Architecturally controversial when it opened in the fall
of 1999, the campus's new student center is steadily becoming more
appreciated and widely used ... clearly being transformed into a
true center for Columbia students. [More]
Traveling on
Unbeaten Paths |
Edward Rice '40
was born on October 23, 1918, on the kitchen table of the Rice
family home in Brooklyn, delivered by one Dr. Joseph McLaughlin,
whose death in a shootout over a woman later made headlines. It's a
good story. It may even be true. [More]
Plaza Glitters
for John Jay Honorees |
By all measures,
the 2001 John Jay Awards dinner at the Plaza Hotel was one of the
most successful events the College has seen. More than 650 people
filled the ballroom to honor four alumni for distinguished
professional achievement. [More]
George J. Ames '37:
Financier and Philanthropist
For most New
Yorkers, George J. Ames '37 was known for his long association with
the investment firm of Lazard Frères & Company, where he
worked for more than 60 years and for whom he engineered some of
the most spectacular real estate deals in post-World War II New
York. [More]