Columbia Connections
Max on Boxing
Reunion 2002



Cover Story

University President Lee C. Bollinger spoke with CCT about his plans for his presidency, the College's importance, early decision, financial aid, and what it means to be Columbia's leader. [more]

[Columbia Connections]

An ambitious plan undertaken by Alumni Affairs and Development, in conjunction with other units in the college, Columbia Connections strives to connect alumni with each other and Alma Mater via events, a new e-community and opportunities for involvement. [More]


[Max on Boxing]

With his unique commentary style and impressive knowledge of boxing's glory days, Max Kellerman '98 wows the sport's aficionados - as well as anyone who tunes in - as co-host of ESPN2's Friday Night Fights. [More]


[Reunion 2002]

Relive the moments - or see what you missed - in a photo spread from Reunion 2002, the College's best-attended ever. [More]




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