Defining the Quintessential Great Urban University
During a three-day inaugural
celebration October 3–5, 2002, Lee C. Bollinger was officially
welcomed as Columbia’s 19th president. In this excerpt from
his inaugural remarks, President Bollinger describes seven traits
that help define Columbia as “the quintessential great urban

President Bollinger described his vision
for Columbia's future in his inaugural address.
PHOTO: Eileen Barroso
As we inherit this absolutely extraordinary institution at the
beginning of this new century, I want to set out some themes that
I hope will be discussed and pursued as we chart our future together.
It is, and has been for some years now, a glorious time for higher
education in this country, and with any luck, it will be for the
foreseeable future. What role will Columbia play in this era, and
what do we need to do to enable that to happen? To answer that,
we need to know who we are.
And my general answer is this: Columbia is the quintessential
great urban university. Looked at from any perspective, it seems
to me, this is the primary source of attributes, the defining personality,
of this institution. We must embrace it. We must also understand
it. Here are some of the things it means to me.
First: It is less possible and less desirable to remain apart,
to be removed from the world around us. Accordingly, the task for
us is how to engage with that world in a useful and productive way.
We must serve society and the world while enhancing the academic
character of the University and preserving its distinctive intellectual
outlook. The range of visitors to this campus — to teach,
to speak, to visit, to seek counsel and to offer advice —
is simply unparalleled. The degree to which our students are beneficiaries
of this access to the world beyond these buildings is self-evident.
So is the degree to which our scholarship is positively affected
by this augmented contact with real problems. And on the other side,
Columbians are naturally called upon more frequently to serve, and
they are ready to do so.
Exactly 100 years ago, Nicholas Murray Butler [Class of 1882]
said precisely this, in his long-forgotten inaugural address, at
the start of his astonishing 43-year tenure (a record I hope to
exceed, if I can simply live to be 100). It is interesting to see
Butler, one of the great figures of higher education in the 20th
century (and a Nobel Prize winner), talk so comfortably and forthrightly
about the importance of the University accepting the call for service
to the world. My guess is that only a president of “Columbia
University in the City of New York” (our official title) could
say such things.
Here’s what he said about scholarship and service. President
Butler first distinguished the scholar from the expert. Butler agreed
with Aristotle that the “true scholar” is “free,”
meaning in an intellectual sense. To be free, he said, is to have
“a largeness of view ... which permits [one] to see the other
side; a knowledge of the course of man’s intellectual history
and its meaning; a grasp of principles and a standard for judging
them; the power and habit of reflection firmly established; a fine
feeling for moral and intellectual distinctions; and the kindliness
of spirit and nobility of purpose which are the support of genuine
“In these modern days,” Butler said in 1902, “the
university is not apart from the activities of the world, but in
them and of them. It deals with real problems, and it relates itself
to life as it is.” In the combination [of scholarship and
service], Butler found the “ethical quality which makes the
University a real person, bound by its very nature to the service
of others.” And so: “Every legitimate demand for guidance,
for leadership, for expert knowledge, for trained skill, for personal
service, it is the ... duty of the University to meet.” Butler
made it clear that he disapproved of “academic aloofness.”
He urged Columbia to recruit faculty and students “competent
to be the intellectual and spiritual leaders of the nation and competent
to train others for leadership.” “Great personalities,”
he proclaimed, “make great universities.”
This 100-year-old vision can serve as a guide for us in this new
century as well. Given this enhanced involvement with the outside
world, which is part of the essence of Columbia’s role as
the great urban university, it is crucial that we engage while retaining
our distinctive academic character. In the real world, conflict
and choices are always present, and that tends inevitably to affect
how we think and discuss. It is harder to be intellectually “free,”
to have that largeness of view that permits [one] to see the other
side ... University engagement with the political sphere, therefore,
must always be limited by the need to maintain that special intellectual
angle of vision that, in the end, is what makes us of value to the
society in the first place. And, for its part, when society invites
our participation, it must be careful to resist the impulse it feels
at times to crush that fragile intellectual spirit, for in any unrestrained
battle, as Machiavelli said years ago, the state will win.
Second: Columbia, as the quintessential great urban university,
is more international. I mean by this not only the presence in our
university of individuals from outside the boundaries of the United
States, which is significant. Columbia stands in the very top group
of American universities in terms of the number of international
students. (This is a longstanding Columbia policy: It was the first
university in the United States to have more than 1,000 foreign
students, in 1953.) Today, our students come from 145 nations, and
a quarter of our faculty are foreign-born. Rather, by saying Columbia
is more international, I mean something more than this; I mean international
in perspective, in consciousness, in our interests and our engagements
as students, teachers and scholars. In New York City, you cannot
help but feel the presence of every part of the globe, and so it
is at Columbia. I, therefore, believe that in every field represented
at this university, there is more focus on world issues. And, so,
deep down, Columbia possesses naturally the sense of itself as a
citizen of the world. We engage with the world, not just out of
a calculation of self-interest, but out of a sense of responsibility.
Third: Columbia is profoundly committed to the educational principle
of diversity. Again, just as this city is the most diverse in the
world, so is Columbia a highly diverse university. Among just a
handful of American universities, Columbia has fiercely maintained
over the years a commitment to devote its resources to a policy
of need-blind admissions for undergraduates. Diversity, as well
as educational opportunity, underlie this commitment. We all have
much to learn about different cultures, about different ways of
organizing societies, about how life experiences shape how one sees
the world, about our perceptions (often inaccurate and oversimplified)
of people of different cultures, societies, race and ethnicities.
This is the true marketplace of ideas.
At home in this country, the work of integration begun by one
of the greatest Supreme Court decisions of the 20th century —
Brown v. Board of Education — is far from over, although
much progress has been made. (Many Columbians were involved with
Brown: Robert Carter, Kenneth and Mamie Clark, Jack Greenberg [’45],
Otto Kleinberg, Constance Baker Motley and Jack Weinstein.) Over
the past four decades, our American universities have done their
part to fulfill the promise of Brown, by seeking the educational,
intellectual and emotional benefits of diverse student populations.
It would be an American tragedy if this progress were stalled by
a reversal of Constitutional doctrine now nearly a half-century
old, as determined opponents of affirmative action are at this moment
trying to do. Very likely, the issue of the constitutionality of
considering race and ethnicity as factors in admissions —
the most important civil rights issue since Brown — will come
before the Supreme Court this year. The outcome will have direct
relevance to Columbia, as it will for all higher education.
Fourth: Columbia, as the quintessential great urban university,
is — perhaps ironically — deeply committed to tradition.
Here, I think of the great Core Curriculum, the longest running,
most extensive core curriculum in the country. In the face of the
swirling life surrounding us in this flourishing world city, it
is not surprising that Columbia, as a university, would feel a greater
need to hold onto what is precious from our history. And, yet, the
greatness of this conservative impulse is not the wish to study
Aristotle in isolation, but rather to immerse oneself in these great
works while considering the great issues of our time — hence
the title of the oldest Core course, “Contemporary Civilization.”
(Lionel Trilling [’25] said of reading King Lear
that to read this “dire report of life” is “invigorating”
because it “does us the honor of supposing that we will make
every possible effort of mind to withstand the force of its despair
and to understand the complexity of what it tells us about the nature
of human existence; it draws us into more activity than we’d
thought ourselves capable of.”
Fifth: Columbia, as the quintessential great urban university,
is — unexpectedly — the ultimate college town. One of
the most surprising things about this university is the number of
students, faculty and staff living within just a few blocks of where
we are now gathered. Life here is exactly the opposite of what people
commonly assume about a great university in a colossal city such
as New York. It is like classical Athens, where citizens could throw
on their tunics and walk to the forum and consider the world. The
atmosphere is pervaded by thought and discussion; it is a community,
not just a campus.
Sixth: Columbia is integrated into the fabric of the neighborhoods
and the city. We share life with our neighbors, and we have great
responsibility to them. For New York City, Columbia University is
immensely important. The University brings in well over a billion
dollars a year to the city economy, generating last year more than
10,000 jobs. Columbia is New York City’s largest academic
research center, spending $418 million on research last year (27
percent of all academic research spending in New York City).
This carries over more immediately to Morningside Heights, Harlem
and Washington Heights. We spend $42 million annually for goods
and services from Upper Manhattan and South Bronx businesses, and
we must continue to actively seek new ways to help the local economies.
But above all else, the University benefits enormously by living
amidst such creative and resilient communities.
Seventh and last: Columbia, as the quintessential great urban
university, is the most constrained for space. This is not even
a close question. Indeed, if college and university rankings were
based on creativity per square foot, Columbia would far surpass
everyone. This state of affairs, however, cannot last. To fulfill
our responsibilities and aspirations, Columbia must expand significantly
over the next decade. Whether we expand on the property we already
own on Morningside Heights, Manhattanville or Washington Heights,
or whether we pursue a design of multiple campuses in the city,
or beyond, is one of the most important questions we will face in
the years ahead. As we enter these discussions, we will need to
continue working collaboratively with the governor, the mayor and
our neighboring communities and their leaders. We must be guided
by a comprehensive vision for the University’s real needs.
Will Rogers said of Nicholas Murray Butler that he would never
be satisfied with Columbia’s expansion until he had achieved
the annexation of Grant’s Tomb. I hereby disclaim any such
So, for those inclined, genetically or otherwise, to forget inaugural
speeches, remember these traits of the quintessential great urban
university: it is engaged, international, diverse, steeped in tradition,
a college town, part of the city and neighborhood and desperately
in need of space.
You may read President Bollinger’s inaugural address
in its entirety at www.columbia.edu/cu/president/inaugural.html.
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