family of Kathleen Roskot '02 has established a scholarship
fund in memory of the popular College student and lacrosse player
who was lain in February. Donations may be made to the Kathleen
Adams Roskot Memorial Fund at Columbia College, c/o Derek Wittner,
Executive Director, Alumni Affairs and Development, 475 Riverside
Drive, Suite 917, New York, N.Y. 10115. The family is hopeful for
endowing a scholarship in Kathleen Roskot's name.
Arizona Columbia Club
new Columbia Club has been launched in the Tuscon/Oracle area of
Arizona. More than 100 alumni, representing all schools including
the College, attended the launch of the Southern Arizona Columbia
Club on May 5 at Biosphere 2 in Oracle. The first formal meeting of
the club is planned for late September or October. For information,
please contact membership committee chairman Ed McAvoy '47
at (520) 896-5072 or by email at
Receives President's Cup
Dr. Raymond D. LaRaja
'59 (second from left) was awarded the President's Cup for
distinguished and outstanding service to his class and to the
College and University at the annual luncheon meeting of the
College Alumni Association on May 5 in Low Rotunda. Joining LaRaja
are (from left) Dean Austin Quigley, Victor Futter
'39, last year's Cup recipient, and President George
Alumni in
the Southeast
Columbia Club of Atlanta wants alumni in Georgia (outside metro
Atlanta), eastern Alabama, South Carolina, and eastern Tennessee to
know that it is sorry it cannot include you in mailings about the
activities of the club, but would be happy to send you regular
email messages about all events. Please contact Janet Frankston
'95 at
or Stuart Berkman '66 at to be
placed on the club's email list.