Hillary Clinton. Al Gore. John McCain. Bill Bradley. Ralph
Nader. Such a set of political heavyweights can usually only be
found power-lunching in a Washington, D.C., steakhouse (at separate
tables, of course), or perhaps appearing on a particularly
ambitious Meet the Press episode. [more]
John Jay Dinner
2002 |
On Wednesday, March 6, more than 600 alumni, friends,
students and faculty filled the Grand Ballroom of the Plaza Hotel
to honor four outstanding alumni — Derek Q. Johnson
'81, Joel I. Klein '67, Conrad Lung '72 and
William H. McDavid '68 — who received John Jay Awards
for Distinguished Professional Achievement. [more]
Spotlight: Peter Cincotti '05, Alisa
Weilerstein '04 |
“I wish everybody wore suits and hats like they did 50
years ago,” says Peter Cincotti ’05, speaking
wistfully from the lobby of midtown Manhattan’s Algonquin
Hotel, where he is surrounded by proud Victorian chairs and oak
molding. [more]
Don’t call Alisa Weilerstein ’04 a prodigy.
“Don’t ever use that word again!” she admonishes.
“People say that all the time, and it drives me crazy. I just
have a visceral aversion to that word.” She prefers
‘precocious.’ [more]
Columbia College
Fund Turns 50 |
As Columbia University nears its 250th anniversary,
another anniversary is being celebrated right here, right now. This
year, the Columbia College Fund completes 50 years of helping
students. [more]