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Sons and Daughters

Ernie Holsendolph '58
Robert M. Rosencrans   '49
James P. Rubin '82
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College Conducts Alumni Survey

The College is embarking on a study of you, our alumni. We have long felt that being informed about the range of attitudes of our graduates will enable the College to improve its connections with all of you.

The time for such a study seems right; the College has made significant progress in a number of areas, including admissions, delivery of services to students, its physical plant, and fund raising. What remains of great concern for its future health is the relatively modest number of alumni who participate in its affairs. If the College is to live up to its potential, we must reach out to all of you in meaningful ways. We are living in an age of constant change, so we, too, must adapt. We must learn to communicate using all of the technologically sophisticated tools available to us, and we must do this being mindful of the numerous demands on your time.

Our survey will explore these and other issues with many of you. Working with an experienced marketing firm and with the alumni, we have developed a questionnaire that will be used to examine the attitudes of a representative sample of alumni - representative in terms of age, geography, gender, ethnicity, philanthropy, and so on.

We have no pre-conceived notions about the results. I am convinced that this will help us to better shape the interactions between the College and its alumni. We will share the results with you in a future issue of Columbia College Today so that you, too, can see what your fellow alumni/ae are thinking.

To those of you randomly selected and willing to be interviewed, we offer our thanks for your time and your interest in the College. Together, we can make a difference in its future.

Derek A. Wittner '65
Executive Director
Columbia College
Alumni Affairs and Development

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