Columbia Undertakes NCAA
By Timothy P. Cross
Around the
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Columbia is participating in a process to certify that the
University's intercollegiate athletics program conforms to National
Collegiate Athletic Association regulations and guidelines. The
lengthy process, which began in the spring of 2001, examines the
athletics program's fiscal and academic integrity; commitment to
equity, student welfare and sportsmanship; and governance and
compliance with NCAA rules. The University is preparing a
self-study report in anticipation of a visit by an NCAA-appointed
peer review team of administrators and faculty members from other
institutions, which is scheduled for June 2002.
Chris Colombo, dean of student affairs for the College
and SEAS, chairs the University steering committee — which is
composed of administrators, faculty, alumni and current students
— that is coordinating the certification process. Four
subcommittees — academic integrity, chaired by Sandra
Johnson, associate dean of residence life and advising
programs; fiscal integrity, chaired by Susan Mescher,
associate dean for administration; equity, welfare and
sportsmanship, chaired by David Charlow '85, director of
undergraduate financial aid; and governance and rules compliance,
chaired by Colombo — are working with the steering committee
on the self-study report, which will be mailed to the NCAA in
University's athletics program is unique within the Ivy League
because student-athletes from four schools — the College,
SEAS, Barnard and General Studies — can play on Columbia's
intercollegiate sports teams. This is the second time that the
University has undertaken NCAA certification. In 1996, Columbia
became the first Ivy school to complete the process, which was
instituted by the NCAA in the mid-1990s for all member colleges and
steering committee plans to hold a public forum on campus early in
the spring semester to ensure that all members of the University
community can have input into the process. Students and alumni
interested in learning more should visit Columbia's NCAA
certification Web site (www.college.columbia.edu/ncaa)
or send an e-mail to ncaacertification@columbia.edu.