Compiled by Lisa Palladino
Edwinston L. Robbins, retired Air Force officer and
aircraft executive, Gladwyn, Pa., on February 23, 2001. Robbins, a
native of South Norwalk, Conn., worked as an assistant at Street
& Smith in New York during the 1930s. He joined the U.S. Army
Air Force in 1940, advancing through grades to colonel. He retired
from the Air Force in 1957 and took a series of positions with
Lockheed Aircraft, including one in Paris. After retirement, he
remained for a time in France before moving to Gladwyn. He is
survived by his wife, Margaret.
Arthur A. Arsham, attorney, Southbury, Conn., on March
15, 2001. Arsham was a leading authority on transportation law. A
1931 graduate of the Law School, he was adjunct professor of
business at the School of Business and NYU's Graduate School of
Business Administration. For more than 20 years, he led the "Great
Issues in Transportation Law and Regulation" section of the
Columbia Executive Management program at Arden House in Harriman,
N.Y. During the postwar period, there was a surge of interest in
transportation enterprises, and Arsham represented various business
interests. He also handled many precedent-setting cases involving
complex rate regulations and successfully argued a case before the
Supreme Court, Pony Express v. the U.S. Prior to entering
the full-time practice of transportation law in 1952, Arsham served
as the dean of the Academy of Advanced Traffic in New York and
Philadelphia for 20 years. His wife, Geraldine Kaye, purchased the
school in 1930 and became the director. She and Arsham built the
academy into a nationally recognized training school for
transportation executives. During World War II, candidates for
officer training in the Army Transportation Corps were selected
from the academy; following the war, the school offered
professional training to thousands of veterans under the G.I. Bill
of Rights. Arsham was founding partner of the New York City law
firm Arsham and Keenan, which specialized in transportation issues
and practice before the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC). After
retiring from the firm in 1979, Arsham moved to Southbury. That
same year, he traveled to Beijing to confer with Chinese government
officials on the transportation aspects of international trade
development. For the next 15 years, Arsham served clients that
sought his advice on transportation matters, including Revlon,
Pathmark, Johnson & Johnson and the National Small Shipments
Traffic Conference. He authored several textbooks on
transportation, was a member of several societies and associations
and was chairman of the Committee on Admission to Practice of the
ICC Practitioners Association. He is survived by his daughter,
Alice Moskowitz; her husband, Paul; and three grandchildren and
their spouses. Gerry, his wife of 55 years, died in
Thomas J. Reilly, retired, Nanuet, N.Y., on June 1,
2001. Reilly received a master's from the School of Engineering in
1934. He played football while at the College, and later attended
many of the games. He was his class's CCT correspondent for
a number of years, and his wife, Doris, who headed the school's
Thrift Shop for many years, wrote in a letter to CCT, "He
really loved Columbia, and I, too, miss the football games and the
class friends."
Seymour Goldgraben, retired physician, Baltimore, on
March 15, 2001. Goldgraben, who received his medical degree from
NYU, had a general practice in Manhattan from 1942-46, when he
joined the V.A. Hospital in Perry Point, Md., as chief of the
medical service. He remained with the V.A. until his retirement,
also serving as an assistant professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins
in Baltimore.
Robert W. Ross, retired conductor, Weslaco, Texas, on
September 12, 2001. Ross was born in 1910 in Shenandoah, Iowa, and
attended William Penn College in Oskalooska, Iowa, for one year
before transferring to the College. He later earned his master's at
the University of Arizona. Ross taught music, band and orchestra at
Illinois Wesleyan before joining the Navy when World War II began.
Following the war, Ross began a 30-year tenure at the University of
Oklahoma, first as assistant conductor of bands and later as
director of the Oklahoma University Symphony Orchestra. He retired
as professor of music in 1975. He also was active in the Lion's
Club and the American Legion. He is survived by his wife, Ruth;
daughter Robin Osborn; and brother James Grant Ross.
Joseph S. Smatko, scientist and retired chemical
engineer, Santa Barbara, Calif., on October 7, 2001. A native of
Fort Edward, N.Y., Smatko also earned a bachelor's and master's
from the Engineering School in 1936 and 1937, respectively, and his
doctorate in chemical engineering in 1948. In the 1940s, he was
commissioned by the Department of Defense with a post-war secret
classification to investigate German advances in electrochemical,
chlorine and caustic soda processes; rare metal and nuclear
material production; and Norwegian heavy water production. As
associate professor at Maryland, where he taught from 1948-52,
Smatko's studies led to the development of a thermopile demolition
detonator to detonate explosives. As head of the chemical
engineering department at Southern Cal, where he taught from
1952-59, among other projects, Smatko directed the department's
efforts in catalytic smog control mufflers for trucks. As a senior
scientist at Hoffman Science Center, Santa Barbara, Calif., Smatko
improved the performance of solar cells and invented the Smatko
Fuel Cell, which creates electrical energy from chemical compounds.
Smatko also served as senior research chemist at GM's Defense
Research Labs, also in Santa Barbara, where he led the space energy
systems team in developing the power source for NASA's lunar rover.
As chief scientist at McDonnell Douglas's Astropower Laboratory,
Newport Beach, Calif., he developed the battery power source for
the Viking spacecraft mission to Mars. As senior electrochemist at
Stanford Research Institute, Smatko's programs led to development
of the state of the art nickel cadmium rechargeable batteries.
Smatko had more than a dozen patents and never really retired; in
his later years he invented a gold substitute for heart valves and
consulted on gold plating techniques used in aerospace connectors.
He is survived by his son, Brian; daughter Monica Smatko Christie;
brother Dr. Andrew J. Smatko and his wife, Shirley; and several
nieces and nephews.
Benjamin H. Brown, retired professor, Cambridge, Mass.,
on June 12, 2001. Born and raised in Chattanooga, Tenn., Brown took
a two-year research fellowship at Clara College in Cambridge after
graduating from Columbia. He then returned to Columbia, earning his
doctorate in modern English history in 1941. Brown was a World War
II veteran, serving in the Navy at allied headquarters in Britain
and later Berlin. After the war, he settled in New York City and
served as deputy secretary general of the U.S. Mission to the
United Nations from 1947-53. Brown also was a freelance writer and
international affairs lecturer. He later served as director of the
Cleveland Council on World Affairs (1955-58) and then served as
vice president of the American University of Beirut (1958-60). For
the next 24 years, Brown directed the fellows program at Harvard's
Center for International Affairs, where he conducted myriad
seminars. He also served as adviser to mid-career diplomats and
statesmen at the center before retiring from Harvard in 1983. Brown
is remembered as an enthusiastic participant in Harvard life, an
informed political and international affairs commentator, a skilled
pastel artist, passionate conversationalist and loyal friend. He is
survived by his wife, Marguerite; son Timothy; stepchildren Elspeth
Macdonald and Mark Woodcock; two grandchildren; two nieces; four
step-grandsons; and a step-great-grandson.
James J. Casey, retired attorney, Peapack, N.J., on
April 25, 2001. Casey, who earned his law degree at Columbia in
1940, was an attorney at Shea & Gould in New York. After
serving in the Navy in World War II, which included active duty in
the Pacific Theater, Casey retired as a lieutenant commander. He
was a founding partner of Casey, Lane & Mittendorf in New York,
and served for a number of years on the Boards of Visitors for the
College and Law School. In addition to practicing law, Casey was a
member of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal from 1960-63
and a delegate to the U.N. Human Rights Commission. He also served
as a director of several corporations and clubs in New York, New
Jersey and Rhode Island. A product of New York City Catholic
schools, Casey was captain of Columbia's basketball team in 1936-37
and was an important benefactor of the College, Law School and
University athletics. He is survived by his second wife, Claudia
Prout Casey; children Anne H.C. van den Bergh, Edith Blair Casey
and Richard Gambrill Casey; and five grandchildren.
Carl W. Desch, retired banker, Garden City, N.Y., on
July 18, 2001. Desch went on to earn a master's from the University
in 1939, and continued his relationship with Columbia until his
death. Known in the Columbia community as an engaging raconteur,
Desch was a former president of the Columbia University Club
Foundation. He also had been a friend and supporter of the American
Red Cross of Greater New York since the 1960s and served on a
number of corporate boards, including Citibank, Kimberly-Clark and
SKF Industries. As a senior executive at Citibank, Desch stressed
the importance of philanthropy, and founded the company's matching
gift program. He continued his philanthropic efforts by supporting
the Columbia College Fund and establishing two scholarships at
Columbia, one in honor of his late wife, Katharine W. Desch, and
one at the Nursing School in honor of his daughter, Barbara Desch
Lenihan, a 1974 graduate. Desch was a leader in College reunion
efforts. As noted on his 60th reunion questionnaire, his greatest
memory of his time at Columbia was the Rose Bowl victory in 1934.
His message to classmates at that time was, "Proud to have been
among you at an important part of life." Shortly before his death,
Desch made a gift to renovate and name a classroom in Hamilton
Hall. He is survived by his daughters, Carol Desoe and Barbara
Lenihan; son Carl, Jr.; sister Margaret Hanft; and seven
William H. Pavitt, Jr., retired attorney, Pacific
Palisades, Calif., on January 16, 2001. Pavitt received his J.D.
from the Law School in 1939.
Kermit L. Pines, M.D., educator, researcher and
clinician, Tenafly N.J., on June 10, 2001. Pines, a 1942 graduate
of P&S, was a member of its faculty for 53 years and also
maintained an active practice. At the time of his death, he was
clinical professor emeritus. A military veteran, Pines served from
1944-46 in New Guinea and the Philippines in the 11th Airborne
Division as a medical officer, and was highly decorated. He is
survived by his wife, Toussia, Barnard '39; sons Jeffrey '69 SIPA
'71 P&S '73, and Jonathan '78; and daughter Deborah.
Ira N. Thompson, Frederick, Colo., on June 17,
Leon Warshaw, New York, on January 4, 2001.
T. Kirby Davidson, Woburn, Mass., on September 14,
Louis Johnson, retired, Darien, Ct., on July 5, 2001.
Johnson, a World War II veteran who served as a radar officer on an
aircraft carrier in the Pacific, received a concurrent degree from
the School of Engineering and later worked for Ebasco Services,
Inc., where he became vice president of long-term planning. He
retired in 1983. He is survived by his wife, Eileen.

George T.
Scharffenberger '40 |
George T. Scharffenberger, business executive, Rolling
Hills, Calif., on November 10, 2001. Scharffenberger was born on
May 22, 1919, in Hollis, N.Y. After graduation, he joined the
accounting firm of Arthur Andersen & Co., where he stayed until
1943, earning his CPA during that time. A World War II Army
veteran, Scharffenberger joined International Telephone &
Telegraph, where he rose to president of its ITT Kellogg
subsidiary. In 1959, he joined Litton Industries in Southern
California. He was president of its Westrex Division and later
became a senior vice president in charge of defense and space
systems, the company's largest group at the time. In 1966,
Scharffenberger returned to New York to succeed City Investing's
Robert W. Dowling Jr., son of its founder, as president and CEO.
Scharffenberger later became chairman and CEO. By means of mergers
and acquisitions, he built City Investing into a diversified global
company with operations in housing, lodging, food services,
insurance and financial services. The company had many
subsidiaries, and under Scharffenberger's leadership, annual
revenues of the combined enterprise grew from $10 million to $6.5
billion. In the mid-'80s, Scharffenberger divested the subsidiaries
and distributed the proceeds to shareholders. Following the
liquidation, Scharffenberger continued as chairman of AmBase, an
NYSE-listed insurance and financial services company, until his
retirement in 1994. He had served as a member of the Board of
Trustees of Southern Cal since 1973 and was chairman from 1985-90.
He also served as a member of the Board of Regents of Georgetown
from 1969-73, and was a member of its board of directors for two
terms beginning in 1973. Scharffenberger was awarded honorary
Doctor of Humane Letters degrees by USC in 1984 and Georgetown in
1987, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the College of Mount St.
Vincent in 1987 and a Distinguished Service Award from the
Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges in
1989. A close friend of Ronald and Nancy Reagan, Scharffenberger
served as a co-trustee of the Ronald Reagan Blind Trust during
Reagan's presidency. A longtime and generous supporter of the
College, Scharffenberger is survived by his wife, the former Marion
Agnes Nelson, whom he wed in 1948; children Ann Scharffenberger
Allen, George Jr., John, Thomas, James, and Joan Scharffenberger
Laarakkers; brother William '42; and 10 grandchildren.
Bernard R. Rowen, Tacoma, Wash., on October 4,
Saul H. Haskel, Tuckahoe, N.Y., on June 7, 2001. Haskel,
who was the chairman of the 60th Reunion for his class, worked with
Boy Scouts of America (National Board). He is survived by his wife,
Lavita; sons Peter and James; and daughters Anne and
Raymond Raimondi, professor, Middletown, N.Y., August
14, 2001. Born in 1920 in New York, Raimondi was a World War II
veteran, serving in the Army Air Corps. He became an English
professor at Orange County Community College, where he remained
until his retirement in 1987. Raimondi was praised for his civility
and was known as an interested listener and conversationalist who
cared about the children of his fellow professors. A former student
started the Raymond Raimondi Scholarship Fund at Orange County
Bernard Mandelbaum, rabbi, Plantation, Fla., on June 19,
2001. Born in Brooklyn, Mandelbaum was president of the Jewish
Theological Seminary from 1966-71. He became a student at the
seminary in 1942. After his ordination, he held several posts at
the seminary, including dean of students, provost, and professor of
midrash, or scriptural interpretation. He also held other
leadership roles, including serving as president of the
America-Israel Cultural Foundation and executive vice president of
the Synagogue Council of America. Mandelbaum created and led the
Foundation for Future Generations, and was the author or editor of
several books. His first wife, Judith, died in 1980. He is survived
by his second wife, Marcelle; sister Ethel Salwen; five children:
Joel, Dasi, David, Debra Lyman and Naomi Rosenblum; as well as 10
grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Arthur A. Mintz, physician, Queens, N.Y., on November
11, 2001. After graduating from the College, Mintz received his
medical degree in 1945 from N.Y. Flower Fifth Avenue Medical
School. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1942-47, and remained in
the Reserves for 30 more years as a commander. After practicing
internal medicine for 20 years, he became a psychiatrist and worked
at Creedmoor State Mental Hospital, Queens Children's Hospital,
Rikers Island Prison and the V.A. Hospital in Valhalla, N.Y. He
last worked for the NYPD's Disabilities Board, retiring at 82. He
played piano and organ by ear and taught his method to adults at
Roslyn H.S. Skiing, the beach and dancing were other joys he shared
with family and friends. He is survived by his wife, the former
Ruth Obler; daughter Linda Shriberg and her husband Larry; daughter
Kathryn; son Bill and daughter-in-law Linda; five grandchildren;
and one great-grandchild.
Otto Apel, surgeon, Stockdale, Ohio, on November 9,
2000. Born in 1923, Apel played football while at the College, and,
according to a letter to CCT from former roommate Jack
Oliver '45, "made a sensational catch of a long pass from Paul
Governali '43 in the last few seconds to win the Cornell game for
us." A 1948 graduate of P&S, Apel joined the Army in 1950 and
later served as a surgeon during the Korean War at a frontline MASH
unit. He developed a surgical technique for repairing arteries that
helped save limbs from amputation and was a consultant to the
television show "M*A*S*H." His book, MASH: An Army Surgeon in
Korea, was published (University Press of Kentucky) in 1998.
Not long before he passed away, he was honored by the Ohio Veterans
Hall of Fame.
Herbert E. Mecke, consultant, South Yarmouth, Mass., on
December 31, 2000. Mecke was born on Staten Island, N.Y., and was
raised and educated in West Orange, N.J. In 1942, he joined the
Army Air Corps, where he flew B-29 bombers. He was stationed on
Guam during World War II and flew 15 missions as a co-pilot before
the Japanese surrender. At the College, he was a member of the
Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. He worked for General Foods and the
York Corp., and then became a research specialist in the textile
industry. He later worked for Celanese and Deering Miliken before
founding H.E. Mecke Associates, an international consulting firm,
in 1971. After his retirement in 1990, Mecke moved to South
Yarmouth. He was active in helping schools and churches build
addiction prevention programs on Cape Cod. He is survived by his
wife of 50 years, the former Margaret M. Mather; son James; three
daughters, Amanda, Carolyn Farineau, and Laura Midgley; a brother;
a sister; four grandchildren; and several nieces and
Wayne Lee Dail, technician, Eatontown, N.J., on
September 1, 2001.
Marvin Harris, anthropologist, Gainesville, Fla., on
October 25, 2001. (Please see In
Kenneth C. Holden, clerk, Houston, on June 24,
Paul B. Burrell, professor, Cincinnati, on January 1,
Daniel Kocan, Frederick, Md., on September 4,
Anthony F. Megna, Tamarac, Fla., on May 26,
Joel Dolin, retired computer executive, on May 30, 2000.
After graduating from the College, Dolin earned another bachelor's
degree in 1954 and a master's degree in 1955, both from the School
of Engineering. According to a letter to CCT from Dick
Zeiger '52: "Joe was a bear of a man with a huge heart, jovial
personality and engaging warmth. The love of life, classical music,
the Yankees, 49ers, stickball, travel, movies and wine were his
principal passions. He was a wonderful friend and true brother ever
since we were roommates as undergraduates." Dolin is survived by
his wife, Sharon; and daughters Jennifer and Claudia.
Edward M. Agnello, lawyer, Little Falls, N.J., on
February 23, 2001. A community organizer dedicated to his hometown
of Passaic, N.J., Agnello organized the 2nd Ward Educational and
Charitable Foundation, a nonprofit group that provides scholarships
to graduates of School 11. He also was a guiding force behind three
2nd Ward reunions, the most recent of which, in 2000, attracted
more than 400 people. After graduation, Agnello earned a degree
from Fordham Law School and practiced law until his death. He is
survived by his wife, Virginia; son Glenn; sister Lucille Agnello
Harte; and two grandchildren.
Robert J. Krane, physician and researcher, West Newton,
Mass., on November 17, 2001. Born in the Bronx, Krane graduated
from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1967 and served as
a medical officer in the Navy during the Vietnam War, 1968-70.
Krane received his surgical training at Boston City Hospital and
Boston University Hospital, where he remained on the faculty. He
chaired the Department of Urology at Boston Medical Center until
1999, at which time he joined Massachusetts General Hospital and
was appointed professor of surgery in urology at Harvard Medical
School. Krane was a noted researcher and often addressed
international medical societies. In addition, he brought physicians
from around the world to study at Boston medical centers. He
authored more than 150 professional papers and several textbooks,
and was a member of more than 20 national and international medical
societies. Krane received the prestigious American Urological
Association's Gold Cystoscope Award for his contributions to the
field, and was the co-founder and editor of The World Journal of
Urology. He is survived by his wife, the former Diane Graff,
Barnard '65; daughter Jessica, daughter Jennifer Krane Tarleton and
her husband, Brett; sons Jonathan '99 Business, and Justin '04; and
one granddaughter.
James M. Lester, computer scientist, Waltham, Mass., on
May 14, 2001. Born in New Haven, Conn., Lester moved with his
family to Princeton in the early 1960s. He attended the College
from 1965-67 before graduating from Harvard cum laude in 1969. In
1972, he earned a master's in computer science from Wisconsin.
Lester worked in the artificial intelligence field, and for a
number of institutions and companies in the Boston area including
Image Analysis Lab at Tufts-New England Medical Center, Camex,
Archetype and ImageLabs, which he co-founded. He joined Brigham and
Women's Hospital in 1994, where he last worked in the department of
radiology. He also was faculty member at Harvard. At Brigham, he
was the chief developer of a medical information management system
that used the World Wide Web. Lester also was an accomplished
musician in flute, piano and voice; worked professionally as a
musician; was an expert sailor and an avid cook. He is survived by
his wife, Nancy; daughters Jessica and Rachel; son Benjamin; mother
Ruth W. Lester; sister Anne L. Schager; and two nephews.
Victor V. Kaminski III, Cary, N.C., July 7, 2001.
Kaminski was born in Cleveland and graduated from Padua High School
in 1975. He played football there, and also at Columbia, where he
was an All-Ivy First Team tackle. He attended graduate school at
Ohio State, where he received a Ph.D. in organic chemistry in 1984.
Kaminski was a successful research scientist at ICI Paints
Strongville Research Center, and most recently was at Union Carbide
(now Dow Chemical) in North Carolina. He received numerous patents
for his work. Kaminski was active in his community, where he
coached sports teams for his children in North Carolina, as well as
in Parma, Ohio. He also was a Catholic education teacher. He is
survived by his wife, the former Donna Wodzisz; children Julie,
Donna, Victor IV and Daniel; mother Rose; and siblings Kathleen
Jablonski, Karol Coundourides, William and Robert.
James B. McAdams, Orlando, on August 7, 2001.
Mandy Reichman, Scotch Plains, N.J., on September 21,
2001. Reichman was very involved in campus life, serving as former
co-chair of Kesher: Reform Jews at Columbia; social life
coordinator on the Hillel Executive Board; and coordinator of the
Jewish Life Orientation for first-year students. Reichman, who was
committed to getting students involved in the political process,
interned at New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg's office in
Washington, D.C., as well as at the office of then-president of the
New Jersey State Senate Donald DiFrancesco. Reichman was remembered
as an exceptionally warm and giving person who was compassionate,
involved and always concerned about the well-being of others. She
is survived by her parents, Barry and Meryl; and two
Nicholas Kemnitzer, Shepherdstown, W.Va., on November 9,
2001. Kemnitzer was a history major and the host of a weekly show
on campus radio station WBAR. He is survived by his parents, David
and Susan, and brother Alexander.