Competiello Meets with Pope John Paul
II By Timothy P.

Pope John Paul II embraces
Sarah Competiello as her father, Dr. Louis
Competiello (right) and mother, Dr.
Nelza Rivera-Competiello, look on.
Louis S. Competiello '77, his wife, Dr. Nelza
Rivera-Competiello, along with members of their family, met with
His Holiness, Pope John Paul II on July 31, 2000, at Castel
Gandolfo, the Pontiff's summer residence outside of
Competiello says the high point of the meeting was the Holy
Father's embrace of his daughter, Sarah, after she told the pope,
in both Polish and Italian (as she had rehearsed with her father),
"Holy Father, I love you." Competiello, who speaks French, Italian,
Spanish and Polish, spoke with the Pontiff in Polish and
was the Competiello's fourth face-to-face meeting with the Pope
since 1987. They used the occasion to present the Holy Father with
documents regarding a new national Catholic organization, The
Catholic Voice of America, which Competiello leads. The
organization, which opened its offices in September 2000, will work
closely with United States bishops to help promote Roman
Catholicism in America and respond to attacks on Catholicism and
Christianity in the media and entertainment industry.
Competiello adds his work on behalf of Catholicism to a
full-time schedule as a physician in Connecticut. A native of
Brooklyn, N.Y., Competiello grew up on Long Island, graduated from
Syosset High School, and studied anthropology at the College
(including courses with Margaret Mead). He attended the Mt. Sinai
School of Medicine, completed his residency in internal medicine at
the Long Island Jewish-Hillside Medical Center in New Hyde Park,
N.Y., and served a gastroenterology fellowship at the Albert
Einstein-Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx. Competiello is an
assistant clinical professor of internal medicine and family
medicine at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in
Farmingham, Conn.
Competiello also maintains a private practice in Enfield,
Conn., with his wife. Rivera-Competiello is a graduate of the
University of Puerto Rico and the University of Puerto Rico Medical
School. She completed an internship in surgery and residency in
anesthesiology at the Mt. Sinai Medical Center as well as a second
residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation at the New York
Hospital-Cornell Medical Center and the Albert Einstein-Montefiore
Medical Center, where she was chief resident.
Following their summer meeting, John Paul II sent a special
papal blessing to Competiello and Rivera-Competiello in recognition
of their outstanding work as physicians.