Class of
Marcy H.
Cowan, retired educator and lawyer, on May 25, 1999. A lifelong
resident of Brooklyn, Cowan received an LL.B. from Fordham and a
master's from the New School for Social Research. He began teaching
in the New York City public schools shortly after graduation and
served for many years as principal of P.S. 270. He also taught at
the New York City Community College, served as assistant examiner
for the NYC Board of Education, and was general counsel for the
Union of School Superintendents. He was a member of the Association
of Teachers of Social Sciences and the Economics Teachers
Association. After retiring from full-time teaching, Cowan
continued his legal practice in Manhattan. An active alumnus, Cowan
participated in several fund drives for the College. On the day
before his 75th reunion in 1999, Cowan visited the Morningside
Heights campus. Survivors include sons Edward '54 and Neil '60
G.S., and granddaughters Rachel Jennifer '90, Jennifer R. Cowan '91
Barnard '97L, and May Deborah '95 Barnard. The family has
established a book endowment at Columbia in Cowan's
Class of
Francis K.
Nelson, Jr., Atlanta, in 1998.
Class of
Feldblum, retired labor attorney, Philadelphia, on February 14,
1999. A 1930 graduate of the Law School, Feldblum's interest in
labor law stemmed from his father, Adolph Feldblum, who in 1930 was
appointed "impartial chairman" of the dress industry by New York
Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Feldblum joined the New York
State Labor Relations board in 1942 as a senior attorney. He became
associate general counsel in 1944 and general counsel in 1951. As
general counsel, a position he kept until 1967, Feldblum was a
highly successful litigator, winning over 95 percent of his cases.
A decade before Guss v Utah Labor Board (1957), which held that
state regulation of labor relations was barred even when the
National Labor Relations Board declines jurisdiction, Feldblum
became concerned that federal preemption of labor relations
legislation could lead to unregulated labor relations in some
circumstances, and he wrote and spoke frequently on the issue. In
1959 Congress enacted legislation that embodied proposals Feldman
had recommended in testimony before the Senate Labor Committee in
1953 and filled the legislative gap. In 1967 Feldblum became deputy
director and general counsel of the newly created New York City
Office of Collective Bargaining, a body composed of city and union
officials that processed labor disputes between the city and its
employees. He was instrumental in drafting the office's policies,
rules and regulations, and in 1970 he conducted the preliminary
negotiations that led to binding arbitration to settle collective
bargaining impasses. Resigning in 1971, he became an arbitrator,
settling numerous cases involving state, city and federal agencies.
A life member of the National Academy of Arbitrators, he retired in
1986, when he moved to Philadelphia.
Sydney M.
Simon, retired physician, Long Branch, N.J., on June 22, 1998.
Simon, a 1932 graduate of P&S, had a private family practice in
the Bronx, N.Y., for 50 years. He served as an Army medical captain
during World War II.
Class of
Eisenbud, psychiatrist and parapsychology researcher, Denver,
on March 10, 1999. Eisenbud, who received his medical degree from
P&S in 1934, was an associate in psychiatry at P&S from
1938 to 1950, while also maintaining a private practice in the
city. In 1950, he became an associate clinical professor of
psychiatry at the University of Colorado Medical School and the
first psychoanalyst with a private practice in Denver. Eisenbud
researched numerous areas of psychiatry during his long career, and
his opinions were sought on issues ranging from the Kinsey Report
to racial prejudice. But it was his forays into the paranormal that
earned Eisenbud notoriety. In the controversial The World of Ted
Serios (1967), Eisenbud recounted his experiments with a Chicago
bellhop who appeared to be able to project mental images onto
photographic film. Serios's projections, which Eisenbud dubbed
"thoughtographs," were inexplicable, dreamlike images. The book was
widely criticized when it appeared: In a New York Times review, H.
J. Eysenck of the University of London blasted Eisenbud's
experimental methods, insisted that the images were the result of
trickery, and suggested that Eisenbud was either Serios's dupe or
his accomplice. If the images were the result of trickery, however,
no one has been able to demonstrate how the trick was accomplished,
and Eisenbud's reputation shielded him from most criticism. Among
parapsychology researchers, Eisenbud is credited with illuminating
new areas for psychical research, especially how unconscious
processes affect psychical functioning. Eisenbud was a fellow of
the American Psychiatric Association, a member of the American
Psychoanalytic Association, and a charter member of the
Parapsychological Association. He was instrumental in establishing
the medical section of the American Society for Psychical
David A.
Krosnick, Columbus, Texas, in 1998.
Franklin Murphy, retired businessman, Wellfleet, Mass., on July
2, 1999. While at the College, Murphy rowed No. 2 on the undefeated
Columbia varsity eight crew that won the Poughkeepsie Regatta and
the national championship; in his senior year, he was team captain.
He and his teammates were later inducted into the U.S. Rowing Hall
of Fame. Murphy worked for the Nassau Suffolk Lumber and Supply
Company on Long Island from 1930 until his retirement in 1970. He
moved to Wellfleet upon retirement.
Class of
Francis C.
Keil, retired physician, Ithaca, N.Y., on April 2,
Edgar O.
Martinson, physician, North Branford, Conn., on April 2, 1999.
Martinson, who received his medical degree from P & S in 1935,
had a general surgical practice in Brooklyn, N.Y. for many
Charles L.
Mayer, attorney, Shreveport, La., on December 24,
Class of
Bernard E.
Simon, plastic surgeon, on August 1, 1999. A Brooklyn, N.Y.
native, Simon enrolled in P&S but received his medical degree
from Johns Hopkins in 1937. Upon completing his residency at Mount
Sinai Hospital in Manhattan, he continued to work there for 40
years until his retirement in 1979 as chief of the division of
plastic surgery. Simon is best known for his work on the team of
doctors who operated on the "Hiroshima Maidens," a group of 25
female survivors disfigured by the World War II atomic bombing.
Along with donating their time and services, the team members were
among the first doctors to instruct and exchange ideas with
Japanese doctors in the field of plastic surgery, then a
little-known area of medicine in Japan. At a 1996 reunion, his
former patients credited Simon with not only reconstructing their
scarred bodies but also helping to reconstruct their lives. In The
New York Times, Shigeko Sasamori, whose burns covered one third of
her body and required over a dozen operations, praised Simon and
his colleagues for enabling her to move forward in life.
Class of
J. Harry
Carr, retired accountant, Hampton Bays, N.Y., in 1998. Carr was
comptroller for Vitro Engineering Co. in New York for many
Class of
Robert W.
Gitzen, retired executive, Menlo Park, Calif., on July 31,
1999. Gitzen, who received a law degree from Columbia in 1936 and a
master's from the Business School in 1937, was an executive at
Western Electric for many years.
Bernard C.
Glueck, retired psychiatrist, Goshen, Conn., July 24, 1999. A
1938 graduate of Harvard Medical School, Glueck became certified in
psychoanalysis by the Columbia University Psychoanalytic Clinic. In
the 1940s he assumed the leadership of Stoney Lodge, a psychiatric
facility in Westchester County, N.Y., which his parents (both
psychiatrists) had founded. He was supervising psychiatrist at New
York's Ossining state prison from 1949 to 1952 and became the first
president of the Westchester County Psychiatric Association. In
1960, he became director of research at the Institute of Living in
Hartford, Conn. In addition, Glueck was a professor of psychiatry
at the University of Connecticut Health Center. He was a past
chairman of the Research and Development Committee of the American
Psychiatric Association, of which he was a life fellow. He also
served as president of the American Psychopathological Association,
chairman of the Narcotic Addiction and Drug Abuse Review Committee
of the National Institute of Mental Health, and chairman of the
Connecticut Council of Corrections Officers. Glueck died less than
three hours after his wife, Mary Louise, who suffered from diabetes
and Alzheimer's disease, had passed away at a local hospital. A few
months earlier, he had promised her that he would not die before
she did.
Lieberman, retired writer, New York, in 1998. Lieberman, who
earned a master's in psychology from Columbia, was a freelance
writer and editor. Previously he had worked for the Chicago Tribune
and the New York News Syndicate.
Class of
Wallace Robinson, author, Missoula, Mont., on April 30, 1999. A
native of Malden, Mass. Robinson was editor of The Columbia Review
while at the College. Robinson enjoyed a long career as an editor
as well as a writer. Hired initially as a staff writer for The New
Yorker, he later became managing editor in charge of fiction at
Esquire, fiction editor at Collier's Magazine, and executive editor
at Rinehart Publishing. His fiction appeared in many publications,
including The New Yorker and Harper's, and he was the recipient of
several writing awards. His short story "The Ruin of Soul" appeared
in the 1950 O. Henry Prize Stories and another, "The Practice of an
Art," was selected The Best American Short Stories of 1965. His
novels include The Secret Service (1960), The Assassin (1967), and
The Man Who Loved Beauty (1976). In The Whale, a collection of his
poetry, was published in 1984. Fascinated by psychology, Robinson
apprenticed himself for a time in the 1950s to a prominent
psychologist as a lay practitioner. During the 1960s, he was an
adjunct professor at the Journalism School, where he founded and
taught in the magazine article workshop. Robinson spent much of the
1970s in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, but moved to Missoula,
Mont. the 1980s, where he taught creative writing at the University
of Montana.
Class of
Ernst, retired professor, Westbury, N.Y., on July 15, 1999.
Ernst, who received a master's from Brown in 1937 and a doctorate
from Columbia in 1947, was professor emeritus of history at Adelphi
University in Garden City, N.Y. Previously he had taught at the
University of North Carolina and at Briar Cliff College in Sioux
City, Iowa. He was the author of Immigrant Life in New York City,
1825-1863 (1949, republished in 1994), Rufus King, American
Federalist (1968), and numerous scholarly articles.
Class of
Robert G.
Barnes, retired publisher, Lakeville, Conn., January 24, 1999.
Barnes, who attended the Engineering School after graduation, began
his career at Proctor & Gamble. After serving in the U.S. Naval
Reserve as a lieutenant commander during World War II, he joined
Doubleday & Co., for whom he was production manager of
Doubleday's Hanover, Pa., manufacturing plant; manager of Country
Life Press on Long Island; and manager of the company's Berryville,
Va., manufacturing plant. In 1960, he was made assistant to the
president in Doubleday's New York office, where he managed the
paperback division, including the Anchor, Image, and Dolphin Books
imprints. He later became first vice president for personnel. He
joined Columbia University Press as director and president in 1969
and retired in 1980. His 11 years were marked by the publication of
the fourth edition of The New Columbia Encyclopedia and by
consistent growth in sales. After retirement, he became a
publishing consultant to Moseley & Co. until 1984.
Franklyn Bourne, Fairmount Heights, Md., in 1998. Robert
Fondiller, inventor, consultant and entrepreneur, New York, on
February 9, 1999. Fondiller, who received a master's from the
Stevens Institute of Technology, an MBA from NYU, and a doctorate
in psychology from California's Fremont College, was a prolific
engineer and consultant. After working for a time with Western
Electric, Fondiller became president of Fondiller Corp., later
known as Futura Corp. The holder of 20 patents, "Robin" Fondiller
was credited with inventing a battery used to power life-support
systems in spacesuits used on the first moonwalk, the erase key for
typewriters, the wristwatch calculator, and fitted bedsheets. He
designed clip-on sunglasses, the first kitchen configured for use
by the wheelchair-bound, a "healthmobile" with medical diagnostic
equipment for use in rural areas, and the "princess" telephone. He
also created a spray process to help construct low-cost housing in
less than a day. A member of Mensa, the Explorers' Club and the New
York Academy of Sciences, as well as a Knight of Malta, Fondiller
was something of an eccentric - he once entertained the King of
Spain with grilled cheese sandwiches. On a trip to Cuba in 1960 to
meet Magda Lupescu, the mistress of the deposed king of Romania,
Fondiller was arrested for taking unauthorized photographs, only to
be released when it was discovered that he had forgotten to load
film in his camera. He learned to fly airplanes after being forced
to land a plane in Mexico when the pilot suffered a sudden heart
attack. Fondiller became a widely respected consultant on economic
development, technology and business management, advising 21
governments (including the People's Republic of China, Russia and
South Korea) and the United Nations. He addressed the general
assembly of UNESCO in Paris on a literacy system for underdeveloped
countries that he had developed. Fondiller also taught widely,
including courses at City College, the New York Institute of
Technology, NYU and Columbia; in later years, he became a popular
speaker for the American Management Association.
Class of
Feldmann, Wood Creek, Del., on July 3, 1999. Feldmann studied
chemical engineering, receiving a master's degree in 1941 from the
Engineering School. He worked on the Manhattan Project, then joined
the DuPont Company where he worked for nearly 40 years, eventually
becoming Principal Marine Engineer.
Gericke, retired professor, Springfield, Mass., on January 3,
1999. Gericke had been a professor of history at Bay Path College
in Longmeadow, Mass., for many years, and willed his large
collection of history books to the College. Memorial contributions
can be made to the College to maintain the Gericke
William F.
Le Mien, retired banker, Laurelton, N.Y., in 1998. Le Mien
worked for many years at Citicorp.
M. Lee
Saunders, freelance editor, Orlando, Fla., in 1999. Saunders
worked for the Orlando Opera Company.
Class of
Edward A.
Bernholz, Jr., retired executive, Houston, on February 27,
W. Philip
Van Kirk, attorney, Rye, N.Y., on August 15, 1999. After World
War II service as a captain in Army Intelligence for the 412th
Fighter Squadron, Van Kirk received his law degree from Columbia in
1946. He served as managing partner for the firm of Burns, Van
Kirk, Greene, and Kafer in New York and as a partner in several
other Manhattan firms. Most recently, Van Kirk was of counsel to
the firm of Meighan & Necarsulmer in Mamaroneck, N.Y. An
enthusiastic outdoorsman, Van Kirk was affiliated with several
sports clubs and spent considerable time at a farm in
Williamsville, Vt., that he purchased in the early 1960s. A
longtime resident of Scarsdale, he moved to Rye in 1988. Van Kirk's
service to his alma mater included support of the Alpha Delta Phi
chapter at Columbia and his class's presidency.
Class of
Herman M.
Bates, Jr., real estate broker, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y., on
September 9, 1999. A licensed real estate broker, Bates was
national sales manager and president of H. Bates Co. of New York.
He had served as a member of the Ossining Assessment Review Board,
president of the Young Men's Republican Club of Westchester County,
member of the Westchester County Republican Committee, chairman of
the Ossining Republican Town Committee, and member of the
Westchester County Disposal Advisory Board from its inception until
his death. He was also a life member of Sigma Chi fraternity and a
member of the Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, New York National
Class of
Albert E.
Elsen, art historian, Palo Alto, Calif., on February 2, 1999.
Elsen, the Walter A. Haas Professor of Humanities at Stanford, was
a professor of art at Stanford for 27 years and an international
authority on the history of modern sculpture, particularly the work
of Auguste Rodin. He earned his doctorate at Columbia under the
noted art historian Meyer Schapiro '24 and taught at Carleton
College (1952-58) and Indiana University (1958-68). He was a
visiting professor at Stanford in 1963-64 and joined the faculty in
1968. Elsen was widely credited with renewing scholarly interest in
Rodin's work. Through his efforts, the Stanford University Museum
acquired the world's second largest collection of Rodin's works.
Considered "the father of outdoor sculpture" at Stanford, his
leadership was responsible for the university's creation of a Rodin
sculpture garden adjacent to the museum, with Rodin's massive Gates
of Hell as the centerpiece. He also produced two major exhibitions
on the artist, including "Rodin's Drawings, True and False"
exhibited at the National Gallery in Washington and the Guggenheim
Museum in 1972-73. An innovative teacher, Elsen helped develop the
first university course on art law; he became an international
authority on art forgeries and contributed to legislation designed
to protect artists from hazardous materials. In 1978, he won the
Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching at Stanford. He was the
recipient of fellowships from the Fulbright-Hays Program, the
Guggenheim Foundation, the American Society of Learned Societies,
and the Senior National Endowment for the Humanities. Elsen was a
consultant to many museums and organized exhibitions for the Museum
of Modern Art, the Guggenheim Museum, the National Gallery of Art,
the Baltimore Museum of Art and the Los Angeles County Museum of
Art, among others. A past president of the College Art Association,
he supervised the body's creation of a code of ethics for art
historians. Elsen was a contributing editor to ARTNews and the
author of several books - including Rodin's Gates of Hell, In
Rodin's Studio, Purposes of Art, The Sculpture of Henri Matisse,
The Origins of Modern Sculpture and Modern European Sculpture,
1918-1945 - and countless articles. He co-authored Law, Ethics and
the Visual Arts with John Merryman.
Class of
Marvin W.
Simonson, retired editor, Utica, Mich., on November 14, 1998.
In the late 1950s Simonson held a series of newspaper jobs in his
native Michigan, including staff writer at the Muskegon Chronicle
and the Daily Monitor-Leader in Mt. Clemens, state capitol
correspondent for the now defunct Detroit Times, and picture editor
and assistant city editor for the Macomb Daily. In the 1970s, he
became advertising and publications supervisor for Macomb County
Community College in Warren, Mich., from which he
Class of
A. Arthur
Gottlieb, physician and medical researcher, New Orleans, on
June 7, 1998. Born in Haifa, in what was then Palestine, to a
British diplomat father and American mother, Gottlieb attended the
Bronx High School of Science and entered the College before his
16th birthday as part of the Ford Foundation's early admission
scholarship program. At Columbia, he served as coxswain of the
junior lightweight crew, became a member of Alpha Epsilon Pi, and
graduated summa cum laude with distinction in chemistry. Elected a
member of Phi Beta Kappa, Gottlieb received his medical degree from
NYU in 1961 with the prize for highest academic standing. After a
medical residency at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston,
Gottlieb became a clinical associate at the National Institutes of
Health. In 1965 he joined Harvard University, where he became a
research fellow and later a tutor in chemistry, an associate in
medicine and assistant professor of medicine. In 1969, Gottlieb
joined Rutgers University's Institute of Microbiology as an
associate professor, becoming a full professor of microbiology in
1972. From 1975 until his death, Gottlieb was a professor of
medicine and chair of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology
at Tulane Medical School in New Orleans. From 1981 to 1996, he was
also president, CEO and scientific director of IMREG, Inc., a New
Orleans-based publicly held biotechnology firm specializing in
immunoregulation. Early in his career, Gottlieb's research
demonstrated the role of macrophage in processing antigens to
initiate the immune process. During the last 20 years, his research
focused on discovering substances that support the human immune
system. The discovery of these substances also demonstrated the
link between the neuroendocrine system and the immune system, which
had been elusive. His research led to the discovery and testing of
novel investigational therapies for diseases that affected, or were
affected by, the human immune system. Gottlieb, who published his
first medical article while still a medical student, wrote more
than 100 medical and scientific papers; he also served on editorial
boards of the International Journal of In Vivo Research, the
Regiculoendothelial Society, Immunological Communications, and the
IRCS Journal of Medical Sciences. Gottlieb held 15 U.S. patents and
29 foreign patents pertaining to the regulation of human immunity.
A respected lecturer and teacher in America and overseas, Gottlieb
had been a visiting professor in Melbourne, Australia; Wakayama and
Maebashi, Japan; and Shanghai. At his death, he was president of
the International Transfer Factor Society. He was a consultant to
various government agencies, including the FDA and the National
Institutes of Health. He was a member of many medical school
committees and scientific societies as well as a fellow of the
American College of Physicians and the American Academy of
Microbiology and a traveling fellow of the Royal Society of
Medicine. Survivors include his wife, Dr. Marise S. Gottlieb
(née Suss) Barnard '58.
Class of
Robert E.
Leeds, West Lynn, Mass., in 1998.
Ulansky, writer, Berkeley, Calif., April 23, 1998. Ulansky, who
received a master's degree from the Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences and a doctorate from the University of California at
Berkeley, was a partner at Writing Repair, a Berkeley-based
Class of
Robert D.
Ennis, physician, Sebastopol, Calif., on June 3,
Class of
Howard M.
Fraser, educator, Williamsburg, Va., on April 18, 1999. Fraser,
who did some postgraduate work at Columbia, earned a master's and
doctorate at the University of New Mexico and held a second
master's from Harvard. He was a professor of Spanish and Portuguese
at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Va.
Class of
Maurice H.
Dumas, reporter, Penn Yan, N.Y., on April 1, 1999. After
graduation, Dumas first pursued a career in education, teaching
school in Stratford, N.H. In 1974, he and his wife, Frances, moved
to Barrington, N.Y., where they worked pruning grapes at local
vineyards. A chance encounter in 1979 with the editor of a local
weekly paper, The Chronicle Express, launched Dumas's journalism
career. After six months at The Chronicle Express, he was hired by
The Finger Lakes Times, where he stayed until illness forced him to
retire in 1998. Dumas was well respected for his coverage of Yates
County, for which he won four New York Associated Press
Compiled by Tim Cross and Lisa Kitayama