For Alma Mater on the Hudson
By Gerald Sherwin '55
President, Columbia College Alumni Association

Gerald Sherwin
of the most important initiatives of the Columbia College Alumni
Association in recent years has been to establish linkage between
alumni and the undergraduate student body — our future alums.
This starts once applicants have been accepted to the College and
continues from the time they arrive on campus through their four
years at Columbia. After they graduate, we want them to continue to
feel part of the Columbia family. This is reflected in their
participation, both financial and otherwise. We want alumni to help
undergraduates in terms of mentoring, networking for jobs, and
basically serving as a resource that fellow Columbians and future
undergrads can call on. The College also depends upon alumni to
give back financially, and this starts with the Class of 2002 Fund
Committee. In addition, we want students to be exposed to the
Columbia traditions built over the years and to be aware of the
role alumni play in their lives and the life of the
functions are handled in a coordinated effort between the Office of
Alumni Affairs, headed by Derek Wittner '65, and the division of
Student Affairs (including the Class Centers and the Admissions
Office), under the auspices of Chris Colombo.
Everything begins before students even enter the College. In
areas around the country and overseas, the newly accepted
first-year students are invited to academic advising sessions led
by Class Deans. Following these sessions, the students are joined
by their parents for receptions jointly hosted by Alumni Affairs
and the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, with local ARC (Alumni
Representative Committee — Columbia graduates who interview
applicants to the College) members. These events have been
successfully held in a few cities, with plans under way for
programs this year in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta,
Milwaukee, Hong Kong and Singapore. Everyone should note that there
are more than 3,000 alums who give their valuable time to interview
secondary school students applying to Columbia by participating in
the ARC.
next phase is Orientation Week, in which incoming first-years and
their parents meet various members of the alumni body, including
the president of the CCAA and the heads of the Columbia College
Young Alumni (CCYA), Columbia College Women (CCW) and the Outreach
Committee. Welcoming events, including the legacy and international
students receptions, ease the transition from high school to
college (it is probably more important for the parents than the
students). And at the first academic meeting of the year with Dean
Austin Quigley, new students receive a gift from the Alumni
Association, connecting past and present.
During the course of the academic year a plethora of activities
are held that bring together students and alumni. CCYA hosts
Networking Nights (to which seniors are invited), mentoring
sessions and social gatherings. As guests of the Junior and Senior
Class Centers, young alumni participate in the Columbia Connections
series, topic-based discussions about practical matters and "life
after Columbia"— the importance of networking, finding an
apartment, staying in touch with friends near and far, and finding
a balance between work and recreation. In another initiative,
students and alumni meet to share dinner and conversation about a
common area of interest. For example, Dr. Gordon Klein '67
returned to Columbia in December to talk with students about his
experiences in pediatrics and preventive medicine. At the
Trilling/Van Doren Awards, students, faculty and alumni get a
chance to mix at an event related to the Core. CCW hosts numerous
events throughout the year, including social occasions and
mentoring sessions. The Outreach Committee has a mentoring
component, as well, and also is involved with programming special
events for Black, Latino and Asian students and alumni.
November, Richard Wald '52 spoke to students in the Living
Learning Center in the first program of a series examining media's
response to crisis. Other alumni have been invited to continue this
series with current students in several spring programs at the
Center. Plans are being made for a late February event with
first-years and alumni, and just before sophomores declare their
majors in March, alumni will return to campus for conversations
with students about college majors and career opportunities. To
mark the end of their undergraduate years, the Class of 2002 will
be honored at the Senior Dinner, a semi-formal event jointly
sponsored by Alumni Affairs and Student Affairs.
Student leaders are invited to attend key events hosted by the
Alumni Association, such as the Alexander Hamilton and John Jay
Awards functions. In November, the Hamilton Medal for 2001 was
presented to Phil Milstein '71, a long-time benefactor whose
generous contributions to the College include the beautifully
renovated Milstein Family College Library in Butler. This year's
John Jay Awards Dinner will be held on March 6 at the Plaza Hotel
and will honor Derek Johnson '81, president and CEO of the
Apollo Theatre Foundation; Joel Klein '67, chairman &
CEO of Bertelsmann; Conrad Lung '72, president of Sunnex;
and William McDavid '68, general counsel for J.P. Morgan
There have been appearances by alumni at key student events
— Class Day, the Senior Dinner, February Commencement, the
Yule Log Ceremony, the Tree Lighting on College Walk, and even Orgo
Alumni Association and the staff in Alumni Affairs have been
working with the Class of 2002 Fund Committee, 24 energetic,
enthusiastic seniors who are educating their peers about the
importance of participating in the College Fund. Participation is
one of the categories which U.S. News and World Report measures to
establish its annual school rankings, and one category in which
Columbia has lagged behind its peers. This year's committee is
determined to change that, and under the capable leadership of the
four chairs (Scott Koonin '02, Alison Hirsh '02, Pooja Agarwal '02
and Sarah Palestrant '02), I've no doubt it will.
you can see, we are well on our way to building a strong foundation
of support for the future. The CCAA continues to reach out to
undergraduates to show them that there is a nurturing alumni
support group out there willing to help and work with
anyone wants to be an active participant in anything that involves
student mentoring, networking, interviewing applicants or even
attending events, please let us know. Your current support has been
most gratifying. We hope it will continue and grow in the
Please contact me at gs481@juno.com.