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Reunion Weekend May 30 - June 2 to Celebrate Columbia, New York

By Timothy P. Cross

Taking Notes from Nature
Reunion is a special time for alumni to return to campus and see changes that have taken place since they graduated, renew old friendships with classmates as well as make new ones, and enjoy a taste of what New York has to offer.
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Reunion weekend, an opportunity to catch up with old friends, see the many improvements on campus and take advantage of New York culture and nightlife, is May 30–June 2 for alumni from classes that end in 2 or 7.

Following last year’s successful model, reunion now covers four days, beginning on Thursday night, when reunion-goers can purchase discount tickets (first come, first served) to a selection of Broadway shows. When the theaters let out, the College will host a reception at Sardi’s, the famous theater-district restaurant.

Friday morning and afternoon features walking tours of campus, Central Park, Harlem and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine as well as a bus trip (tickets required) to the Rockefeller family’s Kykuit Estate near Tarrytown, N.Y. Alumni will be able to listen to the Admissions Office staff describe the admissions process, hear David Denby ’65 (the author of Great Books) speak on the Core Curriculum in today’s society or simply relax, listen to music and enjoy a bistro lunch on Low Plaza. In the evening, the Classes of ’42, ’52, ’57 and ’62 will have class cocktail parties, and Dean Austin Quigley will host a reception at the America’s Society on Park Avenue.

Taking Notes from Nature

Later that night, everyone is invited to the Hammerstein Ballroom in the Manhattan Center on West 34th Street for Casino Royale, where your “Columbia Cash” can be redeemed for Columbia merchandise. The tables will remain in play after 10 p.m., when alumni (from the Classes of 1987–2002) from the College, Barnard and SEAS gather in the ballroom for the second annual alumni dance party, hosted by the Columbia College Alumni Association.

Saturday begins with the Dean’s Brunch and Convocation, when Dean Quigley will address alumni and present dean’s pins to reunion volunteers. The day’s activities include Professor of History Ken Jackson, president of the New-York Historical Society, and Ric Burns ’78, director of New York: A Documentary Film, discussing post-September 11 New York City; class panels and discussions; and jazz, volleyball and a barbeque on South Field and Low Plaza. On Saturday night, classes will have their individual receptions, dinners and class photos, with all reunion-goers invited to attend the Starlight Reception on Low Plaza in the evening.

Taking Notes from Nature

Alumni from reunion classes should have received reunion information and a registration packet in March. Online registration, a complete program of events (including class-specific activities), information on housing, child care, parking and other general information, and frequently asked questions are available on the College’s reunion Web site:

If you have other questions, please call the Alumni Office toll-free at (866) CCALUMNI, or e-mail to

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