memorial contributions may be made to
The Philip Stein Metrology Education Fund, c/o Waxman & Assoc.,
PO Box 89, Princeton Junction, NJ 08550 or Legacy International,
1020 Legacy Drive, Bedford, VA 24523.
Lisa Palladino
Other Deaths Reported
Columbia College Today also has learned of the deaths
of the
following alumni (full obituaries will be published if further
information becomes available):
1933: Richard S. Clarke, Seattle, on December
29, 2003.
1935: Ralph Caddell, Greenville, N.C.,
on January 19, 2004.
1936: Dana I. Crandall, Cincinnati, on
August 9, 2004.
1938: Paul Checkovitch Jr., retired engineer,
Baldwin, N.Y., on
September 18, 2004. Checkovitch received degrees from the
Engineering School in 1939 and 1940.
1939: William J.P. O’Sullivan, Brick,
N.J., on August 6, 2004.
1941: William Braden, retired, Huntington
N.Y., on May 22, 2004. Braden earned a B.S. from the Business
School in 1941.
1942: Robert Burton, Paris, on August 15,
1943: Donald H. McLean, retired surgeon,
Carmel, Calif., on April 28, 2004:. McLean served as a CCT
class correspondent from 1998–2003.
1951: Henry J. O’Brien, Syosset,
N.Y., on July 20, 2002.
L. Stillman, Levittown, N.Y., on August 13, 2004.
1952: Robert W. Bucher, Tenafly, N.J.,
on January 6, 2004.
1960: Elie S. Shashoua, retired entrepreneur,
New York City and San Diego, on July 14, 2004.
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