Tying the (Columbia) Knot
Saturday, June 22, Grissel Seijo ’93 and
Elbert García ’97 were married at
the Reeders, Pa., home of the bride’s sister. Of the 190 guests,
approximately 35 were affiliated with Columbia. The bride, who earned
a master’s degree from Teachers
College and is a student at Fordham
Law School, has worked as a counselor at the Double
Discovery Center, an assistant director in the Alumni
Office, an assistant to the 2001 Presidential Search Committee
and an executive assistant to President
Lee C. Bollinger. The groom is a freelance writer who began
a Congressional Fellowship in Washington, D.C., in November. The
couple met at the DDC. Gerald Sherwin ’55,
former president of the Columbia
College Alumni Association, gave away the bride. Pictured (clockwise,
from left) are Yvonne Maldonado ’95, Judy
Agramonte, Ivelisse Clausell ’95 TC, Grissel
Seijo de García ’93, Elbert García ’97,
Nelson García, German Santana ’97,
Rafael Collazo ’97, and Gerald Sherwin
’55, with Thalia Coyne and Anthony David Clausell
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