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AitN: February 17, 2020

Franklin A. Thomas ’56, LAW’63
Erin Gregoire ’19 is at the center of a running controversy. As reported in a February 7 article in Runner’s World, even though Gregoire recently ran the Houston Marathon with a chip time of 2:42:55 (which qualifies her to race in the Olympic Trials), she is disqualified from the trials because she started the marathon in the second tier start corral. From the article: “‘Obviously it was an incredible experience to just get to run the marathon, but I knew in the back of my head that the [Olympic Trials qualifier] was what I wanted,’ Gregoire told Runner’s World. ‘To get that, and then in some sense feel like it was taken away from me, it was heartbreaking.’”
Jeremiah Crowell ’96’s docuseries Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak debuted on Netflix in January to rave reviews. From a February 4 review in The Guardian: “While coronavirus dominates news headlines, Netflix is streaming its six-part series on how prepared (or not) the world is to deal with a new pandemic. Pandemic … starts with a theory: that we’re due for a new, fast-moving deadly virus. It’s been 100 years since a deadly influenza virus killed 50–100 million people, at a time when the global population was just 2 billion.” The reviewer went on to note, “I was moved to tears multiple times — not from fear of what might be coming for us, but from the kindness and dedication of those who work in the field.”